- Comment on Need to save money? You can literally just buy these for pennies, you don't have to go to the Olive Garden. 3 days ago:
That’s about 11 pennies per piece. Alternatively, you can give them 300 pennies and they legally have to accept it as a form of payment(in the US).
- Need to save money? You can literally just buy these for pennies, you don't have to go to the Olive Garden.lemmy.world ↗Submitted 3 days ago to [deleted] | 10 comments
- Comment on PSA: Some of y'all are overly afraid of scorpions 6 days ago:
Generally, if they have big scary looking claws they are less reliant on their tail so their tickles aren’t so spicy. Conversely, if they have tiny claws they are heavily reliant on tail tickles.
- Comment on PSA: Some of y'all are overly afraid of scorpions 6 days ago:
They may even adorably hide in the leaves of the skimmer to give you surprise tickles.
- Submitted 6 days ago to [deleted] | 17 comments
- Comment on The Smartwatch That Was Too Good For This World 2 weeks ago:
Been rocking a pine time for a year or so, it just keeps getting better and it’s insanely cheap.
- Comment on Spicy Candy 3 weeks ago:
This is highly misleading, some walls just have cellulose and it tastes horrible.
- Comment on E...dward.. 2 months ago:
Nina uses ‘no hurt daddy’
It’s super depressing! - Comment on Russia says it might build its own Linux community after removal of several kernel maintainers. 3 months ago:
Russian government officials trying to get away from windows, eh?
- Comment on Do it 4 months ago:
that eraser is coming off and put back on many times. like, all of the times.
- Comment on You know who 4 months ago:
If you lift it by the handlebars the platform is free to swivel around, the platform can swing unexpectedly fast, it prefers to be inside your ankle.
- Comment on He want to play a game... 4 months ago:
I forgot about her after she left the Trump camp.
- Comment on Pressure washing 5 months ago:
the temp of the ground water starts dropping significantly this time of year
- Comment on Oh no, not again 5 months ago:
Whenever I feel this way I remember the inspiring words of Bingbong from Inside Out who said “I think it’s gunna work this time” and “Take her to the moon for me”.
- Comment on Harvard wouldn't lie 5 months ago:
don’t let Elizabeth Bik see this, I don’t want to see the truth
- Comment on Disco Clam 5 months ago:
Ze Frank has a good video about these psycho clown bastards.
- Comment on Can somebody explain to me why this needs Bluetooth? 6 months ago:
Because USB would be gross
- Comment on Good news everyone 7 months ago:
dad gives me a quarter so I can immediately lose in some claymation caveman game. i got a personal panned pizza for reading some books. there’s a pitcher of diet pepsi on the table, i think the condensation looks neat. The waitress vacuums up the straw wrapper my sister missed shooting at me with a rolling sweeper thing as she asks my parents “the usual?”
I miss those days.
- Comment on Free mansion 7 months ago:
Contest organizer ghosted him.
- Comment on Eco-friendly beyond comprehension 8 months ago:
have to wear socks with your crocs or your feet get sweaty
- Comment on Capitalists hate competition, especially when it comes to wages 9 months ago:
My old manager was complaining about a lack of quality applicants, i pointed out the advertisements don’t list the salary and she said since we’re government they can just look it up. Oh well, hope you like your lousy candidates.
- Comment on i have become the gis 10 months ago:
I can’t think of anything arcmap would give me besides a bill.
- Comment on i have become the gis 10 months ago:
QGIS has saved my sanity, i’m really impressed with the rate of development for QGIS as well as the plugins.