- Comment on Poor guy 1 day ago:
This is 100% correct in high detail.
What’s amazing is that many other African countries have the same or a similar rule. And Starlink operates on those counties, meaning that he is willing to engage with the rules-as-official-bribes system. It’s that he wants to try and name the SA government look like they’re prioritizing bribes over “improving” things for the average person. He has demonstrated it’s entirely personal.
Meanwhile, Amazon and EuTelSat are going to have a non-politicized alternative to market before he ever gets his head out of his ass, and lap him in that largest market on the continent.
- Comment on Tea time 2 days ago:
Awww, so nice.
Can you serve as a job reference for them? “Yes, agent 83847 was sooooo stealthy. They never once accidentally sent me a dick pic.”
- Comment on FCC chair says we’re too dependent on GPS and wants to explore ‘alternatives’ (read: multi billion contract with Musk) 2 days ago:
No idea. I think there’s a lot of machine learning - enabled mapping up front.
- Comment on Donald Trump’s crypto project netted $350mn from presidential memecoin 2 days ago:
What a weird way to write “Crypto scam launders bribes while fleecing of fans to a total of $350 million.”
- Comment on FCC chair says we’re too dependent on GPS and wants to explore ‘alternatives’ (read: multi billion contract with Musk) 2 days ago:
I really hope this means another attempt to use the magnetosphere itself. MAGNAV might actually be possible at this point.
- Comment on FCC chair says we’re too dependent on GPS and wants to explore ‘alternatives’ (read: multi billion contract with Musk) 2 days ago:
My phone uses the Graft Positioning System to tell me where I can go and who I can talk to.
- Comment on Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system. 3 days ago:
100% on board.
- Comment on Cloudflare blocking Pale Moon and other browsers with smaller user bases 3 days ago:
Doesn’t seem to. I turned off all the LW resist options, plus all my extensions, and still ended up in an infinite loop.
- Comment on I think I prefer the fediverse chick 3 days ago:
You know, one of the 20 reasons I left reddit was the rather widespread nature of people with genuine mental health issues being everywhere. And that often, they simply just get down votes and not anything resembling compassionate suggestions for finding help.
I haven’t seen many severely mentally ill people that can make it through the low bar of registering for Lemmy and be functional enough to post. But, I guess here we are.
- Comment on Why Techdirt Is Now A Democracy Blog (Whether We Like It Or Not) 4 days ago:
I’ve worked and lived in a lot of developing countries. I can’t shout into the void any more then I already do, that I’ve seen this a dozen times.
Colleagues of mine that lived under corrupt kleptocracies with things like massive state surveillance of average people for simply being in the wrong political party tell me how great it is that the US has finally caught up with them.
The commonality is that we have already, in 6 weeks, hit a point of it taking a generation to undo what’s been done.
The people who aren’t freaked out are either normal people that don’t have a sense of what’s coming and can’t comprehend life outside the status quo, and those that think they’ll directly benefit from it all.
- Comment on Cloudflare blocking Pale Moon and other browsers with smaller user bases 5 days ago:
LibreWolf is next, and it’s not exactly niche. In seeing it more and more, and LW defaults, even dropping resist settings, gets bounced by CloudFlare every time.
- Comment on Mozilla is already revising its new Firefox terms to clarify how it handles user data 6 days ago:
“ChatGPT, I need your help. Please pretend to be a lawyer that recently suffered a severe concussion and write me something I can post online that will male this situation slightly weirder.”
- Comment on Eggs sure have gotten cheap! Oh they haven't?...well I'm sure Trump is doing EVERYTHING he can 1 week ago:
Mom, I told you that you can only be on the internet for 30 minutes a day, and that can only be on Facebook.
Look at you, on Lemmy? You’re gonna let the communists win like that? Look what they did to you! You’re basically a tankie now!
Now go get Dad from the garage and tell him about about how the gay chemtrail frogs edited Jeffry Epstein’s flight logs.
- Comment on hate your job? how about you die and still have to do it 1 week ago:
The actual IP gem is the early 2000s CGI cartoon Roughnecks that was far closer to the original book. Underrated, bit also hard to find.
- Comment on The Guinness World Record for the largest private collection of fossilized dinosaur shit. 1 week ago:
This guy moved from Florida to northern Arizona (where you turn to go to the Grand Canyon) and opened the Poozeum where you can see the entire collection. Poozeum.com
10/10, would recommend if you’re in the area. Realistically, its a fossilized poop collection with a gift shop in the middle, but that means hilarious poop-themed things for sale. There’s nothing not to love.
- Comment on Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents 1 week ago:
I mean, if you optimize it effectively up front, an index of hotels with AI agents doing customer service should be available, with an Agent-only channel, allowing what amounts to a text chat between the two agents. There’s no sense in doing this over the low-fi medium of sound when 50 exchanged packets will do the job. Especially if the agents are both of the same LLM.
AI Agents need their own Discord, and standards.
Start with hotels and travel industry and you’re reinventing the Global Distribution System travel agents use, but without the humans.
- Comment on PSA: Some of y'all are overly afraid of scorpions 1 week ago:
Is this a common thing? The one I found one time in my pool was dead, so I couldn’t ask him what he was doing there.
- Comment on The science is divided 2 weeks ago:
Horse hair colors vary.
If you shave a horse, any breeds with dark black or blue-ish grey hair will give you a variety of that pallet, getting dark enough to be stopped and frisked in larger American cities. Sometime blueish-black skin and hair pigmentation matches as well.
Most other breeds will give you a pink color range.
Source: was given a saddle for Christmas once.
- Comment on Robot with 1,000 muscles twitches like human while dangling from ceiling 2 weeks ago:
Some of this is also about less complicated ways to use patents that can also be applied to things like prosthetic limbs.
Also, it provides a control case with how well-studied human anatomy is. In terms of basic mechanical motion, there’s a clear baseline goal.
I remember seeing early versions of the synthetic muscle fibers years ago, but as far as ways to practically apply them and test, and refine them as control technology improves with machine learning. 10-15 years ago, this wasn’t really possible.
- Comment on Grok 3 roasts Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
…I should get some Linux t-shirts…
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 2 weeks ago:
These people only tell jokes that are of the “punching down” variety. That makes them laugh. Stuff like this is wishful thinking, and it’s always “bro, it was a prank” to dodge ownership of it.
That’s how the party of personal responsibility works.
- Comment on Palantir CEO Calls for Tech Patriotism, Warns of AI Warfare 2 weeks ago:
When can I get OpenAI’s Operator to mail my enemies a box of horse manure?
That’s what he means, right?
- Comment on Sorry 2 weeks ago:
Be the freak you want to see in the world.
- Comment on Get ya every time 2 weeks ago:
To be fair, that is how averages work.
On a bell curve half are above, half below the exact average point. If you take into account college students were exempt from the draft, you remove a chunk that’s likely mostly above the middle point. So by definition, the group leftover would be of below average intelligence, and more than 50% of people word fall below the average point.
- Comment on Shovel Knight artist says throwback games need 'retro authenticity' but can't coast on nostalgia alone: 'Part of the appeal of the NES era of game making was that everything was a new idea' 2 weeks ago:
I don’t disagree with the sentiment overall, and of course branding tie-ins were all about the names and not about the game. There’s no reason to build a game from the ground up in terms of gameplay when you’re leveraging IP. MegaMan is the perfect example of this. Six(!) NES games, even one IIRC after MegaMan X for the SNES was released, that were all little more than slight upgrades to the same gameplay of the original. The game was the brand, so you do just enough to give it some variation, and you’re good.
The counterfactual for this is arcade games ported to NES, which were often much more tied to their IP. TMNT 2 is a port of an arcade game released a few weeks after the TMNT 1 NES game, and look at which of those have the same look and feel of the show. The Simpsons games - same thing. Arcade titles needed to be instantly recognizable as a way to throw money at IP. NES titles did not because once you bought the game, you’ve committed to the IP tie in. Disney did a better job with matching NES gameay and IP, but thats because of their own standards.
Personally, I wouldn’t call too much of that innovation or creativity, as it’s cosmetic. Some, absolutely, bit not much. Very few companies went in for unlicensed cart manufacturing because of the capital needed. Wisdom Tree, the first company to work out how to get unlicenced carts to work, only made 13 games intended for a niche religious market, and their only SNES title was a reskin of Wolfenstein 3D. Sports games like RBI Baseball saw some of the best success because the requirements of NES licensing meant an approved UI bottleneck, which is where going from sports to NES had such a wide array of options possible.
- Comment on Shovel Knight artist says throwback games need 'retro authenticity' but can't coast on nostalgia alone: 'Part of the appeal of the NES era of game making was that everything was a new idea' 2 weeks ago:
This is a whistful nostalgia cherry-picking perspective.
The NES had a metric buttload of games that sucked and were obvious lousy branding tie-ins. Mostly crappy side-scrollers with bad controls and questionable relation to the source material. Back to the Future 2+3, Blues Brothers, the 7up Spot, Yo Noid, and IIRC, California Raisins games are a few I can think of off hand.
There was a lot of clear repurposing of game architecture constantly on the NES - Even Mario 2 was a clone and repackage of another game.
- Comment on Shitpost to the future lemmings! 3 weeks ago:
Our shitposts lay a shitpost foundation upon which a mighty shitpost empire shall survive and thrive!
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, a couple years back it went away, replaced by super stickers or some dumb thing.
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 3 weeks ago:
It’s like using the failed Reddit Gold lounge as a business model. A sub of awkward dudes that paid to be there and random people passing through and not sure WTF is going on with the awkward party.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Let’s all be clear, Reddit is part of the surveillance state.
You can’t log in without Google and Apple trackers being allowed. New Reddit has recapcha trackers on every page. Only old.reddit doesn’t track what you see, just what you write.
Your thoughts and content belong to a publicly traded company focused on profits if you use reddit.