AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants::As firms increasingly rely on artificial intelligence-driven hiring platforms, many highly qualified candidates are finding themselves on the cutting room floor.
I hate how quickly “AI” has been adopted for tasks it is wholly incapable of doing well, merely fast. 11 months ago
A business that relies on blackbox AI decision making, when dealing with people, cares not about being accurate or fair, and adopts technology on the fallacy / stupidity of appeal to novelty instead of analysing its overall impact.
IMO this practice should be forbidden. 11 months ago
AI filtering has the promise of selecting good candidates very efficiently, due to pattern recognition on a level not immediately obvious to humans. Unfortunately no company is going to train their own hiring models, and good ones don’t exist on the market. Everyone vaguely competent is chasing LLMs and image generation. Specialized, focused models are almost forgotten in the hype.
So they just go with a commercial “enterprise” tool which are as we all know utter shite. HR AI tools are even worse than your typical fake “AI”. 11 months ago
There are two additional issues, related to each other:
Based on that I think that a better approach would be to use the AI model to create a filter, that can be analysed and tweaked by human beings, and then use that filter to select candidates. They won’t do this though - because it screws with their “I did nothing!!! the ai did it!!” excuse to be unfair.