- Comment on A woman made her AI voice clone say “arse.” Then she got banned. 2 weeks ago:
Happy to share google drive link to you priv1ately if you’d like.
- Comment on Are Expensive TVs Actually Better? An Analysis of TV Prices and Review Scores 3 weeks ago:
I opened my smart TV and removed the Bluetooth/WiFi PCI card that was inside it.
Good fucking luck connecting to something you privacy invading piece of shit.
- Comment on A woman made her AI voice clone say “arse.” Then she got banned. 3 weeks ago:
We already do.
Its stupid easy, in fact.
Like. Total time of actual configuration for replacing all the faces and voices in the Empire Strikes back with my face and my voice was like 3 hours.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 3 weeks ago:
I think that some people are just assholes. And other people are too sensitive.
Sometimes its a bit of both. Sometimes its one or the other.
I enjoy mercilessly shit talking people who mercilessly shit talk me back. But I have the social awareness to recognize when this isn’t appropriate, and to treat people the way they want to be treated, not how I want to be treated.
- Comment on GoneWild was once about people feeling wild and posting pictures of it. Now it's just OnlyFans sale 3 weeks ago:
The issue that where you could once go and see people that did it just because they wanted to its now mixed in with / overpowered by by people that want to make money.
No one is arguing anyone is entitled to anyone else’s naked body. But I don’t think there is anything wrong with having a preference for wanting to see people who are naked because they want to be, and not because they want to earn money.
Not to mention all the evil / sexual exploitation that comes up once money is in the equation.
- Comment on Do you feel like you've reached the end of what the world has to offer? 3 weeks ago:
Hood news. The afterlife is the same thing as the before life. Remember that? The 4 biillion odd years or so before you existed? Exactly.
- Comment on Amazon’s killing a feature that let you download and backup Kindle books 3 weeks ago:
I pirate everything. Because fuck you that’s why.
- Comment on Google is on the Wrong Side of History. 3 weeks ago:
You’re not from America are you?
I ask this because you seem to actually grasp what’s happening.
- Comment on A golf course eight miles away from the hottest point on the entire planet. 7 months ago:
How else are they supposed to know whether its good to eat or not.
- Comment on Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web 8 months ago:
They’re the same thing.
- Comment on Dead Tesla traps toddler in boiling hot car as electric doors fail 8 months ago:
I really don’t think you understand the point they are making.
- Comment on US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk' 8 months ago:
Get he out lest he be ready to drop to your knees and gibe praise to the righteous AUR as it doth demand.
- Comment on Amazon Customer Service has become awful 9 months ago:
I was transferred between 16 different reps on an amazon chat trying to return a busted chair. I refused to log off, was polite, and started asking what the record for transfers was and of wed best it. I refused to explain the pr9boem again after the third transfer.
I wanted to return the chair and get the same model but not broken. I refused to take it to the post office.
They ended up refunding me the money and I kept the chair. Which kind of works. You can sit in it. Just can’t lock it when you Kean back.
Same thing happened with a vacuum that worked but kind of shot.out dust when you first turned it on.
- Comment on What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you) 10 months ago:
What the fuck are you talking about?
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 10 months ago:
I read… Something once and they suggested the past we may have collectively possessed a more direct relationship with rekigi9n like you’re talking about. That for some reason or another we don’t tend to “hear the voice of hod” like we once did. Out relationship with our internal self had changed. Maybe it was bred out by our tendency to kill the religious folks who disagree the most with whatever the dumpster jour religion at the time is.
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 10 months ago:
I, too, did a heroic dose of mushrooms once
- Comment on YSK : Dark patterns among large companies are becoming more mainstream 10 months ago:
Who the fuck would rather repeatedly pause and in pause a fucking video, skim past bullshit, skip ads, or hell even USE YouTube over a block of text somewhere that c9ntains the info you were looking for.
People watch this dog.shit. is it because its.the you can find info anymore? Or do people actually LIKE this format?
- Comment on Guess I'll die 10 months ago:
In tests they did in the 50s they told people yo cover their eyed with their hands and close their eyed and people could see the bones in the heir hands.
- Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 10 months ago:
I used to on irc when i was 10 fucking years old. You the serve and then type #before the room you want to use.
Did they put lead back in gasoline when i wasn’t looking or something?
- Comment on Movie industry demands US law requiring ISPs to block piracy websites 10 months ago:
Can we just start hanging the rich on live TV?
- Comment on Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools 11 months ago:
You say this.
But its just not true.
It took my of all of a day with Linux mint before she needed to open up a command line and do things.
I love Linux . i would kill for Linux. Have killed for linux. And wil kill again for Linux. What’s that, tux? Sudo for person in store; do “$festoon_the_walls_with_their_guts”? If [[ -e $police ]]; then -eval sudo_works_in_real_,life; find / -type “*god” -exec /platonic_root/deicide police surviving_bystanders news_crews: fi; done
You’re always looking out for me bud. Sure I’ll do it.
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
It was all backed up publicly on push shift. Still is.
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
So, for an example of what the other user was talking about, I’m just some guy and for my first foray inyo programming / machine learning (I kind of just threw myself into the deep end) I modified stylegan 3 and trained it on about 500g of reddit porn that I scraped off reddit.
Now, I stopped the training after about a week (it was going to take about a solid month on my rtx 2080 ti) when I found out stable diffusion existed but I learned a LOT from that experience.
I couldn’t do that now. Arguably none of that was how any of that should be done but whatever.
- Comment on European Court of Human Rights declares backdoored encryption is illegal 1 year ago:
And nobody gives a shit :(
Foucault was right. Civilization is just a fucked up sadomasochistic relationship. People want to be oppressed.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video drops Dolby Vision and Atmos unless you pay extra 1 year ago:
I was once transferred 14 times but Amazon customer service. I refused to log off the chat, and insisted each new person read the entire chat history this far while being pleasant and polite “wow 14 times, is this a new world record? I bet we do it kurpreet, let’s go!”
I was trying to arrange for pi kuo of a vacuum cleaner that was foa. Wouldn’t take no for an answer. Politely.
Eventually they just said keep the vacuum cleaner it’s on us.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video drops Dolby Vision and Atmos unless you pay extra 1 year ago:
Wow. I understood most of this.
- Comment on Amazon finds $1B jackpot in its 100 million+ IPv4 address stockpile | The tech giant has cited ballooning costs associated with IPv4 addresses 1 year ago:
Honestly my biggest issue with ipv6, aside from not understanding it, which I don’t, at all, I’ve realized while setting up my own opnsense firewall, is that they decided on FUVKING COLONS. AND LETTERS. Okay, cool, hexadecimal exists, that’s swell, but typing them is such a fucking pain in the ass.
There’s no way to put your fingers on a keyboard to make it feel natural.
- Comment on Google’s CEO faces employee questions about layoffs — “Why has there been such an extraordinary effort to limit the internal visibility of layoffs announcements?” 1 year ago:
No joke, I think he should be tried for crimes against humanity for how he’s lead the merciless sodomizing of of our access to actual information.
If found guilty then he should have a chance to walk out unscathed. Five obscure questions. One computer. One elaborate limb removal device.
For every obscure piece of information he can actually find the answer to within the first 100 pages of results (don’t you wish the other pages were real now, you fucking sack of shit?) He loses a limb. If he can’t find the info at least once, he gets to watch his limbs get cut off one before it’s off with his head and into the nearest, largest sack pile of actual shit we can forget his worthless body parts in.
It would be on youtube and the special would be like 8 hours long. The ad revenue and their utter lack of a sould would keep the executives engaged enough to not repeat his mistakes.
- Comment on Conservatives on Facebook absolutely believe this. 1 year ago:
What’s the average speed of an unladen Taylor Swift?
- Comment on Elon Musk's X claims it's now a 'video-first platform' as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value 1 year ago:
The law says you have to show them your genitals now.
It’s an odd law.