- Raph Koster’s Stars Reach has launched its $200,000 crowdfunding campaign (and now it’s fully funded) ↗Submitted 5 days ago to | 0 comments
- Team Fortress 2 Classic is coming to Steam thanks to Valve adding TF2 to the Source ↗Submitted 5 days ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Rise of Industry 2, an industry and logistics management game, releases a demo with their 80s US Midwest scenario on Steam. Developed by SomaSim, the creators of Project Highrise and City of Gangsters 6 days ago:
I am a big fan of SomaSim (even though I didn’t really connect with their last game), so really looking forward to this release.
- Rise of Industry 2, an industry and logistics management game, releases a demo with their 80s US Midwest scenario on Steam. Developed by SomaSim, the creators of Project Highrise and City of ↗Submitted 1 week ago to | 2 comments
- Carnaval Simulator, a carnival float tycoon game with an emphasis on float design and lighting, released on Steam. Includes a multiplayer design ↗Submitted 1 week ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Conservative Discussions 1 week ago:
I very much agree.
But there are other ways to create incentives for avoiding criminal behaviour and corruption (which IMO is closely tied to intolerance - a modern circus if you will).
Things like full asset seizure, mandatory multi-decade live-in community service work as a junior custodian in a medical centre.
If say an oligarch like Mark Zuckerberg (who very likely enabled mass killings in Myanmar both due to lack of concern and “risk management”) had all his assets seized and was sent for 20 years to the Island of Bhasan Char to work all the lowest level janitor on the island, other oligarchs would understand that they need show a modicum of respect and understanding towards others.
- Comment on Conservative Discussions 1 week ago:
FWIW, I think the term “echo-chamber” is way overused, almost to the point of being meaningless. I also don’t believe in the sincerity and coherence of American-style conceptions of “free speech”.
“Fediverse shouldn’t allow convervatives communities” is nuts though. This is not workable from a practical perspective (forget the moral questions for a second).
Racism, overt dehumanisation, denial of widely accepted mass scale human rights abuses; that’s something that can be managed from a moderation standpoint. But this would impact groups across the political spectrum (nazies, tankies, some far right, some far left).
- Comment on I created a community for the game OpenTTD 1 week ago:
Feel free to crosspost to !, we cover all transportation/logistics games and have a modicum of engagement.
- Comment on Conservative Discussions 1 week ago:
Don’t know why this was downvoted.
I likely have an even more cynical take on American “conservatives” than those who are often labelled woke (and paradoxically I don’t always agree with), yet I don’t see the big deal with having a conservative community/instance or whatever.
- Comment on Among Us 3D Teaser Trailer 1 week ago:
When will they release the Among Us 1D trailer?
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 1 comment
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Valve have just updated the Source 1 SDK on GitHub to the latest code based on Team Fortress 2, effectively making TF2 code source available 1 week ago:
Hopefully we’ll have a TF2 Classic version soon without all the stupid random items and with a focus on dedicated server communities.
- Comment on Nintendo discontinuing Gold Points on the Switch eShop, ahead of Switch 2 release 1 week ago:
This was more of rhetorical question on my part. 😆
- Comment on Nintendo discontinuing Gold Points on the Switch eShop, ahead of Switch 2 release 1 week ago:
They just don’t want to be hounded by anyone about transferring gold from one system to the other.
Why do you need to transfer from one system to another? From my understanding (the last Nintendo device I owned was the OG gameboy) the gold points are roughly comparable to steam points. Why would it matter whether you have a Switch 1 or Switch 2?
- Rockstar Games talks with top metaverse creators, with an eye on making "Grand Theft Auto" the next creator ↗Submitted 1 week ago to | 10 comments
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 2 weeks ago:
They should have stuck to the engine business and not gotten involved in spam/adware schemes.
- Manor Lords, the best city builder of 2024, hits 3 million sales as players continue to fill its maps with muddy medieval ↗Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 17 comments
- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 3 weeks ago:
Stuff before ~2000 is retro.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Day 201 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 weeks ago:
I read that article. I am in no hurry, I will speculate that it will eventually come to other stores.
- Comment on Are mods usually confusing as hell or am I just an idiot? 3 weeks ago:
You’re not missing anything. Modding older games PC can be a pain in the ass.
You can usually find a somewhat coherent and structured guide that will give you a step by step process, but will still be time-consuming (and there will likely be exceptions or outdated information).
The best option is to keep mods to minimum unless you know what you are doing and it’s a game that you play on a permanent basis.
- Comment on Day 201 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 weeks ago:
Beautiful screenshots! Too bad that it’s going to take a while until it’s released outside of the Epic store (on PC).
- Heart of the Machine, a strategy/4X/RPG hybrid where you play a sentient AI trying to take power in a dystopian cyberpunk city, released in early access ↗Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on HoMM3 is still fun! 4 weeks ago:
HOMM was incredibly popular in Eastern Europe in the late 90s. Not as popular as Quake/CS/Unreal, but still very notable.
- Comment on Call of Duty's massive development budgets revealed: $700 million for Black Ops Cold War 1 month ago:
Current AAA titles almost certainly have comparable development costs.
If you have 1,000 FTEs with a blended per-FTE annual cost of $100 K (I would argue this could be higher in North America and Western Europe) that works out to $100 M per year of development.
- Comment on Day 169 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
I stopped playing consoles after my first Sega Mega Drive (most of the games I like work better on M+KB), but I’ve been meaning to try and play some N64 games in an emulator. And HD texture and quality mods would be a nice addition.
- Timberborn, releases a 2024 overview devlog featuring development milestone trailers, user map content winners, workshop highlights and ↗Submitted 1 month ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Rule the talking movie industry in tycoon game Hollywood Animal 1 month ago:
I heard that this one does have pretty dark sleazy motifs.
- Comment on Rule the talking movie industry in tycoon game Hollywood Animal 1 month ago:
Tried the demo out, it’s a very stylish game and with it’s own unique take on movie production (somewhat similar to how you develop games in Mad Games Tycoon). Seemed promising, although I do wonder how well the core movie production gameplay works in the mid to late game.