- Comment on Israeli speaker of parliament calls for bombing food stocks in Gaza now that Israel has cut off their food and water. 6 days ago:
It’s all about intended audience. When it’s in English it’s toned down and meant for the rest of the world, when it’s in Hebrew it’s meant for Israelis and tends to be more mask off.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 3 weeks ago:
I mean I don’t know a ton about SQL but one thing to keep in mind about SSNs is they were not originally meant to be used for identification but because we have no form of national id and places still needed a way to verify who you are people just started using SSNs for that since it’s something everyone has and there wasn’t really a better option. So now the government has been having to try and make them work for that and make them more secure. The better solution would be to make some form of national id that is designed to be secure but Republicans and people like Musk would probably call that government overreach or a way to spy and track people.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
The problem with that is there is no centralized website you go to for Lemmy. The closest thing to that would be the various apps you use for Lemmy so my question would be where would you put this quiz? I think when people talk about joining a server being hard it’s just hard for people used to a centralized social media to get used to the idea that one social media platform can be made up of a bunch of different websites and it becomes overwhelming to even figure out where to go. They’re very used to just going to reddit’s website so if they can’t just look up Lemmy and click the first link to join it’s gonna be too complex.
- Comment on Elon Musk uses cybertruck explosion to show Tesla can remotely unlock and monitor vehicles 2 months ago:
No you misunderstand you’re actually purchasing a lease to car as a service, of course you don’t really own it.
- Comment on ugh i wish 3 months ago:
I also imagine on the company side it’s probably more expensive to do that rather than just making it hot enough.
- Comment on How breaking up Google could lower your online shopping bill | A DOJ win in Google's ad tech monopoly trial could benefit everyone, experts say 5 months ago:
Yep it’ll be the classic thing of the company saves money, doesn’t pass it on to the consumers, and now reports higher profits to make it’s stock price go up.
- Comment on Sid Meier's Pirates, and everyone else in the game, are aware of the date... 5 months ago:
You can still get that by just playing very small indie games. There’s tons of small games out there being made by just a handful or even one person that have these kinds of little fun things scattered throughout them. They are harder to find by their nature but that culture is still very much alive in the indie space.
- Comment on I'll have a Number 9, a Number 9 large, a Number 6 with extra dip, two Number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda. 6 months ago:
Pretty sure this is a reference to a meme from a GTA game
- Comment on Trump’s ‘no choice’ comment on EVs reveal partisan divide over green tech 6 months ago:
It’s crazy cause the first time around everyone was talking about how Trump is rich so he can’t be bought like other politicians but looks like that has turned around pretty sharply.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
Yeah I’ve had the same Chromecast since close to when they first came out. Haven’t had any problems outside of apps not supporting it very well sometimes, which isnt really a problem with the device itself. Still works perfectly even with pretty constant use as I use it for having videos on while I fall asleep.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
Don’t know anything about newer Chromecast but I really love my older one. Its just a dumb stick with no apps built in that I can cast stuff from my phone to. The only recent annoying thing with it is that the YouTube app changed the behaviour when you’re connected, so now instead of tapping on a video to bring up a menu asking whether to play it now or add it to the queue it now just defaults playing it now when you tap on it. Makes setting up a queue of videos really annoying now cause you have to tap on the three dots to add it to the queue now.
- Comment on Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled 7 months ago:
Don’t think Google would be at fault there, at most it would be the fault of the website that served you the ad or the service that website used to serve you the ad. (Which could be Google but they wouldn’t be at fault for not letting you block ads, they would be at fault for serving you a malicious ad)
- Comment on Google Says Sorry After Passwords Vanish For 15 Million Windows Users. 7 months ago:
I was thinking about self hosting but I was worried it would be less secure. I don’t really know a lot about setting that kind of thing up (I do have programming experience but don’t have a lot of server hosting experience outside of doing it for games like Minecraft) and I feel like I’d mess it up and it would be a lot easier to get into than a hardened server. Especially cause the odds I get a virus or something is probably higher then the odds someone breaks into bitwarden’s server. Idk if I’m wrong about this, would love to be corrected if I am, was just my initial thoughts when I switched over from a different password manager to bitwarden.
- Comment on what a strange timeline we live in 7 months ago:
I mean if you count every piece of media like that I imagine someone like Marvel or DC would beat them just due to comic books and the fact they’ve been around a lot longer.
- Comment on Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google 7 months ago:
I mean I notice people like that but I never really pay attention to what instance they’re from. They’re usually a minority in any post I see anyways though and are being downvoted a bunch. Most of the time I see lots of fairly progressive people or at worst people who were supporting Biden unconditionally and trying to call anyone who pointed out any problems with him bots. Maybe it’s cause I’m still using Lemmy mostly like I used reddit and treating it as one unified platform instead of a bunch of smaller connected ones. But personally I’d prefer being on an instance that allows me to connect to as many other instances as possible cause personally I don’t want some admin team telling me who I can and can’t interact with, I’d much rather just pick communities I like no matter what instance they’re on that I like and trust the communities more with the moderation. I’d rather handle blocking instances and communities myself rather then leaving it in the hands of admins that could power trip. Again maybe that’s just my mindset from Reddit, personally I’ve enjoyed Lemmy so far and haven’t really noticed any problems on world.
- Comment on Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google 7 months ago:
I mean I joined lemmy.world in the migration from Reddit and haven’t really seen any problems with being here. I tried joining one of the ones that needed a sign up request when I first switched to Lemmy but I didn’t want to have to deal with waiting to use Lemmy. I haven’t really noticed any problems being on lemmy.world and personally I don’t even look at what instances people are from. I just treat it like reddit, we’re all using Lemmy at the end of the day.
- Comment on What fresh hell is this? 7 months ago:
Yeah I really hope this is just them following the rules and instead of putting in the work hours for their lawyers to make a privacy policy for their calculator they just have a standard one they use and not them using the calculator to gather data. But it is Google so I wouldn’t be surprised.
- Comment on What fresh hell is this? 7 months ago:
I would believe that but I’m pretty sure this is the default Google calculator. It looks like the same one that’s on my Pixel. And when I click on the privacy policy thing it takes me to Google’s privacy policy so who knows what the calculator is doing.
- Comment on Devs should not be "forced to run on a treadmill until their mental or physical health breaks", says publisher of Manor Lords, citing how gamers seem to be trained to expect endless content work now 7 months ago:
While I agree with this for bigger game companies the problem is people apply the attitude of deserving infinite content to smaller games as well even if they don’t participate in all the things you talked about. For example with Manor Lord the only thing from what was listed that might apply is it being unfinished since it’s in early access. And while that does come with an expectation of more content the speed people expect it at is wrong especially since this game is basically being made by one person.
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
Yeah its almost like if we didn’t keep extending copyright protections a bunch of stuff would be in the public domain and any streaming service could offer it without having to deal with licensing.
- Comment on The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO 9 months ago:
I think this is a separate genre of games now, I’ve seen a few different games like that.
- Comment on Here’s How That Disney 360° Treadmill Works 9 months ago:
It just makes me think of the scenes in the Ready Player One movie when they’re in the place with all the people in debt to the company who are trapped on something like this to be forced to work in VR for the company.
- Comment on Edited in Signal 10 months ago:
Yeah this is exactly how I feel. Like sure I don’t want China to spy on me but I don’t plan to go to China so it doesn’t really matter. What matters more is the USA spying on me cause I live there and that could mean actual consequences if people like Trump get in power and try to go after people that don’t agree with them.
- Comment on The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook 10 months ago:
It’s almost like sometimes an idea doesn’t work out and you either have to abandon it or restart from the beginning but most companies won’t let that happen cause they don’t want to spend the time/money to do it.
- Comment on Ah, Yes! AI Will Surely Save Us All! 10 months ago:
I think that’s a really broad statement. Sure there are some industries where AI hurts more then it helps in terms of quality. And of course examples of companies trying to push it too far and getting burned for it like Spotify. But in many others a competent person using AI (someone who could do all the work without AI assistance, just slower) will be much more efficient and get things done much faster as they can outsource certain parts of their job to AI. That increased efficiency is then used to cut jobs and create more profit for the companies.
- Comment on Ah, Yes! AI Will Surely Save Us All! 10 months ago:
Yeah I’m not arguing that replacing people isnt what they want to do. They absolutely could if they would. I was just responding to the person saying they can’t be replaced cause AI can’t do what they do perfectly yet. My point was that at least for now it’s not entirely replacing people but still displacing lots of people as AI is making people able to do more work.
- Comment on Ah, Yes! AI Will Surely Save Us All! 10 months ago:
It’s not about entirely replacing people. It’s about reducing the number of people you hire in a specific role because each of those people can do more using AI. Which would still displace millions of people as companies get rid of the lowest performing of their workers to make their bottom line better.
- Comment on You can now buy a flame-throwing robot dog for under $10,000 10 months ago:
Theoretically if Amazon drones become wide spread in the environment and I capture one, attach a flamethrower to it, and the above scenario happens after I release it back into the wild, would that defense then apply as Amazon drones are native to the environment?
- Comment on Slay the Spire devs followed through on abandoning Unity 10 months ago:
Yes but at the same time Unreal doesn’t really compete with Unity at all when it comes to 2D games. Unreal is primarily meant for 3D games and maybe you could make a 2D one work in it but Unity has a lot more resources for 2D games. That’s why games like this switched to Godot instead of Unreal cause Unreal wasn’t really an option. I could be wrong but when Ive made some projects in Unreal it didn’t really seem to have any options for 2D games like Unity has.
- Comment on Fake Photos, Real Harm: AOC and the Fight Against AI Porn 10 months ago:
The problem also goes both ways though. Not only does it create fake things but it makes it much easier to discredit real things by just claiming that it’s deep faked.