- Comment on X's controversial changes to blocking and AI training saw half a million users leave for rival Bluesky in just a single day 3 months ago:
It’s gonna train the little robot dog, which they’re gonna put a gun on. And drones. It’s gonna train drones, he’ll sell it to anyone who’ll buy the data.
- Comment on No more fucking dooming 3 months ago:
I think a lot of people need to learn the lesson that the commercial leftism they are responding to from online is completely worthless false politics and they are demeaning their own value by engaging with it. Imagine how you’d mock your grampa if you caught him talking back to Tucker Carlson on television like Tucker can hear him or would change his grift if he could.
That’s you. None of these fake-ass internet leftists are going to change, but they can waste your time, so they do. Cut them loose, forget about them, and start asking the people you talk to in real life if they intend to vote.
Also, I let go of the “fight against fascism” propaganda when Trump pretended to be shot and every nobody clown on my social feeds started whining their nonviolence bullshit. Sorry? I thought these were Nazis? I thought this was rising fascism? If violence is not appropriate, when will it be? Never?
Never!! Says the middle-class progressive with their nose in the air. They’re always able to slip away to another country when things get bad, what about you? They can hold their ruling class beliefs painlessly while the boots fall on your neck, not theirs.
I guess they were just winding me up, huh, and none of it was as important as their sniveling, desperate need for attention at any cost. When push comes anywhere close to shove, I guess you were playing, not a single shot can you bear to see. You made it sound life or death, when it wasn’t, at all. You lied. This election wasn’t that crucial. It’s not “the end of democracy”, or it would make sense to take up arms, like they are in Myanmar. But you lied, and it isn’t that important.
So I’m done letting e-hype decide how much I care about all this, and how important it is.
Judging by the reaction to Trump’s little near-miss, it won’t actually be a big deal if he wins. It will just be another shitty Republican that you’ve been overhyping as the devil for the last ten years, and I fell for it, like a rube.
Don’t get me wrong, I went and voted yesterday, and I intend to keep doing it every time they let me, but the attention farmers don’t get to decide how important anything is, ever again, not for me. I propose you also take a page from my book. More voting, less paying attention to social media.
If people don’t vote, it will be fine, things will be okay, shit will move on. Get offline, find living people to care about, and let these people scream into the void alone.
- Comment on It's kinda wild that zombo.com still exists 10 months ago:
I got to thinking about IRC some time ago, and how much creative time we spent solving the fundamental problem of how, exactly, to use the internet without needing some sort of middleman, like a crazy person hosting a server for no clear reason, so that we could all communicate together.
That and designing the thing so that even if the hardware in your closet got hammered with a bajillion visits it wouldn’t stutter because it was all too light weight for that. But also, fuck no I would rather throw myself down the stairs than arrange it so that I have to maintain it a lot. That type of thinking defined an era, and that’s why zombo.com still works.
I have to put more maintenance into my Gmail account than the zombo guy does into the entire website, is what I’m saying. Return to monke, is what I’m saying.
- Comment on I have the POWER! 11 months ago:
The stinky back of that poor tiger
- Comment on I’d rather stay up anyway 11 months ago:
The only time I get 10 hours and wake up tired is after a lot of drinking, so maybe you have other issues.
- Comment on Data contamination expert 👌 11 months ago:
Try out Shreddit, it’s a web app for exactly this. It even lets you filter by post karma so you can keep your hits. I’ve never used it but that’s the name that came up over on Reddit from everyone talking about the announcement.
- Comment on Data contamination expert 👌 11 months ago:
This announcement is just “oh by the way, the horse is now out of the barn. He left like 10 years ago but this is the announcement.”
Shout out to whoever dismissed the first AI writings with “It’s like a perfect Redditor. Totally confident and completely full of shit, doesn’t even know that it’s lying.”
That doesn’t happen by accident. That happens when everyone was already scraping the shit out of the site, at the very least.
- Comment on Choose your ultimate lineup! 11 months ago:
This show is going to be a huge hit with line cook babydaddies.
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 11 months ago:
This sounds like the battery and the charger’s problem to handle, not mine.
All this tech, all this automation for every damn thing, and people keep coming at me like I’m supposed to do everything manually with my fingers and eyes and maybe an alarm or something to keep me on schedule. No. Stop it.
Make the charger handle it, or shut up. Make the phone, the charger, and the battery handle it together, you know, with digital automation. Do not even mention it to me.
- Comment on Mongolian. Like the barbecue. 11 months ago:
So are they aware that they’re trying to shame a joke account that’s already doing a bit?
Do they think they’re winning? Are they in on the bit? What sort of cataclysm has to happen for Twitter people to wake up and go “oh my god, I WAS THE ASSHOLE THIS ENTIRE TIME, WHAT AM I DOING HERE”?
I’m glad I get to wipe my ass with what’s left of them without having to touch their vile community, I’ll call that a win.
- Comment on Chronology 11 months ago:
So what’s the verdict, are the electric unicycles cool? Have they broken the curse? They do look cool, and you better be wearing the full motorcycle getup if you know what’s good for you, because they’re fast as f too.
- Comment on I don't know, their second album was okay. 11 months ago:
That’s my favorite Pixies album
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 11 months ago:
I wonder if it works like IRC. The “plague” this entire time has been servers. As soon as the idea only works because somebody, somewhere, is maintaining a server, cloud or hardware, then you’re kinda sunk. The server is the bottleneck. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen a AAA game launch only for the servers to be inadequate. It happens again and again and again, so I assume the business considerations push them toward having just enough server and maybe a little less, never extra, which costs money and cuts margins.
Somewhere there are a bunch of servers howling away in a room that are actually Discord, and Discord spends money to make them howl, so there’s never as much server as you want, which is why things start bogging down with too many people in the chat room at once.
Most importantly to a corporation, if you have to interact with their servers in order to do anything, then they can own the platform by owning the servers. So there’s always going to be a server, even if it’s not strictly needed. The same consideration goes through the head of the streamer who always wants to launch a Discord because it’s “free” but they can sell it to you and then have top level control of an entire community as an asset that can be sold to others. There’s always a server. There will be a server if the actual application doesn’t really need it.
The reason IRC works fine with 1500 people in a chat is because IRC uses the user’s machine for any sort of computation power it needs, and then everything else it is doing is just sending data across wires. There is no central server farm. I haven’t used IRC in a really, really long time, but if it hasn’t changed, then it also doesn’t support lots of picture posting, which helps. Most of the memory usage on my machine at idle is just too many Discord channels all needing to use my local RAM memory to store the umpteen thousand photos everyone has uploaded, all the memes and etc. The IRC I remember was text, and text uses so little data that it can be treated like zero data.
Lots of pictures are probably non-negotiable in the modern era. Heck, they’re pretty important for serious work tasks, like putting up a shot of the broken gadget, so the engineering team can get an eyeball on the failure, that means pictures are in, text-only isn’t viable. I don’t know if modern IRC supports this or not, it probably does if people are still using it at all.
But IRC is a piece of open-source software that you install on your machine, free to the user. It’s not a web app, it doesn’t live in a browser. The data of you interacting with others is being sent out to them and also back to you, where it shows up in your IRC client and the chat room. If 1500 people are using it, then 1500 people have each added some of their machine power to making it all work, so it scales, it always has as much hardware as it needs. Again, there’s no server in the middle to run out of capacity, so that problem is just bypassed.
Everything used to work like this, circa the late 1990s and early 2010s. Everyone was assumed to be on a PC of their own, and the only problem was how to connect them together to do stuff, like have deranged fan wars about shows. BBSs were already kind of old hat, and there’s that damn server again, every BBS has one. All the most clever apps of the 90s, even the web, managed to jump through hoops to avoid the necessity of a central server to get things done because then somebody has to pay for it, run it, maintain it and own it. We just want the wires, the lovely, lovely cables dragged across the sea at somebody else’s unthinkable expense. If you can eliminate the server somehow, then you win. And they did. Things like IRC and ICQ blew the hell up from using that model.
We really need to dig that entire concept back up and brush the dust off of it. I wonder if that’s what Matrix is.
Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go prune some pointless Discord channels. Oh, by the by, fucking nobody uses Slack, or knows what it is. Dudes on the internet all think it’s normal because tech offices seem to use it a lot, the rest of the world has never used Slack. Up until right now I was assuming that Discord and Slack are the same thing, owned by the same company, and Slack is just the “business casual” version of Discord. This doesn’t seem to be true, but that’s how unfamiliar I am with Slack, while being chronically online. There are probably more people around who still remember ICQ than have ever used Slack in their lives.
I love the Church of the Subgenius reference built into Slack’s name. From what I can tell, nobody who uses that thing actually gets any slack, it actively removes slack from your life and makes boss surveillance really, really easy for the boss, but you must always act as though Big Brother can hear, or you’re fucked. Good work Bob, nice joke. Anyway, I shut up now.
- Comment on That's a low blow 11 months ago:
It’s been very strange. When I was a child in school I was not well liked, I was fat neckbeard with no internet because late 80s. Truly I was a sad pile. They called me all manner of hateful things, but it never even occurred to them to call me short, at 5’7".
I rarely feel “short”, only average. Most men seem to be around my height. Some minority of men are taller. I still manage to tower over many women, because women be small, yo. A “tall” girl is roughly my height, so they’re either at eye level or shorter, with the occasional very tall woman in the mix.
I’m tall enough that other people ask for assistance with things on high shelves on a regular enough basis, mostly women.
There is a DRASTIC difference between how the world treats my height versus how the internet shitbag community does. Go figure, abusive people are abusive.
I can only pinpoint the 2000s, and online dating profiles where you can sort by height, plus many women having a height fetish in the exact same way that men will ask people their bra size, and the continuing popularity of the NBA, plus women wanting to have sex with the players, plus their truly freakish heights throwing off the populist curve so that anybody under 6’0 is teeny tiny. Somebody is gonna start squeaking about “6 foot is average” so sure, chief, you win. But there was a time when I just wasn’t particularly tall. Suddenly I am perceived as an actual midget.
It’s just another example of the way people constantly try to find excuses to treat you like shit over just about anything they can think of, it shows how they’re constantly inventing that. It’s one of God’s little reminders to not worry what happens to them.
- Comment on Hmmm... 11 months ago:
Yeah, she’s spiritual. Good thing none of that is up to you.
- Comment on How I cannot be worry?? 1 year ago:
Why don’t you simply turn off the unwanted emotion??
That’s how emotions work, right? Right, that’s how they work.
- Comment on The White Buffalo 1 year ago:
I swear they keep this character in their back pocket when no actual women have done anything to womanhate about lately. I guess Christmas has been quiet for them.
- Comment on How to make two groups of fanboys twitch simultaneously. 1 year ago:
Geordi LaForge looking at the engines with disgust on his face. Bitch you live like this?
- Comment on Today on "Unsolved Mysteries"... 1 year ago:
Honestly, just don’t settle for the shitty router that your service came with, get that damn thing out from behind the TV or wherever it shouldn’t be, get it up close to the ceiling somehow, and you’ll probably never want to use a fishtape even if you can.
Mesh networks are probably the solution for apartment dwellers. The routers all act as one router but are separate smaller routers that talk to each other so you can put them all around the house, and you just need to plug them into power. No mods to the apartment are required, it’s all wireless. The catch is expense, but if you buy once, and cry once, then it becomes like a piece of nice furniture that moves with you.
But again, one $40 modern router that isn’t the shitty combo unit from the ISP, keep it up high and unblocked, get enough extra Cat cable to reach where you put it, and you might be happy enough with that.
Hell, get the router out from behind the TV if that’s where you put it (everyone tries putting it there to hide it) and you might get all the signal you need.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
They absolutely saw how the AA and C and D and even the 18650 cells that every vape shop carries meant that a single supply of batteries could power any device you need them to and said absolutely the fuck not.
Never mind the terror that the CEO must feel as he contemplates tools that plug into any wall socket and need no batteries, ever.
Considering the market for the batteries, handy people with power tools, it’s kind of a shock that we’ve gone down without much fight. No, we won’t make some sort of viral battery carrier that you can 3D print at home, load up with 18650s, and use with an adapter for any tool. Yeah, we’ll just go ahead and buy DeWalt everything now that we bought that one battery pack for $75. Darn, if only I had the kind of tools that were good for grinding off little plastic nubs and shit that gets in the way. Oh well, time for my daily beating, it is what it is.
- Comment on Truly inspirational 1 year ago:
This is how the devil thinks that motivation works. He probably was a chef though.
- Comment on Merry christmas you weirdos 1 year ago:
fuck sake i had to check the comments to see a hot dog, like some sort of topology joke
- Comment on BABY POWER 1 year ago:
direct action
- Comment on A long and distinguished family 1 year ago:
Not proper croissant dough, this comes in a can and would make a French baker angry. So it’s real easy to wrap the weenies in.
Don’t forget about those little weenies that come in a can, sometimes we wrap those in shame dough too.
- Comment on The Jebus Said So. 1 year ago:
I was just gonna get incoherent and then ignore responses to my post
- Comment on Be careful when you go for a pee 1 year ago:
He just keeps pissing on the smoking wreckage like eh, dick’s already out, job’s not done.
- Comment on Adds new meaning to explosive... 1 year ago:
My personal theory which is not proven is they’re lactose intolerant but they don’t know it. They think Taco Bell is the problem.
- Comment on Good enough title 1 year ago:
Straight to management with you.
- Comment on Is this the new flex? 1 year ago:
Oh man I completely forgot about stupid Christmas ornaments.
I’m like what manner of skibidi toilet-ass Gen Alpha bullshit? Me picturing 12-year-olds wearing these around their necks like rapper chains for some reason I’m too ancient to fathom. Once again, I stand here caught off guard by some huge trend, as I melt slowly back into the earth to die unsung.
Nah. Just lame super-corporate attempts at a Christmas cash grab. Let’s hang this garbage from some pegs and see if it sells before we chuck it into the dumpster on January 1st. It’s not even going on clearance, it’s going straight in the trash.
Same shit, different day. Behold, the bedrock of your economy, naked before you. I am relieved. The grave has not taken me, not yet.
Anyway, carry on then.
- Comment on It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 1 year ago:
I was like f yeah let these glasses turn into superpowers but then yeah, it’s not even a contest. 1 hr and fully rested is OP, you have to keep it quiet though, don’t let your employer know, or anyone else, or the things become mandatory.