Reddit Refugee
- Comment on The priorities of life 2 weeks ago:
Totally feel you. I’m also from central Europe and currently making a vacation in Thailand and it’s crazy how there almost no sidewalks. It feels like the government forces you to rent a scooter or in your case to buy a car to get around safely.
- Comment on The priorities of life 2 weeks ago:
This sounds like a place where everything is built around cars and walking is not a real option. 😟
- Comment on I'll have one war please 4 weeks ago:
Exploring the world right now.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
As long as we canot ask them, if it’s ok if we take their honey (consent), it’s not vegan. For an counter example, it’s fairly easy to get consent from a dog to touch them. Most people are able to tell if they are fine or not.
- Comment on Study hack 5 months ago:
Or just download every bit of content.
- Comment on Platypuses 5 months ago:
I wonder how they process food.
- Comment on Some basic info about USB 5 months ago:
Have the thunderbolt symbol on my HP Laptop.
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
Always have a tiny USB drive on my key chain. The digital space is so huge nowadays and they cost almost nothing.
- Comment on Education 10 months ago:
This feels so our of context. Like, what is the link between the state of education and a picture of 20 police people standing on top of a stair?
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
How do you know that his name is Steve if you never watched it?
- Comment on It's not easy 1 year ago:
It’s already in the name ‘hair die’
- Comment on Trauma 1 year ago:
A whole generation of adults wasn’t even born when it happend.
- Comment on A Novel Approach to Yotube Ads 1 year ago:
Or use Firefox
- Comment on Yeah, Yeah, wait what? 1 year ago:
Horrible to read
- Comment on YouTube is now fully blocking ad blockers around the world 1 year ago:
Well if you are using Firefox, you obviously life the easy life. But what about the Edge or Chrome users here? Habe some respect for those poor guys.
- Comment on Gen Z is cooking more and shopping less as they struggle to achieve financial success 1 year ago:
Where are they getting their ingridients from to cook if they shop less? Or do they just eat less? Is this about starvation?
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
- Comment on A Real Man's Cookbook 1 year ago:
So a real man I supposed to be into cooking semen? So only gay men are real men? Interesting perspective.
- Comment on Love at first sight 1 year ago:
Isn’t he gay?
- Comment on A place for all the feels 1 year ago:
Did this once on a second date. It overwhelmed her. Never saw her afterwards.
- Comment on Samsung Announces 256TB SSDs and Unveils Peta-Byte Scale PBSSDs 1 year ago:
I recently paid €80 for a 1TB Samsung 990 M.2and €160 for 4TB Crucial P3 M.2 with half the speed. I feel like the prices are great. And I can easily spot the difference in my every day use compared to my 10 year old 5400rpm hdd that costed about the same back than.
- Comment on “We just lost 3TB of data on a SanDisk Extreme SSD” - The Verge 1 year ago:
Got my gf a 2TB version. She also lost most of her files after 1 month of usage. She uses MacOS. But it’s probably to some degree of personal failure. So not sure if this is relevant.
- Comment on my single most hated emoji 1 year ago:
- Comment on It's early morning! Do you mind? 1 year ago:
The joke is probably that he drinks himself some beer. In Austria this can be quiet normal. Nobody bats an eye as long as you don’t do this at work.
- Comment on How many extensions do you have installed on your Firefox? 1 year ago:
As you already have so many Youtube extensions, you should check out sponsorblock. It lets you automatically skip ads within the video itself. And if not done yet, you can do it yourself for the community.
- Comment on anyone else? i made this to represent my struggle. 1 year ago:
People who have never heard of milk free ice cream are a bliss. So much to learn about the world. Must be wonderful to experience all those incredible things every day.