- Comment on How can I host a small api/database accessable from a phone app as cheap/easily as possible? 2 days ago:
I didn’t know they had free tiers… I’ll look into it
- Comment on How can I host a small api/database accessable from a phone app as cheap/easily as possible? 2 days ago:
Hmm…i do have a raspberry pi that isn’t being used… Since it’s asp.net should be Linux compatible… Not a bad idea
- Comment on How can I host a small api/database accessable from a phone app as cheap/easily as possible? 2 days ago:
Well it’s also a learning project as through a series of events I am technically a software developer in job title who got thrown into a c# code base with databases after doing a python boot camp for 9 weeks and have no mentor to tell me what I’m doing wrong on professional projects.
- Submitted 3 days ago to selfhosted@lemmy.world | 26 comments
- Comment on New Junior Developers Can’t Actually Code 2 weeks ago:
I say you’re wrong. If in dacade we are stilling complaining about the same dev, then we have failed to teach. In a decade that junior dev should be a senior and probably better than me. If they are still junior either they don’t have the ability to progress or I failed them. Most likely I failed them…m
- Comment on Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton 5 months ago:
This depends on the area of medical device. I work in medical device but totally different from this, mine get implanted into your body.
I doubt many people have the knowledge to to truly troubleshoot our devices beyond what the doctor is allowed to do. We need a bunch of expensive and specialized hardware to troubleshoot.
We are legally required to investigate and report any complaints(www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/…/search.cfm) . If we don’t get the complaint we can’t investigate and report it.
If a certain number(honestly I don’t know the specific number) of complaints occur we are legally required to create a corrective action to help the patients immediately (or as soon as possible) and a preventive action to ensure it doesn’t effect other patients. If a person has an issue and “repaired” it themselves they don’t get counted in this and as such could cause more patients to suffer.
While I agree with right to repair I think certain things should be exempt. That said then there should be a requirement of the manufacturer to ivestigate/repair the equipment.
- Comment on Looking for advice on PC build for programming 5 months ago:
No, I replace some of them, Whatever needs it’s. For example this is actually a peripheral year so my monitors are good, my desk is good, I’m 50/50 on my chair but I’m planning to replace my speakers.
- Comment on Looking for advice on PC build for programming 5 months ago:
No, I replace some of them, Whatever needs it’s.
- Comment on Looking for advice on PC build for programming 5 months ago:
I tend to recommend a 3 year cycle. Year 1 upgrade peripherals (speakers, monitors, maybe chair, keyboard, mouse etc) year 2. Upgrade video card and hard drives. year 3. Upgrade motherboard, ram and cpu. Year 4 repeat year 1
With this you can you can do 95% of the latest stuff with “good” stuff (think XX70 cards rather then 80 or 90 series) since you are never that outdated on any portion.
- Comment on So is the global IT crash fixed yet? 7 months ago:
Hold up… You thought maybe you downloaded malware (which in this case that was not the only cause) so you took it upon yourself to reinstall windows on a company issued laptop?
Why are you trying to fix it? Submit It ticket and it’s their problem.
If you suspect malware alert it security immediately. Many malware act as a gateway to lock other systems. Yes you might get in trouble but I’d rather be yelled at for downloading something then yelled at for infecting my company servers will ransomware/malware.
Atleast in my company a computer connecting without a company supplied image of windows will be denied. Completely understand you not connecting to the internet.
This problem was not caused by you but could of been… Take this as a lesson to be more proactive in the future.
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
In the apartment I just moved out of, even after several complaints I had summer electric bills $600+ and it was still hot…night before I moved it was 91 outside and 89 inside. So far my new apartment is better but haven’t seen any electric bills yet
- Comment on Steve Wright, former Radio 2 DJ, died from ruptured stomach ulcer 7 months ago:
Is this also Steven wright the comedian ?
- Comment on Either way, I'm getting super drunk. 9 months ago:
Another fun similar idea is drunk chess. Each piece has a value(for example pawns is 1), there are tables you can look up it’s standard in chess. Each piece you take, you take its value in shots(highly recommend shots of beer). There are strategies this brings up. For example your opponent hangs a queen in early game, you can take it but now you would need to 6 shots making you likely to mess up the late game.
- Comment on xkcd #2932: Driving PSA 9 months ago:
So one of the reasons I’m moving is to get away from this. I have this intersection by my apartment. A few hundred feet behind the assassin is a highway intersection, and the road the victim is coming from has 4 huge apartment complexes.
There is no light. Making a left there(which leads to a outdoor mall) during rush hour requires atleast 3 virgin sacrifices…
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
Ok, I’m just curious, do you have a source for that soil antidepressants statement? Not being argumentative, legit want to read the source.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip 9 months ago:
Yes, and those are the ones I make.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip 9 months ago:
See the corroding part scares me. Actual electrodes planted in the brain should never corrode. The company I work for actually makes brain implants(no, not nueralink) so I know it’s possible.
That stuff is EXPENSIVE though … So he must of cheaped out with a cheaper metal and that’s why it corroded.
- Comment on Later generations will have less attachment to how things were when they grew up because everything changes a lot faster. 10 months ago:
Ai may of changed but life hasn’t changed due to Ai.
- Comment on I am going to miss the mute and power buttons when they take them away. 10 months ago:
There were several isps that did this years ago… A banner at bottom is of your screen showing ads, free internet. They all went bankrupt I think.
- Comment on Do straight lines and flat planes exist in nature? 11 months ago:
Unless the light is in a vacuum like space
- Comment on Can someone explain why authors do this? 1 year ago:
There are two hard challenges in computer science cache invalidation and naming things
- Comment on They'll make anything you need 1 year ago:
My favorite example of this is is Hitachi. They are basically only known for vibrators and large construction equipment… How those got combined in one conpany I have no idea.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Studio CEO Refutes Ubisoft’s Subscription Model Comments 1 year ago:
For when things go bad look at early episodes of doctor who… en.wikipedia.org/…/Doctor_Who_missing_episodes
- Comment on Why is the current temperature sometimes lower than today's low temperature? For example right now it 13F with a predicated low today of 16F! 1 year ago:
I am from the USA and I agree with the other poster that our Healthcare is crap. That said it annoying to see people bring stuff like that up in topics completely unrelated. Especially it’s not like we have a choice where we were born and most of us only have limited abilities to change Healthcare system through votes.
It would be like saying “what’s the u in colour for? U are never getting back your plundered treasures we stole?” to somebody in England asking about learning to paint.
- Comment on Why is the current temperature sometimes lower than today's low temperature? For example right now it 13F with a predicated low today of 16F! 1 year ago:
I just did a Google search of countries that still use Fahrenheit and found this a-z-animals.com/…/discover-the-countries-that-use…
- Comment on Why is the current temperature sometimes lower than today's low temperature? For example right now it 13F with a predicated low today of 16F! 1 year ago:
I just did a Google search of countries that still use Fahrenheit and found this a-z-animals.com/…/discover-the-countries-that-use…
- Comment on Why is the current temperature sometimes lower than today's low temperature? For example right now it 13F with a predicated low today of 16F! 1 year ago:
You don’t know that. I could live in Belize or Montserrat or even the Turkish Republic of Northern Cypress…
- Comment on Why is the current temperature sometimes lower than today's low temperature? For example right now it 13F with a predicated low today of 16F! 1 year ago:
true but shouldn’t the low be updated with current observations?
- Comment on Why is the current temperature sometimes lower than today's low temperature? For example right now it 13F with a predicated low today of 16F! 1 year ago:
That makes sense since my station is probably an international airport also.
- Why is the current temperature sometimes lower than today's low temperature? For example right now it 13F with a predicated low today of 16F!programming.dev ↗Submitted 1 year ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 31 comments