- Comment on I think they nailed it 2 days ago:
the term ‘breeder’ used to be a derogatory term for straight people.
- Comment on But wait, there's more! 5 days ago:
that was your bar being low.
- Comment on But wait, there's more! 5 days ago:
valid points, sure. but you have no idea how low the bar is out there. if you are actually a decent human being, you’re buoyant. btw thanks for existing.
- Comment on But wait, there's more! 5 days ago:
hey SnotFlickerman, give yourself some credit. nobody is strong enough to handle a relationship with someone dedicated to self destruction. thats kind of the point. your life is just as worthless as everyone else’s, whatever that might mean for you. go appreciate someone worthy of your time.
- Comment on In a hypothetical revolution who would secure the resistances comms? 5 days ago:
solar powered open sourced boxes on everyones roof in a spread-spectrum hopping mesh with p2p encryption.
- Comment on It may be true but doesn't help me today 6 days ago:
back in the early 90s you could buy a decommissioned post office mail jeep for $50 all day long. $500 could get you a vw bug all day long. $1000 had plenty of vw buses.
none of these were all that reliable or warm or safe.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 1 week ago:
try XJ220 on the Amiga for sense of speed
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 week ago:
if you knew the correct timing/scale/scope you could be crazy rich from it all. nobody knows, even those causing it. personally ive been out of the stock market for 5 years expecting a crash and it hasnt happened yet.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 week ago:
first off, your trading account is in some financial institution that might itself shatter. without a federal rescue boat to save the little people. second, if the us economy actually collapses 80+%, nowhere else is safe. the european union and japan couldnt fend for itself without the current power balance holding firm. china is in a terrible state itself already. no easy answers.
- Comment on Also, plan to dig away from the outhouse. 1 week ago:
he’s panning for turd gold, and eats fiber like clockwork. he keeps a bucket as a comfort animal, and cuts his hair in honor of it.
- Comment on The one change that worked: I set my phone to ‘do not disturb’ three years ago – and have never looked back 1 week ago:
imagine being the emergency contact for loved ones and responsible for small children and elderly, and just ghosting them in a clutch because you cant be bothered to configure your notification settings. fuck your life.
- Comment on If Kodak came back with a Camera tomorrow, what would you be awaiting from a company like them? 3 weeks ago:
so i can zoom in
- Comment on Sorry 3 weeks ago:
working on a new Costco logo
- Comment on If Kodak came back with a Camera tomorrow, what would you be awaiting from a company like them? 3 weeks ago:
a 4k video doorbell with sub-second response time and noise-reduction microphones without a subscription.
- Comment on How is everyone doing with their home improvements? 1 month ago:
did you include a power outlet?
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 1 month ago:
just call it Benelux already before its under water anyway.
- Comment on There’s No Dancing Around It: Apple’s Vision Pro Was An Ugly Dud 1 month ago:
wheres the first party stuff at LEAST? like garage band couldve been amazing… or logic or reason, or maps… wheres the tilt brush and 3d modelers? rollercoaster tycoon would shred in this.
- Comment on Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series 1 month ago:
Durak is basically a land war in Asia.
- Comment on This is in a small convenience store where you can buy food things and heat them up while in the store 1 month ago:
used to just keep it tucked in your armpit for body heat back in the day.
- Comment on Why Is Printer Ink So Expensive? 2 months ago:
King Gillette basically invented the captured customer. check food prices in airports and theme parks and movie theatres and ballparks.
- Comment on Bat Drip 2 months ago:
seriously, i’m realizing now this might have saved my life.
- Comment on Bat Drip 2 months ago:
you’re very right. i went and got the first shot. will need 4 total.
- Comment on Bat Drip 2 months ago:
wow a bat flittered into me in my office hallway today, awkward flight like a moth, weighed practically nothing when it hit my leg. it was hairy and cute with black ears. i brought it outside. then i go on lemmy and see a fricken bat necklace.
- Comment on At what age do we switch from measuring a human by length to by height? 3 months ago:
when they can stand it
- Comment on Nike’s Air Max 1000 are almost entirely 3D-printed 3 months ago:
mfg cost is nothing compared to marketing and shipping and retail channel and design and lawyers and engineering and accounting etc
- Comment on how did you master splits (for flexibility)? 3 months ago:
you need to start rather young, like under 10. if you’re past a teenager its probably impossibly painful. theres videos online for training up to it.
- Comment on Matter 1.4 tries to set the smart home standard back on track 3 months ago:
great that they are making progress but amazed at how slowly.
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
brown noise
- Comment on Every place gotta have the cuck booth 3 months ago:
rent a wingman!
- Comment on Magic Beneath The Forests 3 months ago:
kind of like your genital situation