- Comment on Solar noon is the only real noon 6 hours ago:
Cries in programmer while looking at northern Sweden
- Comment on Little Man is chubbed 2 days ago:
My, admittedly limited, experience with indoor rabbits is kinda. Ours didn’t train well but they would pick a spot in the house and only ever go there. So we’d just put a box in that spot and was good to go. Sometimes we’d have to move the box and I’d say it was 50/50 if they actually followed it or stuck to their spot
- Comment on Delicious 3 days ago:
Well ham like this wouldn’t work great for shredding but ham that still has the grain would. Think of stuff that pulled pork can go well with like sandwiches, stews, or tacos
- Comment on fireflies 1 week ago:
Depends on the area, the US is big. It’s been a while since I’ve been but some areas of Ohio had tons of them every night. I’ve never seen any in the Pacific northwest though. But even that’s a pretty broad region could be some around here I don’t know about
- Comment on I wish 1 week ago:
Looks like it’s from a cartoon called polar bear’s cafe…/rm1416163585/
- Comment on I find it funny that American republicans seem to want a king, when the definition of republicanism is a government without a king. 2 weeks ago:
Fuck please don’t be real…
- Comment on Also, plan to dig away from the outhouse. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Understimulated 3 weeks ago:
The Orville is a gem. I think it helped kick other Star Trek back into shape we had a lot of slop for a while there
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 3 weeks ago:
Ah I think my comment made in haste was ambiguous. Fortunately I was not cut this time around, I’ve somehow skated by all the firings. I’m actually just clinging on for a few more months then I’m off to Sweden to go back to school. Hoping to actually finish my game dev degree this time around! I do have some school application stuff I would love to have people see though I’ll keep you in mind for that if you are up for it (for a work sample primarily, to get into higher rates schools)
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 3 weeks ago:
I’ve somehow survived all the firings and restructurings so far. It’s a shit show over here. I’m trying to get through a few more months then I’m off to another country to go back to school
The agonizing hasn’t stopped for me I’ve just gotten used to it as a part of my day to day. It’s wild what they’ve been putting us through we need to unionize
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 3 weeks ago:
I work for Unity, I’ve been sick for a couple days, this is how I find out lol. It’s a mess here fam any devs reading this just use godot instead
- Comment on She would be proud 4 weeks ago:
My mom has six siblings. Grandma got it on
- Comment on Keep them guessing 4 weeks ago:
I set up a build server for my obsidian notes. Push changes to GitHub, Jenkins picks it up, turns it into a website, and deploys to another server. I’m running into an issue though the tool I use to turn it into a website is abandoned. Might have to roll my own 😔
- Comment on reddit 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on The opposite of hot girl summer 4 weeks ago:
Moscow Idaho or Russia they’re both similar temp right now lol
- Comment on what exercises work for you to avoid back pain? 1 month ago:
For me, bouldering has helped a lot. If you already have chronic pain definitely talk with a doctor or physical therapist first though. If you aren’t paying attention to your body it’s also very easy for climbing to fuck you up more. It’s a great combo of core and back strength though that can really help with a lot of things
- Comment on Developer of WalkScape (the fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL) here again. We're accepting new players and have a Lemmy community! 2 months ago:
Just applied, looks fun!