- Comment on I'll show them 13 hours ago:
Definitely the latter, i’m sorry for being unclear about that.
If that’s true then it clears up a thing or two for me.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 17 hours ago:
Thanks now i’m hungry, i can’t easily get hotdogs here ffs.
- Comment on I'll show them 17 hours ago:
I’m sorry what? Short term memory issues are an adhd thing?
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 4 weeks ago:
I think nfsu2, we got it for christmas and played it for 2 full days in a row.
But tbh i still remember my playlist (flyleaf - i’m so sick/ fully alive, hinder - wings of an angel, Marilyn Manson - the beautiful people, a perfect circle, Korn and a couple others) i used while playing wow for the first time when you could get to lvl30 within a certain trial period. Definitely been hooked for some time but never made it to lvl cap nor did i get sny good gear.
Skyrim gobbled up the most hours of any game.
But i think wow really offered the best escape of real life back then for me, which is my main drive for playing games.
Being able to do the right thing and actually getting rewarded for it is a thing that keeps me coming back to videk games.
Real life isn’t really like that most of the time. It will drain you completely, eat all your good intentions and shit you out the other end completely drained and empty handed.
- Comment on Do people still call each other at midnight on NYE? 4 weeks ago:
I just go to bed at 11, like i would on any other day off😅
- Comment on Thanks mom, I don't want any 5 weeks ago:
I’m stuck trying to figure out if it’s like creamy mushroom soup or they boiled the liquid out of the mushroom soup and made a mushroom soup flavoured hunk of…mushroom soup remains?
Like a thick chunky, overly strong flavoured, very american sounding hunk of processed flavours.
- Comment on Just trying my best to make you turds smile 5 weeks ago:
I clicked shuffle on my youtube songs playlist and THIS is what i got first.
- Comment on Support local bands 3 months ago:
What, i was always told the bassist is the crazy one and i can confirm as i used to be the bassist.
- Comment on Opera explains how it plans to keep uBlock Origin support as Google Chrome disables it 3 months ago:
I tried setting it upfor my router.
But the insteuctions just go: “change ipv4 to x” and “change ipv6 to x”.
There are no ipv4 or 6’s so i need to add them, but it won’t let me add without a specific name but it doesn’t give me any requirements for the name.
So i’m stuck.
- Comment on Opera explains how it plans to keep uBlock Origin support as Google Chrome disables it 3 months ago:
It’s with all those silly free apps tho, sometimes i’ll go there and have some fun game which he installs on the spot…no ads.
So it can’t be with the apps itself.
Heck i’ve burned myself on a couple of those games where i would go: “i’ve played for weeks, might as well buy out the ads and save myself the headache” and it will still have ads, for power ups or some other similar things.
- Comment on Opera explains how it plans to keep uBlock Origin support as Google Chrome disables it 3 months ago:
You won’t get me off adblock, as of recently i’ve come to find we get significantly more ads compared to friends and family.
My dad plays wordfeud, so i install and play a set with him…about 5 seconds in i get frustrated at the 4th ad and my dad goes: “which ads”.
My friends keep telling me i’m taking the youtube ads far too serious as they are only 10 seconds and show it to me too.
My youtube ads are 1 minute unskippable blocks before and after 1m 51s videos. I’ll get a 1min ad block halfway into a 5 minute video even though youtube themselves claim they don’t do that.
How the fuck am i so fucked when it comes to ads, my dads phone is almost completely ad free. Heck the google top suggestions that are basically paid for ads don’t even show up on his phone.
He can play those free apps (advertisement feeding software) without getting any ads and he’s adamant his phone isn’t modified.
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 4 months ago:
Jokes on them tho, they lack common understanding.
I watch a video about someone modding a shitbox and they think i can afford this new spyker sports car or any other 80k e car.
Obviously that shit is a swing and a miss. You want to give me advertising that suits me? Start by advertising stickers about cars because that’s something i could afford…not something i would buy tho.
- Comment on - a website that rates mobile games for their "dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Not sure of they fixed Diablo, but that one had some dark mechanics for the season stuff making people accidentally get the premium.
- Comment on Very thankful 4 months ago:
I just pirate that porn, heck many of them charge for their OF while they post the same shit that’s on their insta and when they do release something worthwhile you gotta dunk another 50 to get it.
While already spending 8 bucks a month just to see a mirror of their instagram.
Just sell the damn video for 58 bucks and leave out the bullshit part of the deal. They’re just playing into addiction related habits to get you to spend more.
- Comment on Satisfactory 1.0 4 months ago:
Oohh nice, even tho i’m not really the right person for such a game.
I keep losing track and starting over, then realizing i want it to look cooler…start rebuilding and lose interest and drop the game fir quite a time until i find out i lost track and start the cycle over again.
- Comment on Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be 4 months ago:
People still go for his games after what was done with Godus?
- Comment on Like Brazil, the European Union also has an X problem. 4 months ago:
Thanks, i like it…so far
- Comment on Like Brazil, the European Union also has an X problem. 4 months ago:
It’s one of the few places i have managed to find some like minded people when it comes to some sexual interests of mine, it would probably make me sad for a bit if i can’t use it anymore.
We’ll see what happens, being EU i would assume they start with some decent fines followed by some heavier ones before they actually pull the plug tho.
- Comment on Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian 5 months ago:
So eh…this got me excited, never played any mafia game tho.
- Comment on What if? 5 months ago:
It took me until your comment to realize i can take back control of my feed.
And the required: “nice” for the 69.
- Comment on Fast-food chains battle for low-income diners with summer value meals 6 months ago:
I used to get a bic mac large menu for me and my friend for roughly €10, now it’s around €12 for one if i’m not mistaken (haven’t been to the place for quite some years now).
The food was never worth the money, we went there for the friendship and low barrier of entry. We could just do what we wanted and enjoy ourselves for as long as we wanted. Watch some video’s, have a laugh, maybe get a cheap icecream or milkshake after a while.
Where any regular coffee place would start trying to get you to order more or let you know they needed to “free up the table” for other guests.
Maccers never gave a shit and it felt good to be there, so that’s what we did…we hung out as it was affordable, especially when the weather was bad.
- Comment on New Samsung phones block sideloading by default 6 months ago:
Ty, cleared it up right away.
- Comment on New Samsung phones block sideloading by default 6 months ago:
So this new update (assuming the update ads this too) i just got today should have killed my revanced apps?
- Comment on Bethesda Game Studios workers have unionized 6 months ago:
If starfield is anything to go by, the new elder scrolls might be a step back from modded skyrim.
- Comment on Or meet and cheese 6 months ago:
Not anymore it isn’t. I remember my parents getting a weeks worth of meats and cheese for €15 making the same wage as i do now.
I would now pay roughly 50€ for a similar selection, so no more meats and cheese because i also pay triple the rent they did for a house half the size.
No i’ll never stop complaining about it because my wage 10 years ago paid for a lovely house and allowed me to enjoy life by working out like the beast i enjoy being and now i’m left empty handed beside a load of skills that my employer deems worthless but a requirement nonetheless.
Make it make sense, because i’m certain we deserve more than what we currently get.
- Comment on Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News 6 months ago:
I’m so done with companies claiming my house for their ads.
It’s my house i decide what makes it in as i pay the rent and i bought these devices, so fuck off.
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 6 months ago:
Fam, at my last job they had roughly 23h of activity for me per week. 17h of nothing to do and still having to stick around because i needed every penny to be able to pay my bills.
- Comment on “Immensely disappointing”: Nike killing app for $350 self-tying sneakers 6 months ago:
A point could be made that it hurts the planet and they should be held responsible for their shenanigans.
As with that spotify car thing.
- Comment on Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission 7 months ago:
I just turned it off as it kept bitching about the storage being full.
I don’t need you bish, fuck off.
- Comment on Common printing questions 7 months ago:
They have like 236 ender 3’s nowadays, ofcourse i’m not asking google as i’ll end up on some website that’s shilling for creality and completely ignores the other brands.