It’s like your looking at pictures of a kid you vaguely recognize but can even remember them. “Where do I know that kid from??”
There’s a picture of me as an infant which everyone in my family says they were so happy when I was born. I look at the picture which everyone in my family loves, and I think I look depressed. Which makes sense, because I’ve been depressed my entire life. I can remember being 5 years old, and my parents getting me Super Mario 2, which was incredibly hard to find in 1988. And I love that game. I wanted that game. I begged for that game.
But I was having a bad day that day. I remember saying “I don’t deserve this. Other kids deserve this, but not me.”
And then my mom yelled at me. This was all recorded on VHS. Whenever I see the footage, I feel ashamed that I said that. Because here’s someone trying to show love to me, and here I am at 5 years old rejecting my own mother.
But as far as not connecting with those old photos and videos, no. I DO connect with those old photos and videos. I’m 41 years old, but I’m still the same depressed self hating individual. I only feel ashamed that I rejected someone who was trying to be nice to me. 5 weeks ago
That’s because that operation is no longer you. You really don’t have anything in common with them any more. Just a healthy sign that you’ve grown beyond who you used to be and are able to reflect and realize that.