Someone took a list of insults written about soldiers in the military, and rephrased them. Do you actually think teachers would say this stuff about their students in writing?
This website just doesn’t get satire.
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Someone took a list of insults written about soldiers in the military, and rephrased them. Do you actually think teachers would say this stuff about their students in writing?
This website just doesn’t get satire.
I swear this website (collection of websites, social media network, whatever) makes me regret leaving reddit more and more every day. The people here are fully incapable of understanding sarcasm or humor. It’s hilarious
I think it’s partly because you’d get mocked ruthlessly on Reddit for missing the joke, whereas here either nobody points it out, or they’re very kind about it.
Yeah it’s pretty shit isn’t it.
Yes lol, have you seen reports about NYC schools?
“When her IQ reaches 50 she should sell” is probably the wittiest one.
I’m going to assume that none of these teachers are real, some corndog just pulled this thing out of the fucked up meme engine that makes facebook suck so bad. Some schmuck who writes jokes for morning FM drive time radio probably sat down with a pencil and wrote these.
If it gets any worse it’s going to say “REAL FRIENDS STAY” in shitty cursive on a purple background and that’s it, that’s the whole meme, because facebook.
I wonder how close to the bottom of that drain we are now.
It’s absolutely a work of fiction.
That or “Your child has delusions of adequacy.”
“REAL FRIENDS STAY” in shitty cursive on a purple background
Oh dear god why’d you have to make this so accurate, I feel like I’ve traveled back in time against my will
I hope the teacher who said #11 isn’t teaching reproductive biology.
The sperm that makes it through to the egg doesn’t get there first. Multitudes of other sperms have died weakening the wall, receiving nothing in return, only for another to slide right in and reap all the rewards and renown for their sacrifice. It’s basically the perfect analogy for capitalism.
No teacher said any of these, it’s made up.
Probably, but I find that you get more enjoyment from these memes with a little willful suspension of disbelief 🤷
The free market is not, as the social Darwinists imagine, a struggle between rich and poor, strong and weak. It is the principal means by which human beings cooperate in order to live. If each of us had to produce all his food and shelter by himself, almost no one could survive. The existence of large-scale society depends absolutely on social cooperation through the division of labor.
Miss me with that Mises shit.
I can tell you’re fun at parties.
I am, actually. I can tell that you’re imcurious and probably unpleasant everywhere.
My favorite is the “delusions of adequacy”, that one had to sting! The six-pack one though sounds like possible ADHD or some other learning disorder - your child is smart enough, but lacks the ability to do well
Ah yes dilutions of adequacy. The best kind of dilutions
Why did you misspell that twice? In the graphic it is spelled correctly. Delusions.
No, his adaqucy is just diluted…
That is a very valid question. I have been awake since 3 am so I am going to blame it on that opposed to my inability to spell.
It’s not just a problem with the teachers. The whole system is rotten. Many kids go unsupported and fail due to it. Some may try to join the gangs and think school is worthless, some may have need for extra effort which isn’t their from parents or teachers. It’s unfortunate in such a huge beast like the NYC public school system, just like many others.
It’s really a problem with the parents, and that causes problems with the administration which causes problems for the teachers.
We also spend more than twice as much per student than any other country for these results 😑
Where the fk is the money going because it’s certainly not going to the teachers.
I know. Then the kids grow up and believe everything they see on Internet memes.
The image doesn’t have to be true for what I said to be true.
Ah yes it’s on the interweb so uhm ashrually it must be real guyz
these teachers failed at their initial standup career and are bitter about it.
Number 5 is probably my favorite mostly because I like talking hyperboles and taking them even further
Same with number 1
How bout this"you are so unremarkable you don’t even have significance of being the most insignificant"
Number 5 is basically me
That’s not really how insemination works though.
This bullshit is not real.
Just wait till you get to #12 /s
Number 6 so was incredibly mid but then Number 7 kicked like a mule.
The 11 just shows a lot of ignorance.
Man the teachers in New York are really nice compared to the jerks I had to deal with growing up.
Every single one of these is me irl, especially the delusions of adequacy one
Not sure what watered twice a week is referring to
A plant. Basically saying they’re one step above vegetable.
Haha wow!
I’m a fan of #9.
#9 is good bit #8 takes the win
It was all about the same kid.
Gotta love the public school system
If its on the internet it must be true amiright guyz
Public schools are trash. If they were great then people with money would be sending them there
Nah 10 takes the win
If this was written, it would probably be a woman or a very feminine man 1 year ago
This has big “FW: FW: RE: FW:” energy. 1 year ago
Seriously, I had to double check I wasn’t somehow on Facebook. 1 year ago
Going to forward it to my dad so he can slowly read it aloud during Thanksgiving dinner while a dozen people sit uncomfortably in silence, waiting for him to look up so they can awkwardly laugh. 1 year ago
Because it is, just translated to picture memes now instead of formatted to have big, flashing red-lettered words and bolded emphasis. I remember seeing this list at least a few years ago. 1 year ago
Is there a forwards from Grandma community on here like there was on Reddit?