- Comment on Actual Budget is a fantastic FOSS budgeting tool that you can self-host 4 months ago:
I really love it, been using it for about 2 months, came from YNAB, used that for probably 3-5 years. Although I wish it was a little more mobile friendly, it works on mobile well enuf for me to record my daily transactions and then I just use a desktop once a week when I do all my bill payments and budget catch up.
I really like the reporting options, and also it has some mass note append/prepend/replace functionality which works great for me hashtagging the expenses I have addressed, confirmed and moved around to various accounts.
I do wish it had flagging, I really loved the colored flags, but I’m using the hashtagging as a replacement and it works pretty well.
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
Ugh…obviously my mini rant here is not about “evolving” because it involves religion…but the “pre-destined” part of your comment is not far from some religions justification for factory farming being ok.
I was once told by a fundie coworker that it says in the Bible that god put animals on the earth to serve the purposes of humans and thus any use of animals is ok.
I ended up telling her I wasn’t going to argue the Bible because some things are just not ok, and I don’t need an old book to tell me that.
- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 5 months ago:
I fully educated myself about tampon insertion and toxic shock syndrome during trips to the bathroom.
- Comment on Oh no, not again 5 months ago:
Sometimes I wish lemmy had gold. Just a little bit.
Thanks for the lol
- Comment on Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet 5 months ago:
MEsS WitH tHE BeST, DiE LiKe tHe ReSt
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
Hmmm…truly new tech that came out after I was 35…
VR …yeah pretty cool, my partner has one but I’m not a gamer and don’t generally go for anything gaming anyways. Use it more widely for non gaming uses tho and I’m on board. Self driving cars …cool, don’t have one, never been in one, but I’m all over learning/using that shit if it becomes mainstream AI… personally not a fan, mostly cuz I think it could be like nukes where it’s used for more bad than good, but I’ve messed my way around ChatGPT and it’s whatevs. Probably eventually very useful if we don’t murder ourselves first.
Personally, having gotten our first school PCs when I was in 7th grade (92’ -ish), I find that I tend to at least be curious and want to learn about new tech. So I wonder if the late genX, early millennials might break rule #3 just cuz we were forced to know more about computers to run them and thus don’t view tech as inherently scary. Then again, I’m always fucking around with stuff and my siblings (2 yrs older and younger) are always like “woah how u do dat?!?”…maybe im just a lazy oddball always looking for a way to shortcut my life with technology.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
What goes around…apparently. My 57 year old co-worker does the same thing and it drives me batty.