- Comment on Telegram Shuts Down Z-Library & Anna's Archive Channels Over Copyright Infringement * TorrentFreak 1 month ago:
Why are you happy about telegram becoming more restricted?
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 3 months ago:
You look like an innocent person so i will explain the issue to you in good faith. Every bad thing that a gov has to do, they start by doing it in the name of the “good thing to do”. So first they ban homophobic books, they euthanise the ones in need, they censor people who talk offensive things, etc. But this opens the door to ban books, to euthanise people, to censor what you say. The first step is always “in the name of the good”. But politics is not a single moment, it keeps going on. Once the door is open, more or less anyone can go. Can you imagine when they start euthanising felons, for example? Do you think that if the prison wants to kill a felon, the felon will be able to argue that its actually a death sentence and they are not suffering & domt want to die? Just wait and you will see how this goes. And since its Kid Starver thars your PM now, i dont think this process will take long
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 3 months ago:
In english
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 3 months ago:
UK gov cuts food for children in school, cuts energy for elderly people, engage in war with a nuclear armed country. But when they start euthanasing the population its because they are concerned with the well being of people.
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 3 months ago:
Way too many people with illusions about a burguese state being preocupied with the well being of the masses
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 3 months ago:
You are being downvoted for telling the truth. People who think the state will use this to “help” those in need have no idea how politics work
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 3 months ago:
Way too many people happy about the burguese state having power to kill people
- Comment on Casual reminder 8 months ago:
Those lib kids would be very upset if they could read
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
Its almost like its unecessary shit made up in order to keep profits away from working people artificially
- Comment on Forget billions of years: Researchers have grown diamonds in just 150 minutes 10 months ago:
Thats what scientists dont get. No child blood = no value to rich people
- Comment on Charles III 11 months ago:
Oh my fucking god. How will i explain this to children?
- Comment on Charles III 11 months ago:
Almost threw up seeing this picture
- Comment on Charles III 11 months ago:
Please dont do this. I find it very offensive and vulgar
- Comment on The US government seems serious about developing a lunar economy 11 months ago:
Cant wait to see how they will use moon real estate to produce a new kind of homeless people
- Comment on Isopods 11 months ago:
Very interesting. Thanks
- Comment on Snikt 11 months ago:
Moldymemes will claim this one soon
- Comment on Isopods 11 months ago:
Is there any way in wich those metals are effectively/permanently taken out? Like some chemical bond that an animal produces that makes the metal innactive even after the animal decomposes?
- Comment on Isopods 11 months ago:
Nice. How does that happen? Shouldnt the metal come back to the soil after the animal dies?
- Comment on is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia? 11 months ago:
And in order to achieve it we need to get rid of some dipshit CEOs
- Comment on U.S. ‘prepper’ culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest 11 months ago:
The people without color gang, of course (you cant see them tho)