- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 2 days ago:
- Comment on Archaeologists find a human brain that was turned to glass by Pompeii volcano Vesuvius 2 days ago:
The science actually lends support to the idea that a crystal skull can be some kind of alien data storage device.
- Comment on Eggs sure have gotten cheap! Oh they haven't?...well I'm sure Trump is doing EVERYTHING he can 3 days ago:
Corporations do this to maximize profit. The US government is supposed to maximize helping citizens, it’s what we pay for. The U.S. government is essentially a non profit.
For the US government, profit-motivated strategy is inappropriate.
We need the people they fired to be doing their job even when there isn’t a pandemic. Having these people in staff is exact the same as hiring firefighters and cops, they’re for responding to emergencies. And just like firefighters and cops, they do investigation, training and research when there isn’t an emergency.
These people should not have been culled. Doing so when there isn’t an imminent pandemic is stupid enough, but sacking them when there’s already several out reals in progress is monumentally stupid. It’s the exact kind of move I’d expect a short term thinker who has never dealt with personal consequences to act.
- Comment on It works for anything 5 days ago:
eh, this is the version that went viral
- Comment on Just Because 1 week ago:
Canuxico was right there.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
Elven time conversion is the worst.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
What I’m hearing is that we should mine the sun and make better use of all that fuel.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
To moon landing, maybe. To fusion, no.
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 1 week ago:
Now you have to walk infinity to get to your room, which is by an infinite amount of ice machines and elevators.
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 2 weeks ago:
He’s already set half of it on fire:
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 2 weeks ago:
He’s already wasted half of it:
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 2 weeks ago:
You’re going to pay it, it’s just going to go to their pockets.
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 2 weeks ago:
You’re giving it away straight to their pockets, because the next step is to funnel all that money to their personal projects
- Comment on MIT builds swarms of tiny robotic insect drones that can fly 100 times longer than previous designs 2 weeks ago:
Plot twist: The crop is human misery.
- Comment on Right-Wing politics 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Best Buy Store 3 weeks ago:
Perfect dark comedy. I bet the corporate propaganda guy is a broken ex-clown, too sad to cry, and only his laughter soothes him.
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 3 weeks ago:
I stopped looking at the news for eleven seconds, what fresh hell did I miss?
- Comment on uninvited 3 weeks ago:
Had an uncle give my sister a Trump board game for Christmas (secret Santa) back when that game was new (early 90’s?). He put cash in the box which she didn’t find for YEARS when the closet shelf collapsed and the unopened game got crushed.
It was a great gag then too 🤣
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 3 weeks ago:
The crab speaks a deep truth.
- Comment on Casual dating 3 weeks ago:
This gif goes perfectly to “Walking on a Dream” by empire of the sun
- Comment on NAS Hardware selection 3 weeks ago:
If you want to roll your own, I’ve had good luck with ASRock Rack motherboards.
- Comment on Why is it called a *rest*room? I'm fighting for my life in here! 3 weeks ago:
If that was true they’d call if a _relax_lette, not a _toil_lette
- Comment on Pro-Life Texans Gather In Austin To Rally Against Abortion | News Radio 1200 WOAI | San Antonio's First News 4 weeks ago:
The fetus is not a person, not a body.
You don’t get to tell the woman what to do with her body any more than she gets to tell you what to do with yours.
- Comment on Pro-Life Texans Gather In Austin To Rally Against Abortion | News Radio 1200 WOAI | San Antonio's First News 5 weeks ago:
That’s called an abortion, not murder. See, since it’s inside of a human with her own agency, no one else has any say in what she does. It’s a very simple concept called bodily autonomy.
- Comment on Pro-Life Texans Gather In Austin To Rally Against Abortion | News Radio 1200 WOAI | San Antonio's First News 5 weeks ago:
Did this pregnant woman give birth to a child in the past, and is she looking to have that child assassinated in this scenario? That’s covered under regular old murder laws.
- Comment on Pro-Life Texans Gather In Austin To Rally Against Abortion | News Radio 1200 WOAI | San Antonio's First News 5 weeks ago:
Murdering your own children has been illegal forever. It’s women’s healthcare that classic religious terrorists, and modern Republican fascist terrorists, are trying to make illegal now.
- Comment on Pro-Life Texans Gather In Austin To Rally Against Abortion | News Radio 1200 WOAI | San Antonio's First News 5 weeks ago:
And they’re all catholic-school teens, a group well known for its critical thinking skills…
- Comment on Why the Left needs to watch Star Trek: It has lessons for today's techno-optimists 5 weeks ago:
Everyone does what they do voluntarily. Starfleet, barbers, field hands, all people who chose to do that because they enjoy it.
- Comment on How long does it take for a quantum torpedo to cover a distance of 12 parsecs? 1 month ago:
you’re gorram right.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
I like that it’s “Forced”. If it was just “make people shit themselves”, it would just happen and then they’d wonder what’s going on But Forced implies they’re fighting it, it implies resistance. That’s kinda messed up.