- Comment on That would be cool if movie theatres had VR headsets that I could wear and it would provide closed caption subtitles. 5 days ago:
If they had the subtitles on a real screen and projected the movie screen and room behind the subtitles via a headset display… Would that be AVR?
- Comment on Any nice playbook or tutorial to host a static website from home? 1 week ago:
To add on, if you are set on using nginx then it’s easy to set up https with certbot
- Comment on Tech jobs are now white collar trades that need apprentices 1 week ago:
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 2 weeks ago:
Doesn’t sound like there is anything wrong mate. Keep grinning at the world. Smiling is infectious and we damn well need it!
- Comment on Apps doing year wrapped gives you a hint on how are you being tracked. There is probably a legal issue there somewhere like data retention. 2 months ago:
Just to add on, it’s not just they let you export data in a cool PDF, it also lets you export the data as a CSV so it can be parsed by other things.
- Comment on Yevgeny Prigozhin had the training, the alibi, and the jacket but what was his motive? 2 months ago:
- Comment on topical 3 months ago:
I love every word of this. Damn.
- Comment on Hmmm... 4 months ago:
We do now
- Comment on Miracles 5 months ago:
I don’t know why Spider Jesus would be 5D, but I’m on board with it.
- Comment on What category is games like Life is Strange and Until Dawn? 6 months ago:
When a Visual Novel and a Point & Click Adventure game love each other very much they have a special hug and a baby genre is born.
- Comment on What category is games like Life is Strange and Until Dawn? 6 months ago:
I have found “Choices Matter” also produces good results.
- Comment on What category is games like Life is Strange and Until Dawn? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Too easy! 6 months ago:
- Comment on Heathens! 7 months ago:
Something about that guy’s eyes makes me uncomfortable. Like they don’t match his expression in a way I can’t describe.
- Comment on It's been a week 8 months ago:
Several scientific studies have indicated that chocolate milk is yummy.
- Comment on The Kingdom Hearts games are now out on Steam, don't ask me to explain them 8 months ago:
You forgot about the hearts and darkness. They are prominent.
- Comment on apep 10 months ago:
The sun is basically impervious Getting some real “it’s unsinkable” vibes here, buddy. Don’t go selling tickets to an iceberg you can’t something something.
- Comment on I feel so old. 11 months ago:
It would have to be cringe to be accurate
- Comment on Dispose of them 1 year ago:
This is what confuses me. No one is making these people work so hard. Just have a bowl of dry cereal and a glass of milk.
- Comment on Why don't we have one timezone covering the whole earth? 1 year ago:
You could always start switching over then give up half way through. Then you’d be like your Grandpa England.
- Comment on 'Better than a real man': young Chinese women turn to AI boyfriends 1 year ago:
Depends on their style of emotional investment I guess. Not all romantic relationships are sexual, so physical intimacy isn’t necessarily required. So it reasonably could be the same emotional attachment to the AI as it would be for a real person. Whether or not that is healthy is an entirely different topic, but having a virtual boyfriend is very possible.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
If you’re paying someone $40 an hour who doesn’t know what a rectangle is then I think you’re the problem.
- Comment on This is so true 1 year ago:
Couldn’t afford that 4th “e” huh? I get it. They are getting pricey.
- Comment on dotnet developer 1 year ago:
It makes sense why they did it, but their messed up versioning was the cause to begin with. You should always assume Devs will cut corners in inappropriate ways.
- Comment on dotnet developer 1 year ago:
Because they have dozens of years of experience! They didn’t learn anything from it, but they have it!
- Comment on My VSCode started to summon DEMONS😈, how do I stop it? I have checked PHP docs but got nothing. 😥 1 year ago:
You just never know when that bastard is gonna pop up
- Comment on Dude almost lost his life 1 year ago:
I started writing an annoyed reply then realised that maybe you just have a radically different level of comfort than I do.
I’ll ask some of my friends who are not in the BDSM community for their opinion and I promise to have an honest re-evaluation of my thoughts on this, while taking your perspective to heart.
Please consider that the video does appear to be in a setting where people would be more likely to answer these questions happily. However I am basing that on a few assumptions, so maybe I am mistaken.I would ask you to consider how your comments come across to others. I’m sure you are simply trying to establish reasonable boundaries for people of your comfort level, and I absolutely respect that, but your comments in response to me were very aggressive from the beginning.
And yes, I do see how my exact complaint with your comments may be related to your point about the video. I will take some time to give that consideration as well. - Comment on Dude almost lost his life 1 year ago:
I’m sure it has nothing to do with the guy who started and continued talking about sex being a baby faced white guy and the other dude being a fit black guy.
It’s not.
I think it’s incredibly telling that very few people are considering it sexual harassment at all for a stranger to come up to someone on the street, shove a camera and microphone in their face, and start questioning them about their sexuality and sex life.
Asking a question about someone’s sexuality isn’t sexual harassment. That’s a really weird thing to think.
- Comment on Dude almost lost his life 1 year ago:
I agree there is definitely some element of that for many people. I am a Domme myself and a lot of that is liking the control in the bedroom. I would never dream of talking to someone like that as a first interaction, but I have said much worse without blinking an eye under the right circumstances.
The opposite is true as well. I have found many Subs that like to be submissive within strict boundaries. At the end of the day it’s all about having control and that is defined on both sides, just in different ways.
I’m sure there are infinite more circumstances and thought processes as well.Though I would like to highlight it’s not everyone. People are all different and there are many members of the BDSM community that haven’t experienced sexual abuse or any other kind of abuse. Just normal people that like to get freaky.
- Comment on Dude almost lost his life 1 year ago:
That guy isn’t a Dom. He is just a sexually aggressive partner.
Real Doms require consent and that guy did not consent to being spoken to like that. Once boundaries have been established then that kinda talk can be hot as fuck, but based purely on this video alone the interviewer could have been anyone.Overtly aggressive talk like that right out of the gate is not sexy, it’s just aggressive and can go very wrong if the person you are talking to is a sexual abuse victim (which, in my experience, does appear to be more common in members of the BDSM community, make of that what you will).
So anyone who looks at this video and sees no issue with his behaviour, take a step back and look at yourself. You don’t know what other people have been through and it’s incredibly important to make sure that people have a foundation of safety in any D/S communication, no matter how brief.
I can only hope that this wasn’t their first interaction and it was played up a bit for the camera. Otherwise this is simply unacceptable.