- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 week ago:
Mirror’s Edge, Hades, recently finished Celeste on my new steam deck.
Also a lot of web fishing on my PC
- Comment on Ah shit, here we go again 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Ah shit, here we go again 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content 3 months ago:
- Comment on Jesus Christ 3 months ago:
no no, God is doing this BECAUSE we’re polluting the earth. if you stop and reverse the pollution then he won’t be mad anymore…
You think that would work to get them to stop?
- Comment on New frog just dropped!!! 3 months ago:
- Comment on Wow! Doom really can run on anything! 4 months ago:
when I was a kid I had to retrieve a ball that went into a brush of prickly pear. I didn’t see any spikes coming out of it so I thought it was fine.
it hurt so much just to move my hand
- Comment on Only ever played OOoT, MM, and WW. Just ordered an Analogue Pocket. Suggest an order. 6 months ago:
maybe if real cartridges weren’t $20-80 each
- Comment on FUTO Keyboard: The Discussion Behind A Cool Product 7 months ago:
My primary method of typing on mobile is swipe typing:
diesdoes aferventdecent job at it, but itsumstill has a wayFYIto gofitfor me to make a full switch IMO.I am quite impressed by the voice to text method though. But I do wish it would show what is being transcribed in real time. Overall, I’m impressed with what the team is doing. I can’t wait to see the next iterations of this, but for now, I think I’m going to have to stick with G board. Additionally, the GIF picker is super convenient on G-board.
- Comment on xkcd #2952: Routine Maintenance 8 months ago:
are you implying that XKCD isn’t a shitpost?
- Comment on YouTube offers virtual trophies so you can feel bad about quitting premium 9 months ago:
- SponsorBlock (by the same guy) to cut out in video ads
- Comment on Ok, $23. Final offer. 9 months ago:
only triple? there’s a couple that I’m waiting on a repress for that are listed for 10x the price
- Comment on molten surprise 10 months ago:
There’s a surprising amount of overlap between XKCD’s comics and content that would fit in the “Children’s Fun Fact Science Corner” section of Welcome to Night Vale
- Comment on Who made more money with it, him or Prince? 11 months ago:
using a backslash before the asterisk will prevent the markdown interpreting it
I am sick of these motherf*cking posts on this motherf*cking thread
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 20 comments
- Comment on Google’s Bard AI can now access Gmail, Drive, Docs, and more 1 year ago:
3 months later I finally started the process. Got Proton Unlimited and am slowly transitioning my Google drive over
- Comment on isn't it weird how newer games manage to look more realistic than older ones? - GST Channel [5:32] 1 year ago:
How so? the definition of wet is “being covered or saturated with water or another liquid.”
If you pour water on the floor means the floor is now wet, but removing the water will make the floor dry. Putting water on water doesn’t make it wet, it’s just more water. Likewise, removing water from water doesn’t make the water drier.
Water is wet.
ha, next you’re gonna tell me that birds are real too
- Comment on isn't it weird how newer games manage to look more realistic than older ones? - GST Channel [5:32] 1 year ago:
water isn’t wet though
- Comment on US to build new nuclear gravity bomb 1 year ago:
Laws of physics? What are you, a narc?
- Comment on Apple backs national right-to-repair bill, offering parts, manuals, and tools | Repair advocates say Apple's move is beneficial, but also strategic 1 year ago:
I can’t think of any reason why Apple, which has historically been against the right to repair, wouldn’t support this!
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Titanfall 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 for the past few weeks.
also DCS if that counts as a game
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
you know that /s has been around since the discussion board days before Reddit was even a thing right?
- Comment on Thanks to everyone who suggested i play Titan fall 2 1 year ago:
Pretty much my only fps game, and has been for the last 7 years. Other fps games may have had my interest for a few months, but I just keep coming back to Titanfall. The gameplay mechanics are by far my favorite.
- Comment on yeeah 1 year ago:
Your American? Excuse me but slavery was abolished over 150 years ago.
- Comment on Google’s Bard AI can now access Gmail, Drive, Docs, and more 1 year ago:
I’ve been meaning to switch off of Google for months now, but never had the time to properly research what exactly that entails
- Comment on Apple 15 relegated to USB 2.0 unless you buy the Pro 1 year ago:
That has nothing to do with whether it’s USB 2.0 or 3.0 because it’s backwards compatible. What phone do you have?
- Comment on OpenAI confirms that AI writing detectors don’t work 1 year ago:
Then you have that time that a professor tried to fail his whole class because he asked chatGPT if it wrote the essays.
- Comment on Yes, a Pigeon is Faster for Data Transfer than Gigabit Fiber Internet 1 year ago:
you’re saying that a 12-ounce bird can carry no more than three flash drives?