- Comment on Why do whistleblowers always do this? 11 months ago:
He ALREADY testified: he was found dead AFTER.
Barnett's body was found in a vehicle in a Holiday Inn parking lot in Charleston on Saturday, police said. One day earlier, he testified in a deposition about the string of problems he says he identified at Boeing's plant where he once helped inspect the 787 Dreamliner aircraft before delivery to customers.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
I totally agree, though I wrote this in the context of OPs post specifically saying (emphasis mine):
I have seen in many US shows where they portray guys who are living with parents as losers, or there are jokes or memes about it, I never get it.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
Scrolled through the thread long enough and I still only see people blaming stigma and capitalism but... Those just just the end effects.
It's plain toxic masculinity:
- A man must be strong
- Independence is a sign of strength
- Living with your parents is dependence (for good or for bad is irrelevant)
- ipso facto, according to toxic masculinity, guys who live with their parents are weak and not "real men"
- Comment on mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
Yep, the other workaround that's elsewhere in this thread is to set up an entry with a different authoritative DNS in the hosts file, allowing a single machine to resolve the old domain manually.
This could be part of a greater effort, basically asking other instances to help the users evacuate the instance and transfer their accounts.
- Comment on mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
OP, this title is stupidly misleading and incorrect, you should change it immediately.
The Taliban seized the DOMAIN, aka the ownership of the
name that people could type into their browsers, and their system would resolve into an IP address.As the Taliban control
ghanistan, (see where the domain comes from), this was inevitable and the instance owners were already planning to retire the instance as they didn't want to give money to the Taliban to keep it up.The INSTANCE, aka the physical server, was not in Afghanistan, and still has its IP address(es), and so has had absolutely nothing happen to it.
- Comment on Shell Is Immediately Closing All Of Its California Hydrogen Stations | The oil giant is one of the big players in hydrogen globally, but even it can't make its operations work here. 1 year ago:
It can also be used to make methamphetamine.
- Comment on Disney+ has started cracking down on password sharing in the US 1 year ago:
Damn, Steamboat Willie going into public domain really has Disney tightening the purse strings /s
- Comment on What DID Apple innovate? 1 year ago:
No, it absolutely wasn't, as can testify anyone who actually had to work with it: are lots of good reasons to get rid of Flash. Browser makers say it's a top sore spot for security, performance and shorter battery life.
Usability means a few things in this context—simplicity, ease of use, convention, and accessibility. Flash was none of those things. It took the blank-canvas approach to creativity—which was great for the artists and illustrators that originally made up its target audience, but morphed into numerous other forms that it wasn’t necessarily designed for. It fell into overuse and quickly became abused by others.
- Comment on What DID Apple innovate? 1 year ago:
I do think it sped up the demise of Flash on the web considerably.
That's unironically an innovation right there
- Comment on Honda's commercials saying they are going to be carbon neutral by 2050. What? 1 year ago:
Thank you for actually attempting to answer the question instead of just spouting the knee-jerk reaction of "it's bullshit".
And yes, maybe it is bullshit. Maybe they'll never end up actually offsetting their carbon footprint. Maybe they'll think they are, but end up getting scammed out themselves. Last Week Tonight did a great piece on Carbon Offsets on that whole subject.
- Comment on Yes, you can have too many CPU cores - Ampere's 192-core chips break ARM64 Linux kernel in two-socket systems, company requests higher core count support 1 year ago:
Yeah the headline is stupid bait.
They already built it. They're trying to contribute the change upstream.
Which is technically "requesting higher core support", but is a very obnoxious way to phrase it.
- Comment on GitHub: Can no longer search code without being logged in 1 year ago:
Fuck's sake, people. Gitlab already didn't allow search unless you were logged in.
This ain't enshittification. - Comment on Barack Obama: “For elevator music, AI is going to work fine. Music like Bob Dylan or Stevie Wonder, that's different” 1 year ago:
Fully agreed, hence the "most" :^)
- Comment on Barack Obama: “For elevator music, AI is going to work fine. Music like Bob Dylan or Stevie Wonder, that's different” 1 year ago:
I very rarely care for what most 62 year olds have to say about the capabilities about the theoretical limits of computation.
This isn't much different.
- Comment on Welcome to the wonderful world of code obfuscation 1 year ago:
Depending on whether this code is in a hotpath (and considering how "elementary" it is, I figure that's a possibility), this could very well be a significant speed improvement.
Though I'd say that only excuses it if it's truly an elementary function (and not one line as part of a larger function), as otherwise it's unreadable garbage. But on its own it:
- has a clear purpose
- (presumably) isn't reimplementing functionality
- is easily tested
- can be modified with no side effects (besides breaking your calendar, but that's beside the point)
- Comment on Inside an OnlyFans empire: Sex, influence and the new American Dream 1 year ago:
This honestly a very well-written article
- Comment on Which language you wish would really grow and reach mainstream adoption? 1 year ago:
I actually bought the second edition of Mastering Nim paperback the other day! Should be arriving tomorrow, hopefully.
I had fun dogfooding my interview problem in it, I feel like it's basically step forward as far as modern syntaxes go.
- Comment on People are speaking with ChatGPT for hours, bringing 2013’s Her closer to reality 1 year ago:
I think said lonely people would rather chat with a boring therapist than with assholes on the internet who don't even make the slightest attempt to empathize
- Comment on I am God's greatest programmer 1 year ago:
Unfortunately if you let Junior play in legacy code once, it'll learn some nasty habits and make more of it from scratch, usually when you're trying to sleep.
- Comment on Everybody is supporting Firefox, but no one wants to use it. Because it is destroying itself. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Firefish Mastodon alternative 1 year ago:
I'd love to know where that setting is. As far as I've been able to see, I'd have to rebuild mastodon myself to be able to do that, and that's just less convenient for me than pulling the default docker images
- Comment on "waves of technological innovation" have gotten faster over time, "students might now find themselves learning skills in college that are obsolete by the time they graduate" 1 year ago:
Joke's on you, the stuff that my college tried to teach me was obsolete a decade before I was even born thanks to tenured professors who never updated their curriculum. Thank fuck I live in the Internet age.
- Comment on Canon Connections: Strange New Worlds 2x10 - Hegemony 1 year ago:
- Comment on Defiant Class USS Defiant NX-74205 1 year ago:
This was always one of my favorite renditions of it. I had it as my desktop background for years.
- Comment on Setting up your own VPN 1 year ago:
@Coldus12 I got wireguard hosted on my openwrt router. Straightforward and no fuss.