Not to excuse any hate speech of any kind, but looking around at social media and the effect it has especially on young people and saying “steam forums are the problem” seems like missing the forest for the trees
Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content
Submitted 3 months ago by to
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
who said steam forums are “the” problem? 3 months ago
Me. There’s just an irony in pointing out the failure of Steam to effectively moderate (true) when Twitter has a much larger footprint, seems to be actively encouraging hate speech not just tolerating it, and is being rewardered for such behavior. The article points this out too:
There’s an aspect of irony to the complaint: Elon Musk turned Twitter into a haven for racism and far-right rhetoric, after all, and he’s being rewarded with a high seat in the incoming US government.
Senators only have so much time to pick and choose which issues to raise awareness about, so Steam seems like a weird fight to pick given the wider landscape ¯_(ツ)_/¯ . Given Steam received similar warning according the article and there hasn’t been a change. Could just be there’s a much higher chance of getting a change from Steam than a larger social media platform. 3 months ago
I mean yeah, no shit. The steam forums could be removed at no loss to the human race, in fact it’d remove a significant percentage of all really shitty talk on the internet if they deleted everything entirely. 3 months ago
The steam forums are fucking cancer. I was looking for info about a bug I was having with a newly released game. I instead saw an entire thread about how the game is woke and you shouldn’t buy it. The game has an implied lesbian character. Who gives a fuck? The game was pretty good btw. 3 months ago
I’ve seen whole threads in game forums dedicated to Nazism, and I myself have been called a “groomer” and the t-slur because people knew be as a boy before I transitioned. Legitimately horrible place, they absolutely need to take more action against this. 3 months ago
But like, are there people that read it and get an existential crises? People need to learn to read and let go. There will always be dickheads and trolls. 3 months ago
I think it really depends on the game (genre?).
I mostly play economic strategy / tycoon games and the forums are pretty chill. The most “controversial” threads revolve around gameplay mechanics discussion or perhaps complaints about lack of updates.
I don’t think I’ve even seen anything approaching what you are describing in economic strategy game forums.
I would most definitely oppose shutting down the steam forums. [bot] 3 months ago
There’s the “this is too woke” gang, and then there’s the “this doesn’t have enough representation” gang. You can’t win. 3 months ago
There is some important ounce of knowledge there.
Let’s say a majority. 3 months ago
Worth mentioning that the main US senator supporting this, Mark Warner, received substantial donations from Disney, which also poured 1.5 billion (with a B) dollars into Epic Games.
Wouldn’t be surprised if some bigwig at Disney pushed for this investigation, too, especially given how fucking flimsy the results were (55% of all hate symbols were fucking pepe the frog). 3 months ago
twitter, facebook, instagram, etc are not a problem. steam is 👍 3 months ago 3 months ago
Steam forums and groups have become a place to organize far right raiding groups that have harassing people and bullying women and minorities or straight up nazism glorification as their sole objective and Steam just does not care. 3 months ago
Of course they don’t, companies only care when Pepsi Co and P&G take away their ad revenue. Valve has no ad revenue and is the only real PC game store on the block, so no one can make them “care” the way YouTube and Twitch, and other platforms “care”. 3 months ago
Got some links… I wanna see. I probably normally don’t venture on these forums where that happens. 3 months ago
For anyone who wants an example, go to the Helldiver’s 2 patch logs on the Steam Community Hub. 3 months ago
Right wing and not understanding second degree, name a more iconic duo 3 months ago
Which is exactly why the US senator that said this is a left-wing Democrat, right?
Politics is so tiresome. 3 months ago
Jesus, that’s a lot of people afraid of gay people. 3 months ago
can you link one? I’m on community hub looking for hate and can’t find it. 3 months ago
If you follow the links, they refer to copy pasta’s of hatefull stuff including swastikas but no breakdown of what is counted, the use of the happy merchant (a meme with an antisemitic origin used to convey greed) and the use of pepe the frog in profile pics (pepe is a symbol of hate according to the ADL).
The issue I have with the whole here is that I don’t subscribe to the premise on which the analysis is based.
IF you assume pepe is a hate symbol, then each case it is used is an expression of hate and furtherance of that hate. I however reject the premise that pepe is a symbol of hate.
The use of the happy merchant is a bit more of a problem, because I see the antisemitic message it has. However I also see a lot of stupid people that don’t… and have seen the image used (probably in antisemitic context referring to greed) but people associate it with greed primarily… so this one is an issue, I think I refuse part of the premise, namely that the antisemitism part is a dominant factor when the image is used.
These are the 2 main examples, a lot more in the report that have similar caveats. 3 months ago
I love that people are still doubling down on people pepe means Nazi. ADL big ol swing and a miss. 3 months ago
Pepe to me seems like the opposite of the Confederate flag.
Pepe is an internet meme that is in some cases used by racist and hateful people to carry their message, but the primary function is internet nonsense.
The Confederate flag is a symbol or hate and oppression that in some situations is used to express country & westerns ideals of freedom and roaming the country with not a care in the world… without the racist subtext… however you cannot deny the basis of its use and thus should not use it. 3 months ago
Iirc, when the ADP put out their guidance on Pepe, it was during the 2016 election when Pepe was being actively coopted by alt-rightera and neo Nazis. One of those "take something innocuous and poison it by using it as a pseudo secret signal to other bigots.
I vaguely recall them saying that Pepe was a hate symbol only insofar as it was being used for that purpose. I wonder if that changed, or if this investigation is ignoring that nuance to hamfist a “hate speech” argument. 3 months ago
Boomers saying and thinking boomer things. 3 months ago
I am not a boomer, but I am starting to be an old fart myself.
Guess what the older generations said about video games back then? Satanic, create violence, hyper sexualization…
And at the end of the day, we didn’t end up as violent atheists watching porn on a portable device…
(For the people wondering, this post is a joke) 3 months ago
ADL says steam was unsafe after stating that pepe the frog is an extremist symbol to more than double the number of cases found.
Remove the meme, and take into consideration the number of users, 0.1% of users have used some form of extreme symbol or statement.
This is a reach for control and surveillance. Nothing else.
Fuck ADL. 3 months ago
Oh my god, is this you?
No wonder you hate the ADL, they advocate for the rights of minority people you regularly undermine and attack. They’re working against you, especially because more protections means people won’t take your comments seriously and instead call you what you are, a troll, and you’ll also end up getting banned from more and more places. Just so we’re clear, this person is on your instance, using your platform to spew hate towards minority people on the Fediverse. Just want to make sure you’re aware of this. 3 months ago
Yes that is me, and no I am not a transphobe. The ghazi mods banned me because I said that someone losing a visa for something they said is fucked up. I didn’t even know who the person was who lost the visa or what they had done. I have never made any transphobic statements whatsoever, and you can dive deeper through the modlog to find evidence of that because it would show.
Also, I don’t appreciate you trying to cancel me just because I don’t agree with your post. We’re adults here. 3 months ago
Come back when you can argue without the “but the kids” line of thinking. 3 months ago
I don’t get how kids can be unsafe because of other kids being dumbasses. I guarantee the majority of the hate symbolism and speech on Steam’s forums, is from people under the age of 18. Kids are fucking little shits. Especially when they have no supervision, like on the Steam forums. 3 months ago
Teenage nazis when not moderated or taught otherwise will grow up to be adult Nazis, and have the very real possibility of spreading their hate to others when not moderated. It may seem trivial like something to hand-wave away, but many of these people complaining about woke games will grow up to be hateful republicans like the ones currently trying to take our rights away. It’s not a laughing matter. 3 months ago
EVERYONE IS A NAZI. 3 months ago
Never heard of kids committing suicide due to being bullied? 3 months ago
Good point. 3 months ago
I would have agreed if they replaced steam with discord. 3 months ago
Or twitter
Or Facebook 3 months ago
To be fair, Discord has been feeling the heat for a while, on multiple fronts and for multiple reasons. Not the least of which was a dumbass leaking classified information to his teenage buddies. 3 months ago
Fortunately in the US I trust that their First Amendment has some teeth. If that were happening in most other countries, I’d be seriously worried that this senator might succeed with his evil plans. 3 months ago
First amendment is for public spaces, a forum owned by a private comment isn’t a public space. 3 months ago
It’s a public space in Europe for sure. No idea why the US would think openly accessible forums are a private little backroom where rules don’t apply. 3 months ago
A US Senator is part of the government. 3 months ago
on occasion one logs into the internet only to be confronted with the darnedest things said with such confidence 3 months ago
Crunchyroll removed their comments section recently. They said it was because of all the hateful comments for one show. Sony just didn’t want to deal with it, so gone, which is a real shame. If the comments are not part of the product being sold, then they will end up getting dropped if abused. 3 months ago
I’m surprised European governments haven’t demanded better enforcement of laws when it comes to hate speech on Steam. Instead they regulate stuff like lootboxes or spicy content because they think those are more harmful than fascism apparently. 3 months ago
The latter two are a much more broad and prevalent issue in the gaming industry overall. No need for the whataboutism. 3 months ago
That’s not whataboutism. Whataboutism is when someone brings something unrelated up to make the main topic look less important and that’s not happening here. 3 months ago
I suspect they haven’t heard about it as much lately. I bet if German politicians heard about the Swastika and Nazi stuff they would be on it very quickly. Nazi content like that is a big No-No in Germany. 3 months ago
“…some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” Stop having fun you god damn nazis. 3 months ago
I mean, if your gonna go for the worse of it all, 4chan is right there. 3 months ago
And 4chan has already been the recipient of government scrutiny, including a lawsuit attempting to shut them down. 3 months ago
Valve hasn’t openly stated they are like 4chan though, they may correct it if pressured since it wasn’t their explicit goal to be a right-wing safe haven. Maybe it is but they haven’t been open about it yet. 4chan is a lost cause when it comes to this, same as kiwifarms. They do not care and will not budge. Valve might since they need Governemnts not to ban them or publishers not to pull out else they lose money. 3 months ago
Authority fetishists really turning the screws on Middle Earth eh 3 months ago
Young adults. What we gonna write laws to protect young adults like goddamn children now? Fuck off. 3 months ago
Wait… what’s wrong with laws that protect it’s citizens? This seems like pretty standard practice.
I’m not saying that I agree with this particular take but having laws in general isn’t a bad thing IMO. 3 months ago
Civilization as we know it is an unsafe space place for most humans 3 months ago
Damn you, Sid Meier!!! 3 months ago
It is dangerous indeed, I have lost hours without noticing