As a Real Programmer™ I have developed such a deep fear of anything time and date related that I would fully endorse dispatching an API call to the tz_database instead of attempting any fucking part of this.
Kids, it’s fine to meme about silly stuff… but date and time is deadly serious, regardless of how careful you think you’re being you are wrong. 1 year ago
Honestly the first one is the only one that works when people define the first day of the week differently. On the other hand, it does make you wonder. If Sunday is the first day of the week (as it is in many places) then how is it also part of the weekend? 1 year ago
But if you’re worried about locale, you can’t assume people use the string “Saturday” to describe Saturday either. That solution only works in English. 1 year ago
I assume this is in a language where the first day of the week is a fixed part of the language (like JS). 1 year ago
Yeah it's the front end of the week and Saturday is the rear end 1 year ago
They’re the week’s ends, front and back. 1 year ago
Thats not really one weekend then though, is it? Its more like last week’s post-week weekend and this week’s pre-week weekend