The problem is that crypto is not untraceable like it’s fans want to push. There have been multiple instances of it being tracked back and traced, by private individuals and law enforcement. It’s just debit card processing with extra steps and massive drain on resources.
I definitely understand your view on crypto, and I hate to be an apologist, but here’s a view you may not have considered:
I think mainstream society has gotten far too comfortable with the lack of privacy in our everyday lives, and this extends to finance. A company has no business tracking the data about my purchases, let alone selling it. The government doesn’t need to know everything I spend money on either.
As with most topics relating to privacy, it’s not that I worry about what I have to hide. I worry about your intention with that information. As one example, if I were needing to buy Plan B for an emergency contraceptive, there is a not insignificant portion of our government and the general population that frowns on that, and could paint me as a target in the future if it was known. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Monero exists and is constantly being improved in that regard. And even traceability aside, you’re forgetting one massive usecase: unlike debit cards, its usage cannot be denied or restricted. 10 months ago
its usage cannot be denied or restricted
lol wat? I don’t know of a single local establishment that accepts Monero (or any other crypto) as payment (not saying it doesn’t exist, but it if so they are exceedingly rare). Seems pretty restricted to me. They also don’t seem to accept caps, eddies, gold, or spetims oddly enough. 10 months ago
Local establishments can use cash, so this is not a problem. Problems begin when you try to pay, say, for a domain, or a server. 10 months ago
I fully agree, I just think the solution is cash. Use cash for normal payments. Buy a house with 20s even. Ok maybe not that, but for groceries or when you would use Venmo yeah do it 10 months ago
I agree cash is the right idea, for now, but can you say for sure cash payment will be possible forever, or even the next 50 years? Wouldn’t it be better to blunder around with new ideas while cash is still a good fallback? Not saying I like crypto, and the cost on resources and the environment sucks bad, but I can least appreciate them trying something. Now we just need to come up with sustainable options…
I get that cash seems a pretty durable idea, and it’s lasted for hundreds of years, but it did so before the massive societal turn towards technology we’ve made in the last 30 years. 10 months ago
Crypto is cash for digital world. The only existing analog I can think of is sending cash by mail, which is obviously slow and not guaranteed to.npt be stolen or confiscated on its way. 10 months ago
our government
Not mine. Classic Murica problem, I suppose? 10 months ago
I agree with your view on privacy, but I don't think that cryptocurrency is any solution.