- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 2 weeks ago:
Yes definitely lost touch with reality.
The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הֶסְכֵּם הַעֲבָרָה, romanized: heskem haavara, lit. ‘transfer agreement’) was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist organizations signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine between 1933 and 1939.[1]
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 2 weeks ago:
- spend millions to create laws to protect a genocidal entity working towards ethnic cleansing Palestinians from their lands.
- why Twitter have a Nazi and?
What do you expect from people who worked hard to support Zionist Nazi in their mission in genociding the Palestinians since WWII with historical knowing ties to Hitler, and allowing them to bluntly own all branches of government? It was evident at least since the attempt of ethnically cleansing Gaza that the US government and many fascist allies in Europe have no issue with white supremacy. They been actively and proudly stating their goals, but the American people got played with fake democracy until it reaches this moment.
- Comment on MIT builds swarms of tiny robotic insect drones that can fly 100 times longer than previous designs 2 weeks ago:
In the latest video about this by veritasium, he asked the researcher about ethics concern. the researcher insist that they dont care as humanity can decide for themself.
The new report also details the extent of MIT’s partnerships with Israeli military contractors like Elbit Systems, which supplies 85 percent of Israel’s killer drones, and Maersk, one of the world’s largest shipping companies, that has sent millions of pounds of military goods to Israel since the start of the war on Gaza. The Israeli military also sponsored several of the MIT projects with funds provided by the U.S. Defense Department.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
Classic. it is Obama fault.
- Comment on AI-powered weapons scanners used in NYC subway found zero guns in one month test 4 months ago:
more tax dollars stolen
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 5 months ago:
“we have infiltrate the supply chain of communication devices order by Hizbollah what should we do”
- “put GPS tracker so we know where they are”
- “we can listen to all their plans and communication”
- “put a bomb inside …”
- Comment on Lebanon’s health minister says 8 killed, 2,750 wounded by exploding pagers 5 months ago:
I am surprised the name of the manufacture is not out. This basically raise privacy concern.
- Comment on Telegram repeatedly refused to join child protection schemes 5 months ago:
Authoritian regimes doesnt need to pretend. If they find out you are a risk they don’t need to gather evidence to get you in prison, so they don’t need to pretend they care about censoring the internet for the wrong reasons.
The issue here is the west want to do the same but need a valid justification. Instead of work to stop the actual abuse in the first place they want access to the only way for many people to share information safely.
You could be technically letrate and find your way around all the restrictions, but many people are not and they need access to secure communication channels to arrange there activism.
The fact we don’t see backlash against twitter, Facebook, Google, and Apple tells alot about what is this about.
The fact we are seeing more support for “consent” for kids, and the fact that there were many major cases such as Epstein and Maxwell which has been obscured or even hidden when it comes to major profilic people says alot about their intent.
- Comment on Telegram repeatedly refused to join child protection schemes 5 months ago:
Imagine only targetting Telegram and not Meta and Twitter.
- Comment on Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress 5 months ago:
- Comment on Well that was predictable 6 months ago:
The only issue is to where. I think better to stay but position yourself in a situation were you can make an impact even if a small one.
- Comment on The Hidden Ties Between Google and Amazon’s Project Nimbus and Israel's Military 7 months ago:
It is amazing they don’t mention in the article how many children and innocent people died and dying due to the use of these technology. Keeping the wording at “armed conflict between Israel and Hamas”
- Comment on Disney hack leads to 1.2TB of Slack communications leaked online 7 months ago:
So where we can find these data to check out?
- Comment on Ex-CIA computer engineer gets 40 years in prison for giving spy agency hacking secrets to WikiLeaks 1 year ago:
It wouldn’t be far fetched that they put that themselves.
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg says sorry to families of children who committed suicide — after rejecting suggestion to set up a compensation fund to help the families get counseling 1 year ago:
This ignore situation were kids didn’t have social media and abusers post it there. Like sexual assaults and exploitation of childrens.
Not having a moderated platform with the ability to be private is something the platform should be held responsible for.
Imagine you have a studium full of fans waiting for the match to start, then someone comes in with a big screen playing a sexual abuse video then leave the stadium. It is normal to sue the stadium for lack of security along with suing the abuser.
Issues like bullying is harder but when the social network doesn’t remove abuse content they are at fault.
Facebook remove staff and systematically ignore report of these kinds because it would affect their value.
Finall note the us government is useless and they do this for show to look cool in front of their voters. EU done more to these corporations.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
I been anti-amazon for about 5 years now.
Nothing lost or needed. If I need something I go to local store to find it.
My only issue with Amazon is tools that uses their cloud services and Twitch. But since last December I decided to switch to YouTube with ad blocker.
Planning on de-google and de-microsoft within the next two years.
- Comment on Alec Baldwin charged for shooting; 1 year ago:
“The trio behind the monitor began repositioning the camera to remove a shadow, and Baldwin began explaining to the crew how he planned to draw the firearm. He said, “So, I guess I’m gonna take this out, pull it, and go, ‘Bang!’” When he removed it from the holster, the revolver discharged a single time. Baldwin denied pulling the trigger of the gun, while ABC News described a later FBI report stating that the gun could only fire if the trigger was pulled. Halls was quoted by his attorney Lisa Torraco as saying that Baldwin did not pull the trigger, and that Baldwin’s finger was never within the trigger guard during the incident. When the gun fired, the projectile traveled towards the three behind the monitor. It struck Hutchins in the chest, traveled through her body, and then hit Souza in the shoulder. Script supervisor Mamie Mitchell called 9-1-1 at 1:46 p.m. PT and emergency crews appeared three minutes later. Footage of the incident was not recorded.”
"In August 2022, FBI forensic testing and investigation of the firearm determined the Pietta .45 Long Colt Single Action Army revolver could not have been fired without a trigger pull from a quarter cocked, half-cocked, or fully cocked hammer position. It was also determined that the internal components of the revolver were intact and functional which ruled out mechanical failure as a reason for an accidental discharge. Baldwin stated during a December 2021 interview for ABC News that “the trigger wasn’t pulled” and “I didn’t pull the trigger.”
So he most likely lied about it. Maybe he was drunk or on drugs…
“On January 19, 2023, New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies said she would charge Baldwin and Gutierrez-Reed with two counts each of involuntary manslaughter. Halls agreed to plead guilty to negligent use of a deadly weapon, and received a suspended sentence and six months of probation.”
"On June 22, 2023, Gutierrez-Reed faced a second charge of tampering with evidence, in which the special prosecutors allege that she transferred “narcotics to another person with the intent to prevent the apprehension, prosecution or conviction of herself.” They later specify from a June 29 court filing that she attempted to conceal a small bag of cocaine the night of the fatal shooting after her initial police interview. On August 4, 2023, Gutierrez-Reed waived her right to a preliminary hearing to determine whether or not the criminal charges would stand, thus allowing the trial to move forward and on August 9, she pleaded not guilty to both charges. On August 21, a New Mexico judge scheduled her trial to run February 21 through March 6, 2024.”
There were drugs on set.
“On November 10, Rust gaffer Serge Svetnoy filed a lawsuit against the production for general negligence. A second lawsuit was filed on November 17 by script supervisor Mamie Mitchell, who says the script did not call for the discharging of a firearm. On January 23, 2022, Baldwin and other producers filed a memorandum that asked a California judge to dismiss the November 17, 2021 lawsuit by Mitchell. In November 2022, the court rejected a request to dismiss Mitchell’s lawsuit against Baldwin and his production company”
I didn’t know it is his own company as well…
- Comment on Israeli Group Claims It Uses Big Tech Back Channels to Take Down Content 1 year ago:
I apologized as my brain cells can’t comprehend this stupid statement.
- Comment on Israeli Group Claims It Uses Big Tech Back Channels to Take Down Content 1 year ago:
You literally have to check history book and wikipedia to get informed opinion. If lazy, you can check the UN statement and article, if lazy you just write “Palestine” in any news websites and go back to dates at the end of WWII and you can have informed opinion.
- Comment on OpenAI CEO says Muslim tech workers fear retaliation for speaking out 1 year ago:
I am glad the upvote downvote ratio here is accurate to some degree. I do add notes to these accounts with label so it help ignore what they write on other posts…
- Comment on OpenAI CEO says Muslim tech workers fear retaliation for speaking out 1 year ago:
IIRC he mentioned he have guns and gas masks from the IDF.
It is wild to me that someone can receive stuff like that from a foreign military yet get security clearance for an emerging technology.
- Comment on xkcd #2875: 2024 1 year ago:
Between war criminals and a sexual predator that maybe a pedo, and a dictator sexual predator who might be a pedo. Obama looks like an angel.
Amazing how no revolution happen in the state yet.
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
Nice post was able to find many pro genocide and colonization users here to be labeled as “idf” or “Zainoist”
- Comment on Intel secures $3.25B Israeli gov't grant to build $25B chip fab in Israel amid ongoing tensions 1 year ago:
Not alone, my country sells oil to your country which help maintain their military power using it to kill civilians.
But if I learned something, boycotting does hurt. They hate it so much they call ot anti-semtisim.
So fuck intel.
- Comment on IBM demonstrates useful Quantum computing within 133-qubit Heron, announces entry into Quantum-centric supercomputing era 1 year ago:
To my understanding Its like regular computing but better in doing specific things and worst at other stuff.
- Comment on NASA uses laser to send video of a cat named Taters over 19 million miles 1 year ago:
I think the issue, again will be date and time.
DDMMYYYY + Planet + Orbit?
- Comment on Adobe abandons $20 billion acquisition of Figma 1 year ago:
Adobe Sigma ?
- Comment on Adobe abandons $20 billion acquisition of Figma 1 year ago:
They will just hire the same people or something.
- Comment on Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Top-Secret Hawaii Compound | WIRED 1 year ago:
I thought it is sooner 😔
- Comment on Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Top-Secret Hawaii Compound | WIRED 1 year ago:
Doesn’t climate change means that sea level is raising and most of the islands and cities near water around the world will be gone in a few years?