- Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 3 days ago:
I agree with this. Don’t work off the clock, no. Absolutely no. But 5 minutes early with 5 minutes overtime is good not bad, (unless it really is impossible with your commute.) there is no way I would complain about that. Your coworkers are basically showing that the job costs more than management thinks it does, that they need the prep time to do the job.
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 3 days ago:
A wood stove would be incredible if I lived in a colder climate. Here it would just be too much heat, they are used to both cook and warm the house, right?
But yeah. Throw another log on the fire. A couple of my friends moved to the countryside in Belize, and they built a big clay oven outside, but said because of the way it heated (so hot, close it up, let it slowly cool) they could only cook certain things in it.
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 3 days ago:
I’ve always cooked on radiant electric (not induction) stoves, but gas stoves are amazing. Literal fire just works like nothing else. Faster cooking != Better cooking, why are you conflating them?
I’ve never lived in a closed up efficient new house either, those seem like anything you cook would be problematic. All cooking releases something.
Will almost certainly stick with electric personally (whole house is electric only) but if I had an unlimited budget it would be gas stove, big whomping vent fan, and ovens with both steam and fan.
Induction worries me because we had an induction plate and it made a terrifying shrill noise, I worry that the high end ones do the same but we can’t hear it. Which seems awful for the dogs and cats.
- Comment on Stop touching your stuff! 6 days ago:
Maybe not to heaven but you might get close?
- Comment on I love the future. 6 days ago:
I looked and it’s made of natto? And aspergillus? Isn’t that what ferments sake? Maybe just go out to a Japanese restaurant. And the advert then says the only proven blah blah blah get the spike protein out is autophagy, which would imply that simply fasting would work, so even if you believe it you could just buy nothing and not eat for a few days, save money instead of spending it.
- Comment on If you’re a tall and skinny woman, do sized up hold ups and pantyhose look good on you? 1 week ago:
I was quite skinny but 5’9" and not so leggy. If they are thigh highs I’d buy your regular size and just let them end a little lower, that looks good. 35" hips on 6’ sounds like you may want to exercise though?
I know that’s not what you are asking! But I bulked and went from 32-30-33 to 38-31-42, and my legs went from 18" to 23". So more conventionally ‘pretty’ proportions and people still seem to think I am lean and slender.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Oh the chubby cheeks to jowls slide is real, and I think that’s part of it. Also lower teeth showing more than upper.
- Comment on no title 1 week ago:
No car picture? There is always a picture of the guy sitting in his car. Always.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 2 weeks ago:
Yes. Especially if you are not even working on it and just say “that’s how I am”, because it implies a complete disregard for how your actions (actions, not feelings) affect other people.
It’s exhausting to be around someone who is always angry. That doesn’t mean there is nobody who would “like you for you” but it will limit your potential pool of friends a lot, yes.
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 2 weeks ago:
I was walking in the neighborhood recently and passed a guy putting a pigeon in a high up box in his yard. It was such a an odd thing that I wasn’t sure what was going on, and mentioned to my daughter that I thought this guy was keeping pigeons, and she said “because you saw him KEEPING PIGEONS?” Which I guess is fair, it just was so weird I wasn’t sure!
I don’t know if he uses them to send messages, but some people certainly have them at least as pets.
- Comment on Ringing the devil's doorbell 2 weeks ago:
If she doesn’t know how to please herself, you are gonna have a hard time figuring it out. Plus if you get to 25 or however old and haven’t, do you even have a sex drive? This is the worst marriage advice I’ve ever heard.
- Comment on If I’m mostly attracted to men, is it «wrong» to consider myself pan? 2 weeks ago:
You can identify however you want and I think pansexual is correct because you are attracted to the person not their gender, you just lean straight.
- Comment on if you wear pantyhose, doesn't it hurt your belly? where do I buy low rise pantyhose? 2 weeks ago:
Hmm, I don’t wear pantyhose but as a tall-ish woman with a long rise (distance between crotch and waist) I do sometimes have problems with allegedly high waisted garments that are too small in the waist because they are trying to close around my hipbones. That is wildly uncomfortable, yes. But if they are really so high waisted that they reach my natural waist, they are so comfortable.
So I think your pantyhose are just too small in some dimension, maybe try a bigger size or see if you can find some that are labeled “tall”.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Here is a list of the top 5 most litigious countries by capita:
- Germany: 123.2/1,000 2. Sweden: 111.2/1,000 3. Israel: 96.8/1,000 4. Austria: 95.9/1,000 5. U.S.: 74.5/1,000. The Top 10 also includes the UK (64.4); Denmark (62.5); Hungary (52.4); Portugal (40.7); and France (40.3).
- Comment on Be honest. Your first thought was would this be an advantage or disadvantage during masturbation 3 weeks ago:
One handed touch typing. Piano playing. Palming a basketball. Horror movie actor. So much non masturbation potential.
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 3 weeks ago:
Yeah. I am old so have watched this game a long time.
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 3 weeks ago:
Well, not the DOGE part. But yeah, I think that a dem sweep in the midterms is possible. And that a Democrat could win, assuming there is an election. The people who staff the polling places are community members, and you can still run for local office if you want to, and try to make your way up.
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 3 weeks ago:
Is there any chance that you have dysmorphia, not a gut? 130 at 5’7" for a guy sounds pretty thin, even if out of shape, and the description of your diet sounds like you are certainly eating to maintain only 130, not a metabolism thing. Husband is 5’9 and said he was skinny at 145, I am same height and was skinny at 125, like really very slender. So we are close to your height and think you probably want more lean mass not less fat.
I do stand by the previous advice, something vigorous in the morning and heavy weights as often as possible. There are a couple of things you have to prioritize so they will happen. Exercise is one of them. Besides the 5am runs, I have done 9pm gym sessions, 5:30 am jazzercise, find the time and don’t let go of it. Once it’s a habit you will feel better on a workout day than an off day.
But you may have to eat more, not less, and lift to get the result you want.
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 3 weeks ago:
Anything helps, of course. Anything is so much better than nothing.
You are skinnyfat, yes? You don’t want to lose weight, you want to add lean mass. Weights are what do that best. Ideally you would want to lift heavy at least thrice a week if you are trying to shape up.
I can only lift once a week lately (lady, mid 50s) but do yoga 4x/week too. It’s maintaining me reasonably lean.
I have been where you are (single working parent) and what I did back then was wake up at 5am and run, because that was the only time of day nobody needed anything from me, and running is nearly free, just shoes. It sucked, but the days I ran I did feel better later on, it was worth it overall I think. If there is any way you can wake up a half hour earlier and do something vigorous, and then add weight training once a week I think you will get good improvement. Just maybe not as much mass as you ideally want.
- Comment on Economic inequality leads to democratic erosion, a new study finds. 3 weeks ago:
And vice versa.
- Comment on YSK You can substitue blood for eggs in recipes 4 weeks ago:
A quiche does rise a little, yes. But you are correct that it’s not like a souffle that has to really puff. Good quiche is so good.
The cake comment and recipe review comment two different thoughts though.
Come to think of it, I have seen blood broth soup on menu at some Vietnamese restaurants, so I guess it is used sometimes in foods.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I did this through high school by listening in class, the teachers explained the material then assigned homework, which I did not do, then tests, which I crushed with near 100% accuracy, then got a C grade in most classes because I don’t do the work, only the tests. Also tested out of the first year of college. Was just good at taking tests I guess.
In university though - I did have to study and do the homework to ace the exams. That was more specialized (accounting).
- Comment on YSK You can substitue blood for eggs in recipes 4 weeks ago:
I mean you can, but your cake won’t rise. You should go review a quiche recipe online with "no stars. Made exactly according to directions except substituted 65g of blood for each egg. Terrible recipe, was awful "
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
I do think the loneliness epidemic affects men more than women, and would argue it’s sexism harming men. On average, women are more likely to reach out, talk to people and family will check in on them if they are alone. Like, my husband (who is more outgoing than me and better at keeping up with friends) will call his mom or go up to see her, but leaves his dad alone unless he literally asks for something. Because men are taught it’s shameful to not be self sufficient, but women are taught to look for help if we need it.
Obviously this is not a straight gender split but on average it still plays out that way.
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
Yeah, my mom said she didn’t care about taking my dad’s last name, that it didn’t matter since, in her words “women don’t have last names anyway” they are just a way of tracing men’s family lines.
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 2 months ago:
Oof, I was not going to share my thoughts on this but: my first thought when I saw the smiling footage was that it had to be a cute psychopath, I don’t think most people could smile while they planned to kill anyone, and I was glad that if he was a weapon at least he was aimed correctly. I wouldn’t say my impression has changed.
My gay coworker said, and I quote “ooh, hello handsome!”
Nobody I’ve talked to has been able to dredge up any sympathy for the victim, like literally nobody of any class or inclination. All feel he killed for profit, live by the sword, die by the sword. That is separate from any feelings about the killer or vigilante justice in general.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
I mean, my last name isn’t my mom’s last name, it’s my dad’s, and her last name is her dad’s. So why do I care, I don’t get a matrilineal name anyway.
I hyphenated, because we both had kids when we got married, and it made it easier to deal with the school stuff for my stepkids.
Otherwise, I really just don’t care because my family name is my dad’s name and it was only my mom’s name because she changed hers to his. Not that I didn’t care about my dad, was closer to him than my mom. I just mean I don’t feel like it means anything.
- Comment on how did you master splits (for flexibility)? 3 months ago:
For front splits: Very deep lunges to stretch hip flexors, hamstring stretches, then get as close as you can, preferably supporting your crotch (‘sit’ on a small stool, then a yoga block, whatever supports you in the position) so that you can relax into the pose.
Best to do these after a workout while you are warm, then again before bed when you are cool, and go to your edge but not past it, that edge will move.
For straddle split, I don’t know if everyone can get those but my nearly 60 year old husband can, and mostly he just lifts weights, so maybe. Those you can practice hot or cold, and if you do the widest you can and lean forward for 5 minutes it will also relax you for sleep. So good practice for bedtime.
- Comment on How screwed would one be if their email provider shuts down? 3 months ago:
I lost one, sent the emails I might need to another account. So that was ok but I forgot to change the email on every freaking service I use so it was very difficult to recover some accounts.
- Comment on what can I use to cushion my knee when exercising with it on the floor so it doesn't hurt? 3 months ago:
Hover your knee off the ground when you are in the all-fours helps. Like don’t put your whole weight on it. Do poses that don’t put as much weight on your knees. Look for better ground to practice, grassy areas.
When I yoga outside, it’s the last suggestion I use the most. My knees are also sensitive, and finding a flat surface, then using my usual sorta thick yoga mat works well.