- Comment on Bawitdaba 4 days ago:
Oh man now I want to get a rascal so I can have rascal nuts.
Why did you make me realize this possibility.
I want to get a little smart car and give it nuts too.
Everything needs nuts. We should fucking nuts for our phones bro.
PHONE NUTS! My 6 dollar idea!
- Comment on AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs 6 days ago:
Oh man, I absolutely love breasts. Too much, really. :p
- Comment on AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs 6 days ago:
I definitely don’t get foot love at all. I have always always always despised feet.
Now, when I’m worked up, you know? There isn’t a part of the body I don’t like at least a little bit haha.
- Comment on AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs 6 days ago:
Taranteentoe? Who dat?
I feel dirty for typing that haha. I love Quinten Tarantino’s movies so much.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
Yeah that’s him. Love that dude.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
That my game bro!!! I love that shit.
If y’all don’t know what it is, look up the dude who makes divorced dads on YouTube.
I love that guy.
- Comment on I'm doing my part! 1 week ago:
Yeah I tormented my poor daughter with it when she was younger. I did not have the patience to get her through it lol.
Now that she’s older we do great.
- Comment on I'm doing my part! 1 week ago:
I’ve been playing Zombies Ate My Neighbors on original hardware today haha. On my old Apple color monitor.
I mostly game on old systems or my steam deck.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
This is almost identical to what I said to my kid. I explained that it would be a process for both of us and he would need to be as patient with me as I was with him.
My kid has not spoken to me in 4 years. Two slip ups (said she or her twice accidentally) and me saying I was just going to avoid pronouns until it sunk in. Nope. “Fuck you dad. You’ll never see me again.”
His mother messed him all up though. We were very young when she got pregnant (I was 15) and naturally we didn’t make it as a couple.
He was allowed to eat family packs of Reece’s multiple times a day until he was so overweight it was ungodly. I was the bad guy for trying to do anything about it. He had to have a meal separate from everyone his entire life. If the family was having baked chicken and vegetables, my son was having ramen noodles or chicken nuggets. The body issues started there. When I refused and said, “Eat with the rest of us and eat healthy or I can’t help you. I can’t in good conscience feed you pop tarts and ramen for dinner.” Mom used this to paint me as some kind of monster who was starving my kid.
When the kid got to middle school those kids ate him alive. He ended up developing an eating disorder and starving/surviving on lettuce. Mom finally decided it was time to do therapy and blamed me for it. “You just had to make a big deal about what he ate!”
My kid has been spoiled and turned into a self obsessed person who I don’t recognize and I’d cut a foot off to just have my kid back. He’s an adult though, and I can’t change any of it.
All I can do at this point is hope that he regrets this one day but I don’t have much hope. That kid could have a best friend and love them with everything, and then just cut it off like it was nothing over some small thing and never speak to that person again, so my hope is very small.
Sorry to spill all that here. This just made me spin when I read it.
All I can do to show my love is keep paying for the services. (Netflix, Spotify, Hulu, etc.) And it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he’s laughing at me for it, but I’m happy to be doing something, anything. As silly and small as it is, it’s all I have left.
Y’all take care and if a trans kid reads this and can relate to this story, please don’t skip on your family because things aren’t going the speed you like. My kid stopped talking to everyone in my family overnight and never had a conversation with anyone but me. I get that it can be hard and I’m certain there are people who you will have to leave behind, but don’t cut your lifeline/support network and burn bridges unnecessarily. You could end up regretting it and causing yourself and everyone else a lot of unnecessary pain.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
I can’t speak for other people, but if were to shut down today I’d just pick another server.
I will admit, it was confusing and almost turned me off at first. I was very upset about the whole deal with third party apps on Reddit. My daughter gave me the whole email analogy and it cleared my hesitation to join Lemmy.
I don’t know how it is today, but I had to apply to join world when I first got on. It would be awesome if an app would sign a person up for, say, three different servers and sync settings between them. Something goes down, wouldn’t even notice.
Assholes ruin everything though and making it easier for bot accounts to exist would end badly.
I don’t know.
When I first got on here it was a mess. It didn’t work half the time and when it did no content was being generated. I stuck it out though and I’m glad I did.
I’m definitely not the right person to come up with any solutions.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
Man. You just gave me an idea (which would matter if I wasn’t a complete idiot).
Instead of servers that all attempt to be a sort of clone of Reddit, servers could focus on content similar to the way subreddits work.
So you’d join any one of these servers and federate with other servers just like now, only content would be focused between servers.
This server is a games server. It has /c/games, /c/fallout, /c/vintagegaming, etc.
This server will focus on news and politics. It has /c/worldnews, /c/marketnews, etc.
Sure, it would still have the issue of being fractured, but it would narrow it down so much that it would be more appealing and easier to navigate.
It’s probably too late for that.
Ultimately, I’m happy with the fediverse. Algorithms aren’t dictating what I see. There’s no profit incentive that will lead to bad decisions, so when bad decisions are made, folks will talk about it and come to a solution.
I miss old Reddit, but it’s gone.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
I’m rocking five of them at least so, I hope you get here.
- Comment on ICE Wants to Know If You’re Posting Negative Things About It Online 2 weeks ago:
I’ll shit on your shit and they can eat my shit too.
- Comment on 'tis the season 3 weeks ago:
I have no idea to be honest, she’s the clerk at the gas station below me. I might ask her but I don’t want to be rude so I’ll wait for or create an opportunity if I get the guts.
- Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 3 weeks ago:
It was ripped directly from my cd at 320kbps and played on an iPod 5th generation (iPod video).
- Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 3 weeks ago:
I thought it didn’t sound any different to me too. That is until me and a friend were riding around listening to Icky Thump by The White Stripes for a few weeks when it first came out.
Higher bitrate, ripped directly from the CD, pretty decent car radio.
We had been listening to my copy, he didn’t own yet.
We stopped at a record store one day when we were out and he picked up his copy. He wanted to play the CD for whatever reason, and when he stuck the disc in, “berderwiddledod dahta dah BOOM BOOM BOOM”.
I couldn’t believe it. It was like the record just sucked the power out of us both and used it to burst through the speakers.
The mp3, by comparison, sounded shrunk down from the source and splashed with water.
It didn’t change my listening habits because of convenience, but damn. It was an eye opener.
- Comment on 'tis the season 3 weeks ago:
I was just talking with a woman last night who lost her husband in July to Covid.
It is crazy how many people I have known personally to die from it.
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 3 weeks ago:
Abe Normal is just a guy like me. We knew each other in the old country. Shady characters all around. We never got close but I could count on him in a pinch. I never dreamed we’d be partners, solving mysteries together.
Norm Al Goody runs a pharmacy at the edge of town, and I’d bet my life on the fact they he’s supplying the Wretch Heads with their junk.
If I have to beat it out of him, I will. Abe thinks we should handle it by the book, but I’m Detective Diff Fective. I’m not known for playing by the books.
Sorry. :p
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 3 weeks ago:
I like this. Diffectively works better but someone will chime in saying you made a spelling error even with context.
Or differctively. I’m differctive for sure.
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 3 weeks ago:
Man. I wake up with a headache nearly every morning. Almost everyone in my family does (mom’s side, don’t know dad’s side) so I haven’t thought about it.
After about 20 minutes it goes away.
Now that I think about it, it’s probably sinus issues. That’s something else common in my family.
Maybe because we all had coal stoves growing up. Who knows? A doctor maybes :p
- Comment on I got a big head start early in life in not giving a shit about what other people thought. 3 weeks ago:
I dated a girl when I was a teenager that probably does this now. Haha
She was a sweet girl, she just wasn’t right. In every photo she posted on her homepage back in the day, she blasted the brightness up until no one had a nose. That was the filter of old.
Of course, maybe she finally feels good about how she looks these days. Being a teenager is hard.
- Comment on Donald Trump’s data purge has begun 4 weeks ago:
He did this last time too.
- Comment on This is in a small convenience store where you can buy food things and heat them up while in the store 1 month ago:
Someone got sick of cleaning the microwave. I would have put feces.
Won’t nobody microwave shit. Ahhhh. Ahahahaha. Hahaha!
You get me! I know do, do.
- Comment on Two 26-Year-Olds: One Killed a Homeless Man, Another is Suspected of Killing a Healthcare CEO 2 months ago:
“…on the grounds that he was trying to protect others.”
I think that’s a pretty fucking important line right there.
- Comment on Belgium's sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law 2 months ago:
- Comment on China Wiretaps Americans in 'Worst Hack in Our Nation's History' 3 months ago:
So you’re telling me that my wireless dildo isn’t encrypted?
Oh brother!
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 3 months ago:
Hehe, “cut it out”. Hehe.
- Comment on Examination you say? What kind? 3 months ago:
We need to make it slang everywhere!!! Now!
It needs to become so standard that one day an old man will call his grandson a goober and the whole family will be mad at him. He somehow missed the memo.
Also, later seasons of the Andy Griffith show will be up to 100x as funny.
- Comment on rocketman 3 months ago:
Let me know if it’s any good. I’ll totally eat the next one if it is.
- Comment on They used to be all metal too. Its time for a revolution 3 months ago:
Awww man you just unlocked a memory of mine. I had several of those.
Also, like the other person who replied to you, I had He-Man toys that did that. I’m like 90% sure it was Skeletor and He-Man.