- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 1 day ago:
I’ve been seeing his comments everywhere lately
- Comment on Dad like Tsundere 1 week ago:
Yes and I love it
- Comment on Dad like Tsundere 1 week ago:
Now I want an anime with a tsundere mother
- Comment on Speculative Evolution 2 weeks ago:
Chicken wearin pants
- Comment on boo! 2 weeks ago:
Is this another situation like the blobfish, where the photos of it are just what it looks like when the body has been destroyed from the change in pressure but it actually looks underwhelming at the depths it normally lives in?
- Comment on If you dont have a macking cmheese, are you even based? 3 weeks ago:
Sad, I wonder how the captions work
- Comment on If you dont have a macking cmheese, are you even based? 3 weeks ago:
Im able to read the accessible caption on the Voyager app by clicking the image itself :)
- Comment on emotional regulation hub? 3 weeks ago:
You’ll see exactly why if you look into sbujb’s post history (spoiler: it’s to piss people off and get comments like yours)
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Oh is it?? I loved my pixel 3 and when it was time for an upgrade the pixel 7 was the flagship and was way too big. I switched over to a Samsung s21 5g and it’s been a decent size, but I’m at a loss for what to do when this one inevitably dies on me. Glad to hear the newer pixels are potentially one-handable for my tiny hands.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Huh, wasn’t installed on my device. I have a Samsung, so perhaps this update hasn’t been released for me yet; I’ll have to keep an eye out.
In case this helps anyone else, here’s the link to the app on play store.
- Comment on End nuclear fusion! 5 months ago:
Awesome thank you!
- Comment on End nuclear fusion! 5 months ago:
What is helium used for when diving?
- Comment on It's coming! :( 5 months ago:
Really awesome response, thanks for sharing a different opinion on all the points people have been bringing up in this thread.
- Comment on It's coming! :( 5 months ago:
Well I guess I need to start looking for another non-chromium-based browser soon…
- Comment on It's coming! :( 5 months ago:
I had another reply that gave a decent reason to support the meme :)
- Comment on It's coming! :( 5 months ago:
- Comment on It's coming! :( 5 months ago:
Wuh oh, I’m OOTL here, what’s happening to Firefox?
- Comment on Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life 6 months ago:
This looks like it’s from some kind of online game? Where’s the screenshot taken from?
- Comment on Oldest computer 7 months ago:
:( aww mayn
- Comment on Windows 11 7 months ago:
What’s revi.cc?
- Comment on Amazon should've made Prime Day fall on a date corresponding to an actual three-digit prime number. 7 months ago:
😂 I’m familiar with many of them because I liked math in school and went through all of primary and middle school without a digital calculator. This one is one I hadn’t heard of before and, again because I like math, I’m interested in understanding 1) what the trick is and 2) mathematically how it works out
- Comment on Amazon should've made Prime Day fall on a date corresponding to an actual three-digit prime number. 7 months ago:
Oh awesome that’s a neat trick I’ve never seen before. How does that work? For a number like 700 for example, 7 + 0 + 0 = 7 but 700 is visible by 10.
- Comment on If you rearrange 2 letters in Queen Latifah's name, it becomes Queef Latinah 9 months ago:
Nom de poon it’s gold
- Comment on Hey Evolution! You know that flinch I do when I think of embarrassing things in my past, sometimes accompanied by a groan? 9 months ago:
- Comment on Using Ubuntu may give off a hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect. 9 months ago:
Hey man idk why you’re being so hostile to people responding to you, but it is the point OP is making. They’re saying that ANY Linux distro, including Ubuntu, are seen as ‘hipsters’ to average PC users, but within the Linux community Ubuntu is very basic AKA not hipster.
Off the top of my head, the easiest analogy is that having your favorite song be Creep by Radiohead might be seen as kinda alternative/hipster to someone who listens to pop music, but to anyone in the indie community or radiohead fans, it’s seen as the opposite.
- Comment on Language 9 months ago:
That’s a really interesting point of view that I hadn’t heard before, thanks for sharing
- Comment on Language 9 months ago:
I do not believe in free will
Cool, elaborate? :)
- Comment on Womens fashion guide 9 months ago:
I don’t think so
- Comment on I love tardigrades and think they deserve more love, so I made a quick doodle of a jelly tardigrade angel! 🍮 9 months ago:
Aww this is super cute and you did a fantastic job at rendering that texture, super tricky stuff!
With all love, are you open to friendly feedback on how you might improve it? It’s awesome as is :)
- Comment on There are songs we've gone our whole lives without hearing and our favorite song might still be out there. 9 months ago:
I loved the original in my youth
To be fair, I’m in my mid 20s which may still be “youth”. I do see how the cover can speak more with more challenges in life. I do also love “Thank you for the offer” by Chip Taylor and it gives me a similar feeling to Cash’s Hurt.
I’m not yucking your yum one bit. Wouldn’t take it that way. Besides, Cash’s version is also “my yum”, just not more than the original :)
I hope life has given and continues to give you more to smile about.