US pay-TV subscriber base eroding at record pace::undefined
US pay-TV subscriber base eroding at record pace
Submitted 1 year ago by [bot] to
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago 1 year ago
It’s alright. They’re fucking over internet subscribers just as if we still had a cable TV package. 1 year ago
The day they try to bandwidth cap or piecemeal my internet service, I am becoming a Japanese terrorist 1 year ago
Does that mean you’re Japanese, or that you’re going to become Japanese? 1 year ago
Coming up to 16 years since I cut the cord and hardly anyone I know that is younger has cable. It’s internet and then streaming.
My father when he passed in 2013 was paying $160/mth for old HD cable for his old 35" RCA tube set before I bought him a LCD TV that required a upgrade to modern HD channels. He didn’t have internet with that either. So while they were scamming him for this old 480p HD packages he wasn’t alone I’m sure.
I will say at new year’s I was at someone’s place that only had internet and for the group of us he brought out a HD Amazon antenna to watch the ball drop at midnight on local broadcast TV.
The amount of commercials was jarring. I’m not looking forward to when they bring those to streaming services that are currently hemorrhaging billions. 1 year ago
I watched Fargo last week via broadcast. 5 min to 5 min of commercial time. It’s insane. 1 year ago
I would watch about 16 minutes before giving up.
In the old days flow TV was max 25-30% ads, how can people live with 50% ads? At that rate it will be “Find the content” so in a few years with 90% ads watching a 45 minute show would take 7.5 hours. 1 year ago
The problem is that OTT services are going to the adv model too. They expect that we pay a minimum subscription cost and watch advertising…this is crazy 1 year ago
On a lark I hooked up an antenna to see what was on broadcast TV. There were like 5 pbs channels and a dedicated weather channel. For being free it was pretty good. 1 year ago
PBS is actually better than ever and I prefer it over most of what gets shoved in my face on my PC. 1 year ago
7 bucks a month for “passport” access, so PBS’s streaming platform. It’s damn good. NOVA episodes all over the place, news, new shows, etc. I gotta up my contribution. 1 year ago
PBS kids is awesome. Their shows are well made and educational and available for free on their app! 1 year ago
I love my antenna. I get like 20 channels. Local news, pbs, and old cartoons and sitcoms. 1 year ago
I’d subscribe if there were anything worth watching. Occupational reality shows on every channel. Streaming has gotten so bad lately that I don’t think we’re going to have a culture in the future just people setting themselves on fire for TikTok clout 1 year ago
Why would I pay $120-140 for cable every month and be forced to watch tons of ads when. I can pay <$20 for Hulu or NFLX a month and watch none? 1 year ago
Give it time, forced advertising is inevitable. 1 year ago
We’ll line up in the online queue for “Ow My Balls 7” though. And like it. 1 year ago
I always remember to DVR my two favorite shows: “Indigenous People Couldn’t Build That” and “Incredible Flying Machines of the Wehrmacht.” They got kind of repetitive for a while, but season 69 is really popping off. 1 year ago
🏴☠😎 1 year ago
At this point, we might be getting to the place where paid TV plus DVR would cost people less than the streaming services that tried to replace it. 1 year ago
Its currently cheaper for me to collect used laserdiscs, dvds, and blurays. People are dumping physical media, and its a firesale. Its cheaper to own it than ‘renting’ it on a streaming service. 1 year ago
It’s even cheaper to own a DVD burner. Less money spent on rent storing things. 1 year ago
But not as much as the high seas me heartie… 1 year ago
There’s a guy on one of my FB groups who peddles those one time fee cable boxes. His an absolute legend in the group. People are probably buying those things up in cities all around the world. I only use YouTube TV for about 3 months of the year and Hulu year around otherwise I’d probably buy one.
Dude is probably going to get raided by the FBI at some point.
I hope not because fuck the cable companies, Netflix, Amazon.
Hulu’s a bro though. 1 year ago
Such things are a popular malware vector too. 1 year ago
I’d pay for cable for the one/two (please God, two) months my team is in the playoffs. 1 year ago
I think it will become that … cable TV will just become a live event channel for people … sports, concerts, public events.
They’ll stop using it to broadcast TV shows off any kind, including news programs because all of that can be streamed on the internet using modern systems and devices … why maintain old cable networks of people can just watch your programming when they want. 1 year ago
There are methods to watch to games live on online, for free. 1 year ago
Yeah but not at the same quality. And my preferred game is hockey where high quality really makes a difference. 1 year ago
Maybe it ended with a whimper not a scream 1 year ago
Millennials are killing the pay TV industry. 1 year ago
I feel like I’ve read this exact headline 20 times over the past couple of years. 1 year ago
It’s been over 20 years since I last paid for cable TV. I’m frankly shocked it’s made it this long, but I guess they can milk the boomers for another decade or two. Certainly seems to be working for the GOP anyway. 1 year ago
Most of my steaming services are threatening ads now, it’s absolutely no difference.
I guess I’m dusting off the ol’ pirate hat. 1 year ago
Arrrr me laddies !! 1 year ago
About 5 or 6 for me, but only because the package with TV was cheaper than internet only. Didn’t actually use the TV service, but saved about $40/month and got free HBO with that package (which I just used the app for since it was HD there and only SD service for the TV subscription, that’s how they expected to make money with that package I think - HD was an upgrade). 1 year ago
Ten here, for the same reason. It was weird calling tech support when my internet went down and they’d say ‘Does your television still work?’ Bitch, I dunno, it’s not even connected to anything, I use streaming.
The funniest was when satellite television companies showed up at my door to pitch me, obviously based on lists of competitors’ customers they’d purchased. ‘We’re x dollars cheaper with less downtime.’ ‘Okay, but I don’t use the cable service, just the internet and I stream everything.’ ‘Oh… uh we’ll give you DVR for free.’ Bitch, do you know what streaming is? I don’t have to manage recording and saving shit that still has advertisements. Your model is dead, stop trying to sell me its corpse. 1 year ago
My mom loves TV and for some reason really enjoys commercials. I can’t explain it. There must be some inaudible frequency in commercials that’s repuslive to me, but appetitive to her. 1 year ago
I had a good friend that loved infomercials. He’d stay up to watch the late night ones - the good ones. And he’d gleefully say that if he had a credit card and disposable income, he’d buy the garbage that they sold. Never understood that… hope you’re doing good Rojo!