- Comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows to Feature Denuvo & Mandatory Ubisoft Account Linking 3 months ago:
I thought they did and that was one of the reasons Windows updates where breaking their games, but might have been a mistake on my part. Denuvo and mandatory Ubi link have been their standard for quite some time at least.
- Comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows to Feature Denuvo & Mandatory Ubisoft Account Linking 3 months ago:
Its no news tbh, all Ubi games have done for a long time, look at valhalla, mirage, prince of persia lost crown and such
- Comment on Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content 3 months ago:
Steam forums and groups have become a place to organize far right raiding groups that have harassing people and bullying women and minorities or straight up nazism glorification as their sole objective and Steam just does not care.
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 5 months ago:
For real, like Prestige in Call of Duty
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 5 months ago:
A boring distopia is already even a single person having more than a single billion.
- Comment on The TrimUI Brick Takes Inspiration From The Analogue Pocket | Time Extension 5 months ago:
fair enough i guess, i still dont like that websites approach to the matter at the end of the day.
- Comment on The TrimUI Brick Takes Inspiration From The Analogue Pocket | Time Extension 5 months ago:
I know, i did read them, it just seems absurd to keep a review up that tells people to buy them, and also at the same time do an article that talks about how those consoles are hurting the retro scene and you shouldnt buy them
- Comment on The TrimUI Brick Takes Inspiration From The Analogue Pocket | Time Extension 5 months ago:
i didnt know this website so i decided to have a quick look through their articles:…/saroo-a-usd60-sega-saturn-fla……/please-stop-buying-unofficial… Lol.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Wow, you really went and edited all your posts on this discussion several hours later to try to not look as stupid as you were? This is some reddit level shit lmao.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Haha, remind me again why we are all in a lemmy community about firefox if you feel that any complain at them is “screaming your discontent at every corner of the internet”. Is that bitching lmao? Did anyone mention Tor or do you have a weird hate boner against it or need to attack something else to protect the multi million dollar company?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Image Thats how you sound.
Maybe we can discuss when a company does something completely inmoral that goes against what they say they stand for?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
The Apple way, we are not going to let other people collect your data… because we are the only ones that can do that.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Oh yeah, the classic “most people will not care se we are not even going to ask them, an entry in our blog no one reads will do”.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
So much for privacy? I understand they say they only do this in broad terms and without tracking specifically, but i dont think a browser tracking this kind of data from their users is fair, if not i would just be using chrome.
Saying that you can just disable it is the cherry on top, something like this should be opt in, not opt out
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It only makes you and the guy crying on twitter look bad, nexusmods is a private platform that is not forced to host mods if they dont want to.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Good, you have to be a special kind of disgusting person to make a mod like that or the one that removed the pride flag from spiderman. You are not entitled to have your stupid mods in a platform if that platform does not want to have that kind of content, they are free to upload it somewhere else which makes their crying on twitter an extra layer of cringe showing how manchild are.
- Comment on Replacing the term "Metroidvania" 1 year ago:
The worse take i have read in a while, you can say the same about anything, fps, tps, rpg and even visual novels or action adventure, they are more frameworks than genres by their definition.
- Comment on YouTube is reportedly slowing down videos for Firefox users 1 year ago:
fun fact, i had been noticing this for over a week or two already, today, after the first posts about this were gaining traction it stopped. They are probably trying to erase their tracks and make it seem like something that only happened to a few people for an unrelated reason.
- Comment on Starlink 1 year ago:
Is it really hard to read and understand that the government is launching this kind of operations with small internet providers and hispasat so people stop having to leave the rural side of spain from lacking access to internet?
- Comment on Starlink 1 year ago:
Are you even serious? Maybe try looking at a map of spain, there is plenty of rural areas that are loosing population and leaving old towns completely desserted because they lack internet connection and are hours away from any relevant city and shops, you can read about the empty Spain…/empty-spain-government-urged-to… with a simple search instead of trying to talk about stuff you dont even know, also btw, conectate 35 is the same concept as starlink, which is satellite driven internet for rural areas, but its way cheaper, sustainable and isnt managed by a piece of shit.
- Comment on Starlink 1 year ago:
First, you really need to look at the definition of progressive, because its for sure not: “being in favour of bringing tech to more people people even if it has disastrous consequences for everyone else”. Second, there are other people doing way better job at expanding internet access to everyone, for example in spain: where they have internet for 35 euros a month, in any part of the territory with 100mbps download speed without needing to clog the space with new satellites, without needing to be constantly building new rockets, without making the pockets of Elon even larger. That is something that is actually bringing internet to actual people that needs it at a reasonable price, with the state paying for the equipment and installation in most cases.
- Comment on A key feature of NFTs has completely broken / Web3 was supposed to make sure the original artist always got paid. Not so much anymore. 1 year ago:
Except people has been stealing art to do NFTs without paying the artists from day 1?
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
I am a leftist s obviously biased, but my experience with them in general has been fine, there are some trolls or stupid people like in every instance but i had to deal more with right wing propaganda and objectively false information from conspiranoic peoole than from anything terrible coming from them so far, to the point of having to block several exploding heads communities where they shared tons of missinformation abour queer people, vaccination and all that bullshit. That one is the harmful instance in general and not hexbear where most of their content are memes and some insightful discussion every now and then.