- Comment on I put my heart and soul into this AI but nobody cares 2 weeks ago:
Now, to any person who has ever seen an AI image or indeed seen anything in the real world, you’d think it would be obvious that these are fake images. … And yet, other each of this images there are hundreds, sometimes thousands of positive comments. …
So braindead and stereotypical are these comments that you might think they are themselves AI generated. But, picking a few at random, I checked out their profiles and they seem genuine. … They did also all seem to be active churchgoers but that must be some kind of coincidence…
Shots fired.
- Comment on Good morning. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Day 206 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 4 weeks ago:
I’m playing two different saves in Skyrim right now, and I still thought it was The Long Dark when I saw the thumbnail. Seriously underappreciated title!
- Comment on I to live dangerously 4 weeks ago:
Also me when I use too much pressure.
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 4 weeks ago:
I was in the market for a new keyboard recently, and came down to either a Redragon or a HyperX, and I ended up going with the latter just because it was on sale. I’m happy with the HyperX, but I think either would have been just as good for me.
Very similar details to what you wrote here – they have their own switches, feels nice, inexpensive, RGB… I got black “pudding” key caps to replace the stock ones, but there are plenty of pink options too.
- Comment on Good morning I choose making the best of what you have. 2 months ago:
Additional crumple zones. Ya’know, for safety.
- Comment on Good morning I choose making the best of what you have. 2 months ago:
- Comment on Just sucking some milk out of the strawsage 2 months ago:
30 Crazy Ideas For Your Party
Not even half as crazy as using your penis to suck up the milk and then spraying it up into your mouth, followed by an ear-splittingly loud elephant trumpet sound with a dead-serious look on your face. Now that would create some lasting memories at your next Oprah bookclub meetup. Like and Subscribe for more tips and tricks.
- Comment on Do you want me to heat that up in the "Michael Wave"? 2 months ago:
That’s because it was designed by Michael Wave.
- Comment on Pentagon Approved Funds for MrBeast, Kelly Clarkson, Guy Fieri in 2023 2 months ago:
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Return to Moria for me. I picked it up for free from Epic recently and it’s all I’ve played since. Going solo and I just made it to the Pilgrim Road waypoint.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
They really nailed the Lego game formula on that one. Truly a love letter to Peter Jackson’s films and with all the silly Lego game humor. I finally 100%'d it last year, then went right onto Lego The Hobbit (almost as good!).
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Everytime a new Borderlands game comes out (just the major ones), I’ve replayed the original before getting into the new one. All the sequels have at least one interesting variation on the formula, but none have matched the atmosphere and pacing of the original for me.
- Comment on Apps doing year wrapped gives you a hint on how are you being tracked. There is probably a legal issue there somewhere like data retention. 2 months ago:
Antenna-Pod does it this way as well.
- Comment on People have no idea how understatimate is the New Year Eve celebration in Iceland! This is pure madness! People are just for the fun over here! Fireworks for hours and people plastered and happy 2 months ago:
I dunno, sounds pretty statimated to me.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
No one’s telling you that you don’t have that choice… Just that over-indulging in that choice could lead to heart disease. What you find to be an acceptable level of risk is entirely up to you.
- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #36 - Kona 4 months ago:
I love walking sims, exploration games, and mysteries… Kona was such a great title. Really moody and atmospheric. Looking forward to picking up the sequel soon, maybe during this sale. Thanks for sharing!
- Comment on No Man's Sky The Cursed Expedition 4 months ago:
This is a great summary of the game, I just wanted to add on that you don’t necessarily have to start a new character for expeditions. They added the “Expedition Terminus” in the Space Anomaly a few updates back, which lets you start the expedition from an existing save.
That said, I always start a new character, because those first couple hours where I’m trying to get on my feet are always the most challenging for me, and that keeps the game fresh by pushing me outside my usual style of engaging with the game.
- Comment on UK experts warn against buying ‘XL bully cats’ 4 months ago:
In a word, materialism.
- Comment on What is the purpose of this plastic piece? 5 months ago:
Could it be to protect the rest of the item from getting scratched by the prongs? Especially a screen, or some soft/glossy plastic case that would be prone to scratches.
- Comment on Why is Facebook filled with so much random junk now? 5 months ago:
For the same reasons that everything else is “enshittified” – It’s produced by people seeking maximum profits for minimum effort, and consumed by people who aren’t discerning enough to care.
- Comment on What are they hiding? 5 months ago:
Those markings are the key to a map that shows the exact location of Thomas Jefferson’s secret tomb!
- Comment on First Borderlands 4 Concept Art Revealed at PAX West Showing Off a Glimpse of Its New Worlds 6 months ago:
Definitely looks like more Borderlands.
I really enjoyed 1 and 2, played through the main story in both at least two times. I installed 3 over a year (two years?) ago and just completely stalled out on it, so it remains unfinished.
I really liked the low-gravity aspect of Pre Sequel, and the more immersive thematic elements of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands… Hopefully there’s something like those things here, that really adds on to the core gameplay loop, and not just additional in-game currencies or another elemental damage type.
- Comment on As He Realized His Mistake, Elon Musk Begged Twitter Staff to Turn Off the New Feature He'd Pushed For 6 months ago:
But then there would be no title.
- Comment on Break science with this one weird trick 6 months ago:
- Comment on I didn’t know geese can own cars 7 months ago:
Yo, dawg, we heard you liked to honk…
- Comment on YSK that the recommended daily fiber intake is 25g for women and 38g for men in the USA. 95% of the country does not meet this amount. 7 months ago:
Finally, a pro-health justification for eating the whole container of oatmeal cookies.
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
Working as a graphic designer in the US since the early 2000’s, every employer I ever worked for eventually used Fiverr to pay someone overseas a fraction of what they paid me to do the same work. This doesn’t seem meaningfully different.
Not saying this is okay, just that it’s not even remotely (no pun intended) a new problem.
- Comment on Rabbit R1 is Just an Android App 10 months ago:
No rea$on at all, except for that one little rea$on that we alway$ $eem to keep coming back to…
- Comment on She did her best ok? 11 months ago:
This feels like it could be a new indicator for the relationship between economy and education… The Pizza Party Slice Index?