Twice have I been sucker punched so hard that it left a scar for life.
The first was this Neverending Story scene.
The second was Futurama’s Jurassic Bark.
I’m not joking when I say that I literally felt a light in me forever dim each time.
Submitted 5 months ago by to [deleted]
Twice have I been sucker punched so hard that it left a scar for life.
The first was this Neverending Story scene.
The second was Futurama’s Jurassic Bark.
I’m not joking when I say that I literally felt a light in me forever dim each time.
Oh wow, you can fuck aaaallllllllllllll the way right off
Jurassic Bark makes me tear up every time. I avoid watching it because the feels are too much.
Also the one about Fry’s brother. The Breakfast Club theme song hits so hard
They look like big, good, strong hands, don’t they?
The Artax seen was sad, sure.
The Rockbiter mourning the death of his friends and waiting for his? That’s the scene that made me ugly cry as a kid.
Such good, strong hands
He tried so hard to save Artax… 😭
Fucking real that scene scarred me and I didn’t see it until I was like 17
God damn it, I was 8 and in the movie theater with the whole school. I remember crying when I saw this scene., and I still do every time I see it.
Thanks, I didn’t remember that. 🤬
I had to remember it, and now so do you!
he dipped out.
I was talking with my girlfriend and Tar Shampoo came up, and I said “I don’t even know exactly what that is used for other than dramatically killing off a horse” and she hung up on me.
Sometimes I wish lemmy had gold. Just a little bit.
Thanks for the lol
Then we all grew up and found out it’s actually not possible to sink in quick sand.
Whenever I feel this way I remember the inspiring words of Bingbong from Inside Out who said “I think it’s gunna work this time” and “Take her to the moon for me”.
I was thinking about this movie yesterday in a thread talking about Beethoven. But I didn’t bring it up, because I figured it was too traumatic for most people. 5 months ago
I just watched this movie 2 days ago at my parents and the trauma is the same as it was in 1984. 5 months ago
Ok, we must be around the same age. The idea of rewatching something from that time at my parents, sounds wonderful and soulcrushing at the same time lol