- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 1 week ago:
I switched thermostats due to the old one failing, and getting a basic smart thermostat was required for a hefty rebate that basically made it free… and the one I have now, the app thought my not-major-brand phone was a tablet. I couldn’t hit the button to turn down the heat, only up, because it was cut off due to scaling.
So yeah, requiring apps for interface is bad. Even if you are willing to use it there’s so freakin many various versions of android that it’s guaranteed to not work properly for a whole swath of people, mostly those on budget devices.
- Comment on Dont worry everyone, this is just an example. Rick Astley has not given us up. 2 weeks ago:
I think that’s the one inverted color pic that is still widely recognizable by basically everyone, while not being someone particularly famous in a widely applicable way (Einstein and Marilyn Monroe are the only other two I can think of with iconic enough single-frame images to be able to be likewise recognized, but I’m open to other examples!)
- Comment on Nice try guy 2 weeks ago:
Yeah because the economy is totally great right now and finding work that pays the bills is super easy!
— things said by people who are out of touch
Even when the economy was good, it took months to find new employment if you have to have any sort of standard (like minimum income above the minimum wage threshold). Most people right now can’t afford to be out of work for months.
Maybe your area was good, maybe your skill set is in demand, maybe you have zero standards or requirements to support your family, whatever it is, your experience is not at all the standard, and it’s much more likely you just have survivor bias. That’s when you say “it was easy for me, it should be easy for everyone!” While everyone else is struggling.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 3 weeks ago:
My state (big ag state) has a whopping 3 and 2 of those are hemp. The one that isn’t just hemp doesn’t have an area listed, just the state.
I mean I’m glad there are any… but yeah, not a super great resource for some areas lol
- Comment on Sunning 3 weeks ago:
At least they don’t have to worry about sunburn because that can’t possibly be a comfortable or easy position to maintain for long periods of time…
Imagine a sunburned anal sphincter… shudder
- Comment on We've increased our subscription from $9.99 to $29.99 a month 3 weeks ago:
One of the later red dwarf episodes has this. The ship gets upgraded to m-corp, and as registered crew lister is the only one impacted.
- Comment on Study of 8k Posts Suggests 40+% of Facebook Posts are AI-Generated 3 weeks ago:
I think you give them too much credit. As long as it doesn’t actively hurt their numbers, like x, it’s just part of the budget.
- Comment on Moap 4 weeks ago:
Featured in the… super amazing movie Waterworld (1995)
- Comment on Poll: What's the cross-over between fans of Trek and solarpunk? 4 weeks ago:
If you haven’t already, you should check out some of the communities over on, we’ve got stuff from urban development to farming to transport to aesthetics :)
- Comment on California just debunked a big myth about renewable energy 5 weeks ago:
I considered mentioning the angled slide-down option, cuz that does work for a lot of applications, but I feel that having it slide off the panel face in a heavy sheet would be bad for it over time, cause scratches and stuff that scatter light and reduce efficiency. Maybe reduce it more than it would be reduced by heating it while it’s snowing heavily, or at least cause it to need replacement or servicing more often.
- Comment on California just debunked a big myth about renewable energy 5 weeks ago:
The snow problem isn’t really that much of a problem if you build for that in mind.
All the panels need is a small heat strip running through some part of it, maybe even behind the panel, added as aftermarket options, to melt it as it falls, and some sort of sensor to only kick heat on when it’s needed. They have things like that for led traffic lights already, so it would really just be repurposing something that already exists.
Sure that uses some electricity, reducing the overall efficiency, but 90+% of the year it’s not actively snowing hard enough to need to kick the heat on, so that’s a minimal loss.
- Comment on Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination 1 month ago:
Haha well I guess at least you get an excuse for something you (hopefully) enjoy.
No disability is fun, and for what it’s worth I’m sorry that it’s a thing you have to find a way to manage. I imagine it’s rough. I have my own disabilities that… we get by, eh?
Thanks for answering my questions though, I’ve not met anyone in that position, but it will absolutely factor into how I interact with people in the future, so thank you for being open :)
- Comment on Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination 1 month ago:
Nice, do you do that just to help keep it in check, or do you have other methods?
- Comment on Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination 1 month ago:
How ironic.
But really tho, people with high iron are good for blood donation because a lot of people are low and they more readily pass the screening tests for donation.
- Comment on Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination 1 month ago:
Do you donate blood to do this or…?
- Comment on I’m much more excited for Avowed after hearing the team say that what makes RPGs special is “missable content” 2 months ago:
That’s cool, I just don’t care for having the same story with minor tweaks repeatedly told. Personal preference thing I guess; I remember too many of the details between plays, and find that to be not so fun. Same reason I have to wait years between re-reading my favorite books, or watching my favorite movies.
I love big exploration games, I love finding stuff and fully exploring the world and storylines. I don’t love repetition. That’s tedious to me, like grinding to level up.
Idk personally I want to be able to fully explore everything in one go and know I haven’t missed anything major, because it’s going to be a long time before I can play it again.
But different games exist for different people so meh :) I’m glad that these things work for you.
- Comment on What are you brewing? 2 months ago:
I haven’t brewed in a while and all my yeast cultures died on me, so… I’ve been thinking about getting more standard ale yeast (probs just the cheap dry stuff) and just brew up all the old shit that’s probably no good anymore but is better than tossing it… what’s the worst that can happen, right?
I’ve got stuff for like 6 different brews… such a waste if I don’t use it…
And then when I have my shit together again I’ll go back to making my fancy “found fruits” tart/sours (it not at all fancy, but it is economical, and often well received)
- Comment on I’m much more excited for Avowed after hearing the team say that what makes RPGs special is “missable content” 2 months ago:
I really dislike missable, important content. Especially when it’s for achievements and stuff. (I like achievements/trophies; they give me a good external motivation to play more cuz woo I’m doing good! I also enjoy 100%ing games)
There are far far too many games out there for me to be enthusiastic about replaying them. Ever. If it’s a gem that really catches me, sure maybe, but it will be a solid ways down the temporal line. I have too much of a backlog.
I get that it’s just a different way to play and stuff, and I totally get the different story options and all, but that’s not much of a feature, imho. It’s just a really obnoxious thing they do. If it doesn’t break achievements, fine, have your missable cutscenes or whatever, but if it does and you expect me to play through 5 times to fully complete the game because it has 5 endings you need to play wholly differently to get or whatever, I probably won’t unless it’s quite a spectacular game worth another 100x(n) hours for a slightly different story experience. I’ll play it once, see that I have only 20% complete, look up why, find that there’s tons of missable shit, get unreasonably annoyed, and never touch it again ever.
- Comment on Always happy when the holiday cactus flowers 3 months ago:
Mine hasn’t quite bloomed yet, it’s still young and only has 4 buds (last year had 2)
But the white one is putting out huge flowers like crazy (also hasn’t actually bloomed yet, first year it’s flowering, and it has dozens)
They should be opening within the next few days/weeks idk.
- Comment on BIOMES 3 months ago:
Wow it didn’t even occur to me that paludariums were so named because that’s the type of ecosystem they are mimicking, rather than some guy named Paul invested a cool-style terrarium/aquarium merger… (example below)
- Comment on How to avoid having cat hair all over my floor every 2 days? 3 months ago:
My trick to not having fur on me is wearing permanent press and other sleek fabrics (spandex blends, silk type feel, or otherwise just smooth). They tend to be less… sticky? Less clingy for hair anyway. And if not those, then very fuzzy fabrics that absorb the hair until it gets washed (comes out in the dryer) or blends in and becomes part of the fabric.
My couch is covered with a microfiber blanket with the less fuzzy side up (one side is that pilling type of soft fuzz, that side is down, the other side doesn’t pilll and has space between the fibers) and the cat hair sort of sinks into it and comes out in the wash. It’s not perfect, but it works super well for me.
- Comment on Asshole Lab Rat 3 months ago:
I’m guessing Henrietta Lacks, since she’s probably got a bone to pick with the research community as a whole. I bet she’s got some special accommodation with the universe to be brought back constantly as a stream of lab animals, just to fuck with the data.
Revenge is a dish best served confusingly.
- Comment on 🍃 🐑 3 months ago:
So vampire photosynthesis.
That’s metal af.
- Comment on The Perfect Bear 3 months ago:
Damn man. At least they made the art they had banging around in their skulls.
Meanwhile I can’t do a thing I’ve got so much reference material for because “what if it’s not just the way I want”
you dumb bitch you can fix it if it sucks holy shit.
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
Testicle size and potency is entirely unrelated to penis size, for all the men out there, and if you only ever have one partner you want to make babies with you don’t really need to be a super stud in the testicle department either… you just need regular sexual contact with your lady half.
And people with breeder fetishes are fucking gross and weird. Musk is one such and just… eew.
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
That explains so much…
- Comment on The Genesis of a joke. 3 months ago:
I did this with my shark(nado) bagless vacuum. :)
- Comment on Do it 4 months ago:
Mmmm you gotta do the twist break, where you push sideways on the bottom part to see if you can snap off the entire clip piece, rather than having that shitty nub left.
But if you end up with the shitty nub by accident, you gotta bite that bitch off.
In college I bought myself a 50 pack of those cuz I lose shit a lot, and that clip never lasted more than a few hours on any new pencil…
- Comment on Wednesday it is, my dudes. 4 months ago:
When I was young and lived in the country with a big pond and marshland, most of the frogs went “THUMMM” at night (like this and the others were more like a high pitch creaky door or one of those hollow wooden frogs with the back ridges that you play with a stick, like this
I’ve never lived near any sort of frogs that I’d describe as making a riib sound
I think this is the sound you are talking about? It’s kinda harder to pick out, but there’s a distinct riib sound there that’s absent from the other video.
- Comment on Scavengers 4 months ago:
What’s up with the nose flamingo?
Its stakes go to nothing.
Is it just like… taped on or something? (VHB/silicone?)