- Comment on FTC: Big Tech is "on notice" with new hires 3 weeks ago:
They’re going to turn around and say the anticompetitive and illegal behavior they’re watching for is “dei hiring,” and that these companies’ employees aren’t white or straight enough. Or else it’ll be when companies refuse to comply with “the spirit of” any of Trump’s next 5000 pre-written unhinged executive orders that wouldn’t apply to private business, like calling women or minorities humans or something.
- Comment on Anyone ever look at pictures of themselves as a child and feel no connection to them? 5 weeks ago:
I’m trans so it’s not just the kid photos for me, even ones from as recent as four years ago give me this feeling. While I’m not yet out or passing, so other people still see me as I was and not as I will be, when I look at old photos I have issues recognizing myself, I just see a stranger. Something about the tiny little changes in the face that HRT does I guess.
- Comment on ugh i wish 3 months ago:
I mind it. In isolation it would be fine, but with their ignorance, these types punish and harm their families, mainly their children, who would otherwise just grow up to cut contact with them anyway, long as they didn’t end up sharing their views.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
They can’t eat all types of peanut butter. If a brand of peanut butter that contains xylitol is fed to a dog, it will make them sick and potentially kill them. Xylitol is used as an artificial sweetener, and is very toxic to dogs. Don’t ever feed your pets human food without checking what’s in the ingredients label.
- Comment on I am not promoting death or killing but are the countries where they are freely allowed to kill nazi's? Kind of like in some parts of Africa are allowed to kill poachers? 7 months ago:
A way of thinking that, when granted power, criminalizes every other way of thinking and discards freedom 100% of the time… That countries don’t actively do something to prevent its prevalence works like a crack in the foundation of the freedoms they enforce. I’d not suggest legalized contextual murder like this op is asking about, but a clear outlawing of an ideology that brings nooses and book burnings with it, definitely.
- Comment on Scallops 11 months ago:
They sound like they would make for invaluable medical staff, at least where diagnosis was concerned. Who needs a CT scan, they can just see a tumor, a messed up spine vertebrae, or anything else, plain as day.
- Comment on Metro Exodus is getting a sequel, shooter’s devs confirm - but only “when it’s ready” (hopefully before 2033) 1 year ago:
You’d be surprised, it feels like there’s so many impatient gamers who need every game now and have a fit when any game gets a delay. Same ones also complain alongside everyone else when a game is broken at release.
- Comment on Bethesda Is Working On New Ways To Travel, City Maps, Mod Support, And More For Starfield 1 year ago:
The thing about the engine is it’s just not what needs to be focused on, though I see it in every conversation. Unreal Engine 5, the one everyone fawns over, is the same engine Epic has been using and licensing out since 1998, just upgraded and overhauled. Gamebryo/creation engine could be upgraded to be fine, passable, good even, and in some respects, some specific features, it has. From Skyrim to FO4, SSE, FO76, and now Starfield, it’s certainly not exactly how it was in Morrowind, Oblivion or FO3 any more.
The actual issue is Bethesda. They don’t want to put the time into making it not duct taped together. If they have employees skilled enough to do so, Todd and the higher ups do not give them the command to. They only want whatever tiny hacky changes will fit each employee’s current goal. The company has not used a design document to make any of their games since Oblivion, or at best Fallout 3, and Emil Pagliurulo (fuck spelling his name) has openly admitted this a few times. No design document, no plan.
In fact, going past the engine issue into actual game design, Emil seems to just bounce ideas off Todd, like “what if this whole settlement and faction on this planet was wild west themed, they can have a police force called the Rangers”. And non-writer developers designing certain features or locations get to write entire quests by themselves without direction or oversight as long as Emil or Todd give a thumbs up. If they even get a chance to ask. In case they get no answer, best to play it safe with their quest or feature and not bother hooking it into any other sequence of the game, keep it totally optional, just in case Emil or Todd finally get back to them and tell them “no I don’t like this, take it all out”.
Bethesda is a big company that has deluded themselves into thinking they can keep winging it like they did with all of their other games since the late 90s and early 00s, when they really were small, and so was the rest of the industry. But they can’t, and all they’ve been doing for a decade is coasting off previous success and name brand. It’s just a matter of waiting for the general public to fully catch on to how little thought or care they put into their games any more (or, possibly ever, and the past was just a fluke all along). It was easier for people to see the cracks in a new IP, but starfield still sold well. We’ll see if their situation declines any further once they release TES6 in 8 years.
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
I feel the same way, my block list is massive. The app I use to browse, the lemmy version of Boost, also has a word filter option too, which isn’t on the desktop browser interface (I don’t think), so I can block names of certain people and current event incidents I’m not interested in seeing any more, without needing to block communities or users. It only works when the post actually has the words in the title, so ironic memes slip through all the time, but its better than nothing.
- Comment on 505 Games' parent company lays off 30% of its workforce, says gamers really only want sequels so that's what it's going to make 1 year ago:
Cheaper development budgets, no room for QA, rushed out the door; still sold for 70 bucks.