- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Trust me, the feeling is mutual
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
I never said they did.
Yes you did, and your fellow cultists have been doing that the entire day. It’s the logical inference from your stances, which you have been desperately trying to bait and switch us to accept with lame Motte and Baileys, strawmen, and complete exaggerations and distortions of your enemies – we’re you’re enemies to you, and trust me, the feeling is mutual – and you’re not getting one over on us. You’re not going to weasel your way out of arguing that employers are somehow obligated to put food on the tables of rapists.
Honestly you should know better than to presume employers are obligated of anything toward anyone. They don’t even really have any obligation to fire him, and if you genuinely were trying to be logically consistent and not some gross-ass rape apologist, you would have used that reasoning from the get-go. But you didn’t, because protecting rapists is important to you. Because you’re vile.
Like not my problem. Oh, I’m sorry, I guess that was just a dismissal instead of you doing a simple search for remote work. Silly me. I forgot we’re morally obligated to cater to the needs of rapists simply because you’re angry that evil people face lifelong consequences for their actions and that is somehow unfair to you (because you fear that happening to you or your friends. Implying you’re going to do something nasty to somebody)
A lot of fears are valid, but that doesn’t necessarily justify acting on them.
Well, we’re not talking about a lot of fears, we’re talking about the serious and credible threat of the presence of a rapist. And OP is justified in talking to his coworkers and bosses about this whether you like it or not. Get over it, like you tell rape victims to do when you’re not brainwashing them.
What does this have to do with me?
You tell us, you’ve made the whole thread and OP’s serious problems he came for advice on all about you. All Damn Day.
They can quit, they can force the employer to fire him, or they can tolerate it. Fundamentally, there is nothing he can change now to make himself more tolerable to his coworkers, and its not his employers job to punish him again.
Yep, burden’s all on everyone else and so everything must happen in favor of the rapist. The world revolves around him, and the rights of the community are secondary to his. We know that’s your stance.
Also an employer firing someone like that is an act to protect their employees and, probably more importantly for them, to protect the business from liability. It’s not even a punishment but you’re throwing a temper tantrum trying to make it out as if it is.
Actions. Have. Consequences. Get over that fact. Get over the fact that that rapist brought it upon himself, and there’s nothing you can or should do about it. What you want is not right. What you want is unconscionable and wrong.
By being a rapist, an implied rapist of women when there are women in the workplace from OP’s post. And like it or not, being a rapist makes you a threat to the community, permanently. Rape is an act you can NEVER walk away from, NEVER move on from, and given the horrific nature of the act, that’s how things must be for life to be right and just. Just because you don’t feel that way doesn’t make it not true.
Your outlook and perspective is skewed, but again, that’s because you perceive yourself as a potential rapist so that’s not a surprise.
Why is this the argument?
Because you clearly don’t empathize or care about anyone other than yourself. Especially not OP or anyone in OP’s position, or his friend, or his coworkers. Or his employer, for that matter.
Where did I apologize for rape?
The entire thread. All day. Your stance is by its nature rape apologia, and you know this but you just don’t care because you don’t care about anyone other than yourself and your own feelings.
Hell, if your loved ones were in a situation like that, you would say the exact same thing you are now, and that’s what makes you a rape apologist. It doesn’t matter to you. You don’t even respect me enough to be honest about it.
You can front about it all day, but you are a rape apologist. And until you change your stance and throw away your shitty opinions on the matter, you’ll continue to be one. And one day, when something like this happens to someone you love, you really WILL tell them what you’re telling us here, and you will destroy that person. If they are a victim, you’ll either successfully brainwash them, and they will go on to destroy others, or you’ll cause them PTSD and drive them to drug addiction and suicide, statistically.
Take heart in that no employer will ever fire you for that, for what it’s worth.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Oh, well would you look at that. Blatant sexism and bias in favor of rape apologia on Lemmy, a platform that claims to be better than Reddit? Say it isn’t so!
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Look all around the thread. You goons have been at it the entire day. But we both know you don’t actually give a shit. You’ll step all over whoever you have to to get what you want, including rape victims, assuming you don’t brainwash them into your disgusting little cult first.
Because draconian punishments are typically associated with conservative political positions. Hardly the bastion of women’s rights. And above is the real history of how slavery in the American Colonies was started. It was successive pushes for harsher and harsher punishments until they just decided to take the mask off.
Draconian punishments have nothing to do with the thread.
Neither do conservatives or petty red vs. blue politics.
This shit is exactly what I’m talking about. You took a real and serious issue: workers being exposed to the presence of a known sexual predator in the workplace in a situation they can’t easily escape, jeopardizing the safety of everyone in that place, and you made it all about YOU. All about your overdramatized and blatant strawmen, all about your own warped assumptions and biases – I’m not even right wing – and you created this monstrosity of a straw… caricature of an opponent for you to bash the hell out of.
All so you can endanger innocent workers by exposing them to a rapist.
Because what you’re demanding is wrong and you KNOW it. 🤦
You’re fucking monstrous. Your spirit is hideous.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
It’s not the company’s responsibility to employ him.
There are plenty of jobs he can get where he doesn’t interact with anyone.
OP and the other workers have a serious, legitimate, valid fear of this asshole and their rights are fundamentally more important than his, because it’s their safety and security on the line, not his or by extension yours. He is not you
You’re being overly emotional and melodramatic, and it’s obvious you’re doing it on purpose because you know what you’re asking for is horrific.
No one owes that clown a living and if you don’t like it, it’s too fucking bad. He should have thought about that before being a dirty rapist, just as you should have thought before you opened your stupid fucking mouth.
The people at that job do NOT have to suffer his presence to appease you. They do NOT have to endanger themselves by being around a fucking rapist!
Don’t you care about their rights at all? Their rights are being violated by virtue of him being there, doesn’t that matter to you at all? Would you want your cousin or your sister or your mother or your wife to work in a situation like that? Or are you gonna insult my intelligence by lying to my face saying they or you do already, so surely rape apologia is good for us peasants too?
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
It is to you because that is how you framed it. Re-read what you wrote. You and your cult have offered nothing but logical fallacies, especially Motte and Baileys, strawmen, transparent threats, and talking points for an anti-justice, anti-victim, anti-woman political agenda. And you do it because you don’t care about rape victims or their lives, and you don’t care about OP, you’re here on your hustle looking to push an agenda.
And I am telling you NO. Get the fuck on. Get off our lawn.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Yeah, I figure you wouldn’t have a response to that, you greasy rape apologist
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Yes, you ARE the troglodyte BECAUSE you don’t want to protect other people by imprisoning rapists for life, serious and extreme criminals who need to be kept away from society permanently.
You are a backwards-ass sexist who belongs in the 20th century. You’d get along well with Brett Kavanaugh, Bill Cosby and all of their ilk.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
You are advocating a known sexual predator be allowed in the workplace, knowing other employees are threatened by his presence.
The company isn’t responsible for ensuring the rapist – who is not supposed to be in society in the first place – is able to put food on the table. It is the company’s responsibility to protect its workers in th workplace, and that means not letting a known rapist work around women.
Honestly, those women could probably go complain to the EEOC. They certainly could win a civil suit.
What you’re asking for is horrific and a blatant violation of the rights of other people. We don’t live under the barbaric practices of the 20th century where anything like this can just be done to you and you have to put up with. We live in the 21st century where we recognize the rights of victims and communities are more important.
Don’t like it? Do what you’re telling rape victims to do: get over it and move on.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
That sounds like a blatant threat and attempt at emotional blackmail
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
It doesn’t matter if people can change, it’s not up to a victim to suffer the presence of their abuser to satisfy an abuser’s interests. Ever.
Your garbage ass rhetoric is the exact same chief enablers use to justify choosing their abusers over the rest of their families, and they destroy their households as a result.
This is why we clearly need to cut people like you out of society as well. You don’t belong here either.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
How about instead of dodging their points, you really think about what they’re saying?
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
You can feed and house them, of couse.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Now ask yourself why those insurance requirements exist
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
So if we protect our communities, we’ll enable slavery. So if we don’t want slavery, we have to expose ourselves to rapists.
Yeah, no, you can take your inflammatory, enabling garbage and shove it.
Imprison rapists for life. Stop letting them out in society. Don’t let situations like OP’s happen in the first place.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Lol leave it to a Lemmy troglodyte to balk at the notion that they should be imprisoned for doing horrific shit to other people.
I bet if the rape victim fought back or shot him, you’d tell her off while you’re throwing her in prison though.
Your sexism is showing and it is gross, warty and about 2.5 inches
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
They don’t because the answer is simple: YOU feed them, since you want to protect and defend rapists, and thus rape itself.
Or just put them back into jail for life. They’re a rapist. They don’t belong here no matter how much you want them to be, and the fact this was even allowed to happen in the first place is a testament to how you have caused society to destroy itself by defending rape.
Their inability to feed themselves is simply not our problem. They brought that onto themselves. We don’t have to let them into our communities and you can’t force us to.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
The fact that people on this platform are siding with the rapist is either evidence for bot activity or a sign the platform should be isolated and defederated from everyone else.
- Comment on Imagine everything humans could accomplish if we were not a commerce based civilization. 1 year ago:
Yet you’re still desperately trying so it’s obvious our suffering is valid and that you can’t just invalidate it by comparing our situation to that of people 500-600 years ago, can you?
You can keep trying to get one over on me, though. I suppose it’ll take the sting out of the last two times you failed. 🍿
- Comment on Imagine everything humans could accomplish if we were not a commerce based civilization. 1 year ago:
No, we’re dealing with worse. Much, much worse.
You can’t make me stop
- Comment on Imagine everything humans could accomplish if we were not a commerce based civilization. 1 year ago:
And yet no one cares because this is what we’re dealing with now
- Comment on Imagine everything humans could accomplish if we were not a commerce based civilization. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Imagine everything humans could accomplish if we were not a commerce based civilization. 1 year ago:
That’s literally how it is now
- Comment on Imagine everything humans could accomplish if we were not a commerce based civilization. 1 year ago:
A lot more than we do in this shithole
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Yes. People are that conformist and petty.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
It’s good they were wrong and the covid dictatorial bullshit fell out of vogue, though.
- Comment on HP exec says quiet part out loud when it comes to locking in print customers 1 year ago:
Imagine anyone wasting a dime on such garbage
- Comment on Not mocking cobol devs but yall are severely underpaid for keeping fintech alive 1 year ago:
- Comment on Not mocking cobol devs but yall are severely underpaid for keeping fintech alive 1 year ago:
Where do you learn this… Cobol?
- Comment on It's like a foodie version of a fleeting love story. 1 year ago:
Those are mobile restaurants run by kitsune who cross dimensions to serve a variety of clientele. You just happened to have stumbled inside on the night before they left to another realm. Consider thyself lucky, mortal, for their food is god-tier