The state of US education 55 years ago.
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
The best thing about America is that the music always stays relevant.
Wonder if we’re going to get any World War 3 bangers soon. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Here’s a whole album full, from around the same time - KMFDM - WWIII 10 months ago
People were applauding this at the time too. 10 months ago
What’s this? 10 months ago
Kent State Massacre.
Anti-Vietnam war rally at a university saw the national guard called in to stop it, and they ended up killing 4 people. 10 months ago 10 months ago
But props to the Columbia U staff for walking out. In other universities this was just par for the course, and the faculty stayed put as students were arrested 10 months ago
Or was it just not reported? 10 months ago
I would imagine media would have loved to report on an additional element of the story, but 10 months ago 10 months ago
Meanwhile the supreme court decides whether workers have rights. Totally not a failed state at this point. 10 months ago
Or if homeless people are committing a crime by being homeless 10 months ago
You’re allowed to be homeless, you’re just not allowed to sleep. 10 months ago
Well, not as much as Russia yet. But you have worse healthcare than even Uzbekistan. Not that Uzbek’s healthcare is bad, just that you have worse than in Asia. 10 months ago
Manufactured incident. If you read what those young adults on the ground are saying its clear this is the all being inflamed by the media and school officials. Not the students of which many are Jewish in support of Palestine. 10 months ago
This feels so our of context. Like, what is the link between the state of education and a picture of 20 police people standing on top of a stair? 10 months ago
They’re at a university. Arresting students who are protesting for the genocide in Gaza. They want the university to halt collaborations with Israeli universities. 10 months ago
Students have been protesting the genocide happening in Palestine. This is Texas’ response. Republicans recently called on Biden to send the National Guard to break the protests, hoping for another Kent State scenario which would tank his ratings even more. When Biden refused, Texas sent state police instead. 10 months ago
whats the context? im ootl on this one. 10 months ago
There’s massive student protests for Palestine going on at American universities right now. The universities are calling in the police to arrest their students. Some have locked down their universities and moved to online-only lessons to ignore the protests. 10 months ago
Why do they care so much about the protests that they are having the students arrested? I don’t get it. Just let them protest 10 months ago
Students once again standing up for a populace having war brought to them courtesy of the US of A. 10 months ago
The Land of the Free*
- Unless you disagree with the mainstream narrative, in which case you should not be free. 10 months ago
“Courtesy of th US of A” is more anti-US fluff than bare truth. Netanyahu and those of power in Isreal are due far more credit. Everyone involved is shite. 10 months ago
Admin at this school is suspending students based on their political beliefs. They use the bad faith arguments that opposing Israel is equivalent to antisemitism. The same tactics that the Chinese government has uses. 10 months ago
Oh shut the fuck up, you don’t know shit about China and they have nothing to do with this. They actually support Palestinians unlike genocide Joe 10 months ago
Ah, yes, the famous American right to free speech 10 months ago
No no, free speech is when you can say slurs on social media. 10 months ago
Amidst a statewide Texas push to cast parents of trans children as child abusers, a pair of fraternal twins heading up the Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) are under fire for using student-group resources to push transphobic campaigns at their respective colleges.
The twins, Kelly and Jake Neidert, manage communications for YCT chapters at the University of North Texas and Baylor, respectively. Kelly, who has been at the center of several anti-trans controversies on her campus, faces growing calls from her fellow students to be expelled for allegedly making the environment inhospitable to trans students.
Kelly has also received support from former Proud Boys lawyer Jason Lee Van Dyke, who has his own long history of anti-LGBTQ comments.
Van Dyke’s desire to help a far-right student group is not out of character for him. Back in 2007, years after having been kicked out of Michigan State University for weapons charges, he lent legal aid to the now-infamous chairman of MSU Young Americans for Freedom, white nationalist lawyer Kyle Bristow. (Leading up to and after the tragedy in Charlottesville during the violent Unite the Right rally, Bristow helped construct a network of white nationalist lawyers around the country aimed at bringing white supremacists to speak on college campuses. He founded the now defunct Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas, of which Van Dyke was named the Director of Legal Advocacy in 2016.) In 2007, MSU YAF became the first student group in the United States to be designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
With Bristow’s support, the MSU YAF chapter carried out strikingly similar tactics of activism and provocation as YCT is doing today at the University of North Texas. They chalked up sidewalks, distributed provocative flyers for events aimed at capturing undocumented students, and turned lecture halls into makeshift culture-war zones that required their escort by police through angry crowds. 10 months ago
Context? What’s a bunch of cops standing next to each other got to do with education? Thanks! 10 months ago
Students in America are protesting the genocide in Israel and American military aid for Israel. The response of their schools and local authorities has been to arrest them. 10 months ago
You know the last time a bunch of poorly trained idiots were handed guns and told to stand around while students protest, they ended up shooting the students. 10 months ago
This is Texas. They are afraid of 20 year olds. 10 months ago
Students are protesting the Palestinian genocide. Texas sent state police to the campuses, to attempt to break the protests. 10 months ago
It sure as hell isn’t an elementary school in Texas 10 months ago
Yeah, not enough guns and dead children in this photo for it to be an elementary school. 10 months ago
It’s a bit of fake news, blown totally out of proportion because of “Israel First.”
But still, ACAB. 10 months ago
The police crackdowns on pro Palestine demonstrations are pretty big right now I wouldn’t say this is “out of proportion”. Colombia shut down their entire school
This is the riot police showing up at the University of Texas today 10 months ago
I mean the media characterization of “antisemitism” and the subsequent response is blown out of proportion.
To my knowledge the vast majority of protesters have welcomed Israelis into their ranks, and the few agent provocateurs from the first few days are gone now. Which makes sense, considering how much Bibi’s genocidal actions are undermining Israeli interests. 10 months ago
USSA: “Education shall not pass!”
"Take good care of book"
"Excelling in our duty"
"To build you should know, to know you should learn"
"Our country should be most literate and culural country in the world", "Learn and work! Work and learn!", "To have more you should produce more, to produce more you should know more"
"...the task is TO LEARN!", reference to Lenin's quote " learn, to learn and to learn"
"Work at day, learn at evening"
For context this is worker with medal “For Labour Valour” Image 10 months ago
Gee, I wonder why tuition is so high and yet class sizes keep getting bigger and courses are increasingly stripped down to standardized testing format.
Where could all of that money gone? 10 months ago
Learning is fundamental 10 months ago
Learning is fundamental
ly against the goals of the capitalist 10 months ago
“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” - Malcolm X
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” - John F. Kennedy
“I and some colleagues came to the conclusion that as violence in this country was inevitable, it would be wrong and unrealistic for African leaders to continue preaching peace and non-violence at a time when the government met our peaceful demands with force. It was only when all else had failed, when all channels of peaceful protest had been barred to us, that the decision was made to embark on violent forms of political struggle.” - Nelson Mandela 10 months ago
The JFK quote here is perfect. A single line that evaluates exactly what is happening. And if violent protests are to occur, everyone will shake their heads and go “this isn’t America!” 10 months ago
“This isn’t the USA!”
They said about a country built on a violent revolution against the Empire that controlled it and a civil war that was never finished. 10 months ago
Plays “baby shark” on repeat. 10 months ago
Worth noting that the Malcom X and Nelson Mandela thought processes were what eventually led to the formation of the Black Panthers during the civil rights era, and subsequently led to gun control laws being started by republicans. During the civil rights protests, people quickly realized that peaceful protests were violently broken. But heavily armed peaceful protests had police nervously watching from across the street.
Because police had no qualms about firing into an unarmed crowd to get people to disperse. But when the entire crowd is armed to the teeth and can immediately return fire, the police are suddenly okay with watching from afar. This was the start of the Black Panthers; a group who organized heavily armed protests.
When conservative lawmakers saw a bunch of heavily armed black people (and allies) on their front steps, and saw the police unwilling to break the protests, those conservative lawmakers got really fucking sweaty. So instead, they gave the police tools to arrest individual protestors. The Mulford Act was drafted and quickly passed. At the time, it was the most restrictive gun control law the country had ever seen. It was written by Ronald Reagan (yes, the same Ronald Reagan that the right uplifts as a paragon of conservative values,) and was supported by the NRA, (yes, the same NRA that lobbies for looser gun control laws in the wakes of school shootings.)
This gave the police the power to arrest individual protestors after the fact. Instead of firing into the crowd to disperse the protest, they would wait for the protest to end, follow the protestors home, then kick in their front doors while they were having dinner with their families. (Remember all of the “don’t bring your cell phone to protests because police will arrest you a week or two later if your phone was pinged nearby” messaging during the pandemic protests? Yeah…)
This led to the Black Panthers diving underground. They realized what was happening after protests, so they took efforts to guard their members’ identities. They pulled tactics straight out of anti-espionage textbooks. Randomized meeting places, so police couldn’t set up stings ahead of time. Code names, so arrested members couldn’t rat even if they wanted to. Fragmented info, so no one person (even the leaders) could take down the entire operation if busted. Coded messages. Dead drops. Et cetera, et cetera… 10 months ago
Thank you for taking the time to teach us the history of what brought about the Black Panthers and the history behind certain laws being passed to make protesting more difficult!