They didn’t need the army of lawyers to get license deals, so that’s not a fair comparison. 8 months ago
Proving Netflix could be replaced by five hard working people. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Its almost like its unecessary shit made up in order to keep profits away from working people artificially 8 months ago
Yeah its almost like if we didn’t keep extending copyright protections a bunch of stuff would be in the public domain and any streaming service could offer it without having to deal with licensing. 8 months ago
I mean that’s all well and good, but then how would the very deserving shareholders get dividends?
Won’t somebody think of the shareholders!? 8 months ago
It’s true that Hollywood is corrupt and csuite pay is absurd, but those deals are the only mechanism by which ANY money makes it to the writers, actors and staff who deserve it 8 months ago
It’s the exclusivity bullshit that gets me.
It could be: New movie is released! Anyone who pays the price tag gets to stream it!
But no, we must bidding war gouge.
On top of that, X Y and Z services exist in America, but not in other countries, so in this other country, everything is on Netflix, while I had to jump between three different services at one point just to watch Stargate 8 months ago
Their scale was also an insignificant fraction of what Netflix has, making the point even more irrelevant.
The best figure I could find on Jetflicks user count was 37k, where as Netflix has 269 million users. 8 months ago
Prices should go down with scale not up though.
There’s initial investment on the initial servers (and the software), and afterwards it should be a linear increase of server costs per user, with some bumps along the way to interconnect those servers.
The cost also scales per content. Because that means more caching servers per user and bigger databases, and licenses.
So this service has less users and more content, it should be way more expensive. The only reason they are cheaper is because they don’t pay those licenses. 8 months ago
The cost of storage in this case is more or less irrelevant - traffic is what matters here. You’re also not getting any mentionable bulk discount on the servers for that matter.
The key is that you can engineer things in completely different way when you have trivial amounts of traffic hitting your systems - you can do things that will not scale in any way, shape or form. 8 months ago
Or fund new content 8 months ago
If we get rid of the licensing we get rid of the lawyers. 8 months ago
If you get rid of licensing you get rid of the content 8 months ago
Certain types of content. But YouTube’s own existence started because people made content without licensing rights. 8 months ago
Not really. I can undersgand licensing but at this point it’s become a distopian practice completely separated from the basic need to monetize the content an make a profit. That’s why those companies become such gargantuans monsters. 8 months ago
Nope. People will still make content. It’ll be on far less of a budget, but that didn’t stop the Film School generation of independent films in the 1970s (before which you had to sell your life and soul and beating heart to a studio). In between all the schlock were the occasional arty films we consider classics today.
And then there’s government subsidization of art projects, as per the National Endowment of the Arts.
I think the MCU movies, the DC movies, the many studio iterations of Spiderman have shown us what capitalism eventually churns out. Sony actually chose this path content as product the same resort to formula that plagued the music industry in the 1980s (and drove the Hip Hop Independent movement of the next half-century).
We just need to empower artists. Make sure they don’t have to moonlight as restaurant wait staff in order to eat and pay rent while they create, and make sure they have access to half-decent (not necessarily high end) hardware with which to do their thing. And yes, as Sturgeon observes, most of it will be schlock, but through sheer quantity of content we’ll get more gems than Hollywood is putting out. 8 months ago
If you save the cheerleader you save the world. 8 months ago
Precisely. So much added expense for zero, or rather negative, added value. 8 months ago
The only reason all companies prices go up these days is for CEO pay packages 8 months ago
I think it’s more for major shareholders (which includes CEOs, of course) 8 months ago
Like Boeing’s CEO making 300 million… imagine 300 people who worked their ass off could make million. Or 1500 hard workers could be making 200k. But nah, let’s just drag these huge bags of money into this one asshole’s account. Oh there were a couple of crashes right? 👍 Our thoughts and prayers 🙏. But not our money wagons. 8 months ago
Regulate monopolies and eat the rich. 8 months ago
but wait… there’s more
astronosts 8 months ago
Did they make the shows too? 8 months ago
Does Netflix make shows? Or does it slam its name onto filmmakers it pays to make content? If so, one of those things simply requires throwing cash at people, which I think is a skill that most people can learn. 8 months ago
Did the pirate site pay anyone to make new shows? 8 months ago
They had to operate under the radar to avoid the law, so you know the answer to your question 8 months ago
Does Netflix? Or do they pay production companies for content? 8 months ago
They use the subscription money to pay production studios. What did the pirate site use the subscription money for? 8 months ago
Servers, electricity, bandwidth, blackjack and hookers. 8 months ago 8 months ago 8 months ago 8 months ago
Image 8 months ago
Things are easier if you can steal stuff. And operate on a small scale.