- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 1 day ago:
Yes, and silence is complicity.
- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 1 day ago:
Aka shock doctrine
- Comment on I add two docker containers via CLI and suddenly I can't ssh into my machine or access any local container.... what happened?? 1 week ago:
You say you changed port configs in the yml, but then refuse to share said yml when people ask to see configs.
If this is some sort of trolling attempt, going to have to rate it 0/8.
Let this be a lesson to you - don’t modify port settings unless you’ve triple checked the documentation. It’s easy to mix them up with docker. And don’t ever use a known port value for a service like ssh, that’s just asking for trouble. Docker provides other ways to access the virtualized cli.
- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 1 week ago:
Don’t call them Surely, or they’ll deport you for being a woke DEI agent.
- Comment on ‘It’s like 1948’: Israel cleanses vast West Bank region of nearly all Palestinians 1 week ago:
In Gaza there’s a lot of oil under the beachfront property - yes, it’s quite valuable land, which is part of the reason the US is helping Israel steal it.
- Comment on Trump Is Freezing Money for Clean Energy. Republican States Have the Most to Lose. 2 weeks ago:
Thought this was known?
- Comment on Microsoft gives up on users experiencing problems updating their Windows 11 machines. Now recommends a "manual correction" 3 weeks ago:
- Manually insert USB drive with bootable Linux ISO of choice
- …
- Profit!
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
Supply-side Jesus would like a word with you…
- Comment on The Government’s Computing Experts Say They Are Terrified | Four IT professionals lay out just how destructive Elon Musk’s incursion into the U.S. government could be. 3 weeks ago:
At the least they could obstruct, using any means at their disposal, be them legally dubious or not. The repugs would do the same.
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 3 weeks ago:
Hopefully they don’t wait over 2 years to get started this time, if that’s the strategy.
- Comment on Dell kills the XPS brand 1 month ago:
Land of marketing and advertising, gotta ruin everything. RIP XPS, good little machines.
- Comment on Let's Encrypt is 10 years old today ! 3 months ago:
Yay for their glorious, free trusted ssl certs. Love this project!
- Comment on AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs 5 months ago:
Afaik this is precisely what the captcha data was intended for - training AI models. Originally leveraged machine learning. LLMs are a slightly different paradigm but same purpose and results here.
- Comment on Stay motivated 5 months ago:
Gah, I knew it! Curse you deep state!!
- Comment on "REM sleep is the next AI" 5 months ago:
- Comment on Kroger executive admits company gouged prices above inflation 5 months ago:
Yeah, he was literally bragging about it on the quarterly earnings calls as it was happening. They’ve only paused the price gouging now that it’s a hot topic, don’t think for a minute prices will go back down or that this won’t resume in a year or so when there’s some other distraction available.
We need regulations to stop this predatory behavior, and we desperately need to break up monopolies like Kroger, if this problem is to be mitigated.
- Comment on Ryzen CPU owners can now download better gaming performance thanks to a Windows 11 update 5 months ago:
JFC, win_blows_.
- Comment on Elon Musk urged to take X responsibilities more seriously 6 months ago:
lmao even.
- Comment on A new angle 6 months ago:
Ah yes, the “Twin Towers”
No…there is another!
- Comment on Intel's stock drops 30% overnight —company sheds $39 billion in market cap | As of now, Intel's market value is a fraction of Nvidia's worth and less than half of AMD's 6 months ago:
Don’t be so sure about that.
- Comment on My friend JD Vance has never cuddled a couch. 7 months ago:
This stood out to me as well, and I too find myself potentially eating the onion on this one.
What a time to be alive!
- Comment on Before it's too late! 7 months ago:
How you do that?!
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
We must defend the PPS! (Physical Psychological and Social) From benereal disease. OK Computor
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
A vote for Biden, who according to all polling and public sentiment will clearly lose to Trump in November, is throwing away your vote.
Educate yourself to at least not mis-gender those who would better represent you, and it may be the first step towards our country recovering from the neoliberal mess we’re presently trapped within.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
Trump’s the perfect figurehead for MAGA, why should he drop out?
- Comment on Mildred 7 months ago:
Alright, everything’s coming up Mildred!
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
DNC would rather lose than have an actual progressive win
This was made perfectly clear in 2016 when Hillary stole the nom by colluding with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
If people haven’t caught on by now, they haven’t been paying attention. Or are just willfully ignorant.
- Comment on Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web 8 months ago:
Only because our “representatives” let them write the law entirely. Imagine if Congress wasn’t filled to the brim with 80 year old fundraisers…
- Comment on Pioneering internet messenger ICQ shuts after 28 years - CNA 8 months ago:
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
This was my first thought. “Ironing?! Ain’t nobody got time for that!” It would probably be nice though.