So, how will this work and comply with laws regarding its use in a medical institution?
What about its use in a company that has extremely valuable trade secrets that need to be kept that way?
What about the military?
Wouldn’t this make for an excellent target to harvest data for hackers?
I wonder if Win 11 LTSC will leave it out. 10 months ago
Horrifying privacy implications aside, AI has really become the new cryptocurrency.
Don’t get me wrong, both technologies are interesting, but it’s tiring to see both be forced into applications that functioned just fine without them. 10 months ago
It’s arguably worse, since it seems to be more pervasive than crypto and NFTs were at their peak.
Crypto never really hit the mainstream, and even NFTs were still fringe. Whereas AI and AI accelerators are packed into basically every new phone and (Intel) processor. 10 months ago
Regulatory hurdles kept crypto out of most mainstream products. There are no such barriers for AI, and any that are put up may come too late.
There are also more possible mainstream use cases for AI - if the technology works as promised. That’s the biggest for AI currently, and some products like the Humane Pin are already tripping over it. 9 months ago
There are way more uses cases to the average person than crypto so that’s only natural. There’s also a trust issue with crypto that doesn’t exist with AI, as well as losing your money when things go wrong.
That being said, I don’t approve of this nor adding it randomly to products where it clearly has little use. If people want generative software, they can just choose to install it. 9 months ago
Why call out Intel? Pretty sure AMD and Nvidia are both putting dedicated AI hardware in all of their new and upcoming product lines. From what I understand they are even generally doing it better than Intel. Hell, Qualcomm is advertising their AI performance on their new chips and so is Apple. I don’t think there is anyone in the chip world that isn’t hopping on the AI train 10 months ago
But what about my Web 3.0 AI cryptocurrency in the metaverse? 9 months ago
“An app that lets you make nfts from images created by a camera in the metaverse” 9 months ago
Written in rust. 9 months ago
AI what? 10 months ago
AI has uses that aren't about covering your tracks or evading law enforcement. 9 months ago
I definitely understand your view on crypto, and I hate to be an apologist, but here’s a view you may not have considered:
I think mainstream society has gotten far too comfortable with the lack of privacy in our everyday lives, and this extends to finance. A company has no business tracking the data about my purchases, let alone selling it. The government doesn’t need to know everything I spend money on either.
As with most topics relating to privacy, it’s not that I worry about what I have to hide. I worry about your intention with that information. As one example, if I were needing to buy Plan B for an emergency contraceptive, there is a not insignificant portion of our government and the general population that frowns on that, and could paint me as a target in the future if it was known. 9 months ago
Yes, but evading LEOs is good and buying drugs online in a free and open marketplace is my sacred, moral and god-given right than no glowie should infringe upon