- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
YouTube is bringing its ad blocker fight to mobile. In an update on Monday, YouTube writes that users accessing videos through a third-party ad blocking app may encounter buffering issues or see an error message that reads, “The following content is not available on this app.”
Yea, noticed that last week. Is already fixed again in latest revanced.
Delete microG, revanced manager, and YouTube revanced
Download and install the new gmscore, which replaces microG:…/v0.
Download and install latest version of Revanced Manager:…/v1.20.1
Download and install YouTube 19.09.37 from APKmirror:…/youtube-19-09-37-android-apk-down…
- Comment on Researchers unlock fiber optic connection 1.2 million times faster than broadband 10 months ago:
The should be, that’s just how fiber works. If they lay a 10 Gb line in the street, they’ll probably sell a 1 Gb connection to a 100 households. (Margins depend per provider and location)
If they give you an uncapped connection to the entire wire, you’ll DoS the rest of the neighborhood
That’s why people are complaining “I bought 1Gb internet, but I’m only getting 100Mb!” - They oversold bandwidth in a busy area. 1Gb would probably be the max speed if everyone else was idle. If they gave everyone uncapped connections the problem would get even worse
- Comment on What are your complaints about Lemmy? 10 months ago:
I believe there are a large number of feature requests on Lemmy’s GitHub page, making it difficult for developers to prioritize what’s truly important to users.
Github issues are annoying that way. You could solve it by closing down “issues” and using discussions instead. People can up and downvote discussions, and you can see that from the listview, unlike with issues.
And you can have threaded conversations in discussions.
- Comment on What web services do you subscribe to? 10 months ago:
- AWS Cloud services
- Azure devops build services
- OpenAI API
- JetBrains Toolbox
- OneDrive
- Protonmail
- Comment on What web services do you subscribe to? 10 months ago:
I assume they’re talking about this api
Any tools that interface well with it?
Lots of tools, but it depends on where you want to use it. For example, inside Obsidian you can use it as a text generator
Inside VSCode you can use something like AI Genie
If you just want to use it raw, you can use postman
- Comment on OpenAI boss Sam Altman wants $7tn. For all our sakes, pray he doesn’t get it 1 year ago:
Ok, sure. So in a tech race, if energy is a bottleneck - and we’d be pouring $7tn into tech here - don’t you think some of the improvements would be to Power usage effectiveness (PUE) - or a better Compute per Power Ratio?
- Comment on OpenAI boss Sam Altman wants $7tn. For all our sakes, pray he doesn’t get it 1 year ago:
What benefits to “AI supremacy” are there?
I wasn’t saying there was any, I was saying there are benefits to the race towards it.
In the sense of - If you could pick any subject that world governments would be in a war about - “the first to the moon”, “the first nuclear” or “first hydrogen bomb”, or “the best tank” - or “the fastest stealth air-bomber”
I think if you picked a “tech war” (AI in this case) - Practically a race of who could build the lowest nm fabs, fastest hardware, and best algorithms - at least you end up with innovations that are useful
- Comment on OpenAI boss Sam Altman wants $7tn. For all our sakes, pray he doesn’t get it 1 year ago:
For all our sakes, pray he doesn’t get it
It doesn’t really go into why not.
If governments are going to be pouring money into something, I’d prefer it to be in the tech industry.
Imagine a cold-war / Oppenheimer situation where all the governments are scared that America / Russia / UAE will reach AI supremacy before {{we}} do? Instead of dumping all the moneyz into Lockheed Martin or Raytheon for better pew pew machines - we dump it into better semiconductor machinery, hardware advancements, and other stuff we need for this AI craze.
In the end we might not have a useful AI, but at least we’ve made progression in other things that are useful
- Comment on Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox 1 year ago:
If AI integration is to happen […], then this to me seems to be the best way to do it.
Well, to me the best way to do it would be for Mozilla to focus on being the best bare-bone, extendable browser.
Then - if people want an AI in their browser - people should be able to install an AI extension that does these things. It’s a bit annoying they’re putting random stuff like Pocket, and now an AI in the core of the browser, instead of just making it an option to install extendable
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
Your AI Girlfriend is a Data-Harvesting Horror Show
mfs use 4 VPNs and more sec-ops than the NSA, but get hacked because their AI girlfriend is like:
It’s me AI-uuu-Chan!
I’m so sawwd, I don’t know weeeuh abwout u!
Wats ur mommies maiden name UwU, and the name of ur kawaiii first pet? UwUUU? * starts twerking * (◠‿◠✿)
- Comment on Elon Musk Bought Twitter to Settle His Jet-Tracking Beef, New Book Claims 1 year ago:
So the full story would be that Elon stayed up until 5:30 a.m playing Elden Ring in a Vancouver hotel - was very stressed, saw on Twitter that people knew he was raging in Vancouver based on the Jet Tracker - stressing him out even more -
Though “Fuck it, maybe I can’t beat Malenia, but at least I can beat this asshat on Twitter tracking me!”…If only FromSoftware had added some pay-to-win elements… Like “For A Small $1 billion Micro-Transaction you get the uber Malenia slayer sword!” -
We would be living in a totally different timeline - Comment on Stability AI Introduces Stable Cascade: A Modular, Efficient, and Easy-to-Train Text2Img Model 1 year ago:
I suppose it’s not allowed them. That kind of sucks, it is pretty convenient to just use a machine and use a large image model kinda instantly. Or spin up your own machine for a while if you need lots of images without a potential cold-start or slow usage on shared machines
- Comment on OpenAI Gives ChatGPT a Better ‘Memory’ 1 year ago:
Well I have Copilot Pro, but I was mainly talking about GitHub Copilot. I don’t think having the Copilot Pro really affects Copilot performance.
I meanly use AI for programming, and (both for myself to program and inside building an AI-powered product) - So I don’t really know what you intend to use AI for, but outside of the context of programming, I don’t really know about their performance.
And I think Copilot Pro just gives you Copilot inside office right? And more image generations per day? I can’t really say I’ve used that. For image generation I’m either using the OpenAI API again (DALL-E 3), or I’m using replicate (Mostly SDXL)
- Comment on Stability AI Introduces Stable Cascade: A Modular, Efficient, and Easy-to-Train Text2Img Model 1 year ago:
This model is being released under a non-commercial license that permits non-commercial use only.
Hmm, I wonder whether this means that the model can’t be run under or
Is it commercial use if you have to pay for credits/monthly for the machines that the models are running on?
Like is “Selling the models as a service” commercial use, or can’t the output of the models be used commercially?
- Comment on OpenAI Gives ChatGPT a Better ‘Memory’ 1 year ago:
I use Copilot, but dislike it for coding. The “place a comment and Copilot will fill it in” barely works, and is mostly annoying. It work for common stuff like “// write a function to invert a string” that you’d see in demos, that are just common functions you’d otherwise copypaste from StackOverflow. But otherwise it doesn’t really understand when you want to modify something. I’ve already turned that feature off
The chat is semi-decent, but the “it understands the entire file you have open” concept also only just works half of time, and so the other half it responds with something irrelevant because it didn’t get your question based on the code / method it didn’t receive.
I opted to just use the OpenAI API, and I created a slack bot that I can chat with (In a slack thread it works the same as in a “ChatGPT context window”, new messages in the main window are new chat contexts) - So far that still works best for me.
You can create specific slash-commands if you like that preface questions, like “/askcsharp” in slack would preface it with something like “You are an assistant that provides C# based answers. Use var for variables, xunit and fluentassertions for tests”
If you want to be really fancy you can even just vectorize your codebase, store it in Pinecone or PGVector, and have an “entire codebase aware AI”
It takes a bit of time to custom build something, but these AIs are basically tools. And a custom build tool for your specific purpose is probably going to outperform a generic version
- Comment on When "Everything" Becomes Too Much: The npm Package Chaos of 2024 - Socket 1 year ago:
This situation is due to npm’s policy shift following the infamous “left-pad” incident in 2016, where a popular package left-pad was removed, grinding development to a halt across much of the developer world. In response, npm tightened its rules around unpublishing, specifically preventing the unpublishing of any package that is used by another package.
This already seems like a pretty strange approach, and takes away agency from package maintainers. What if you accidentally published something you want to remove…? It kind of turns npm into a very centralized system.
If they don’t want to allow hard-removals because of this, why not let people unpublish packages into a soft/hidden state instead? Maybe mark them with the current dependencies, but don’t allow new ones - or something
I prefer the approach of Azure DevOps more. When you publish any nuget, or npm into their system, the entire package dependency tree is pulled in and backed up there. So you don’t rely on NPM anymore to keep your referenced packages safe
- Comment on Expanding the P.D Development Team! 1 year ago:
If you have a C# project that I can help with, as you mentioned, would be cool. I don’t have that much experience with Rust, besides getting the Lemmy backend to compile.
I have experience working on the Lemmy APIs; I was trying to make my own front-end lol: (Because mlmym requires a running Go Backend Proxy, to proxy requests between the Front-end -> Go Backend -> Lemmy Backend) - (which could easily be running maliciously, since you can’t verify the hosted Go Backend isn’t modified to log requests or something) - (And it’s slow)
Hosting wise I have loads of experience with AWS… though not sure where you’re hosting
- Comment on Ditching PaaS: Why I Went Back to Self-Hosting 1 year ago:
PaaS takes away your flexibility: […] sometimes, you also want to use the compute to run cron jobs, run background jobs, or host a small service. With PaaS, you don’t have the flexibility to do so. […]
I don’t really agree with that. I’m using AWS for that, and for my “small cron jobs” I simply create a lambda for them. Then you can create a CRON rule in Event Bridge and schedule the lambda to start whenever you need
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
He gave me one last tip. If I ever want to have a career in a management role, like CTO in the future, I must emphasize more on “taking credits” from the beginning of my career. He said being humble or modest is overrated and it would not do me any good for my career.
I don’t really know if any of this is true, or what the context is. Maybe this is how it is in American Corporate culture, but it’s not really how I experienced it.
If you’re a beginner programmer, sure, you can brag about how cool your code is, and how much you’ve build. But if at some point you become a lead developer and you’re still doing that, it seems kinda toxic.
As lead developer in the standup or reports I’d usually downplay what I did - like instead of saying “I build this cool new feature” - present it as “The backend team build this cool new feature”. If someone else build something cool, I would specific say something like “Bob build a really cool feature”
I must emphasize more on “taking credits” from the beginning of my career. He said being humble or modest is overrated and it would not do me any good for my career.
A good Team Lead or CTO needs a good team, and the team usually appreciates it a lot more if you’re spreading the credits around instead of taking them for yourself.
Besides that, a random developer in a big company is very unlikely to just become the CTO by not being humble. If you want to become a CTO, you either join a startup or start your own company
- Comment on Programming As a Career Isn’t Right for Me 1 year ago:
Cool, how much of your 25 years was to “write test automation to test the front end” full time?
This guy is in his 3th job after 6 years - so job-hopping every 2 years (as per the current programmer-job-meta. - ) trying to find the right job that fits him - but obviously he hopped into a disaster of a job. Its a personal anecdote of his experience so far.
If you have 25+ years of experience, but you can’t relate at all to what he’s experiencing, then this guy already has more experience than you do
- Comment on What's the biggest change you would like to see in computing/tech? 1 year ago:
Yea, I kept my original comment language-agnostic (Just referring to it as y language) - but added the extra wink to Rust because generally they seem to be the highest offenders.
I have years of experience in loads of languages: PHP, Ruby, Java, Python, C#, C++, Rust - And that’s probably how I’d order the level of elitism. PHP Devs know everything they’re doing is shit - Python should probably be next in ranking of how shit they are, but they’re not self-aware enough - (Sarcastic elitism aside here - )
Anyways, besides that - at the end of the elitism-spectrum there seems to be Rust. Someone like me says something about Rust in a general unrelated-to-Rust thread like this - and a Rust enthusiast sees it, and it would just devolve into a dumbass back-end-forth about how good Rust is
- Comment on What's the biggest change you would like to see in computing/tech? 1 year ago:
Could you elaborate in what context and to what extend? I can agree that bigger companies with large user-bases should have a focus on accessibility and internationalization -
But generally a lot of projects start with just one dev solving a problem they have themselves and make their solution Open-Source. Anecdotally, I’m dumping my solutions on Github that are already barely accessible to anyone somewhat tech-illiterate. No one is paying me anything for it. Why would I care whether it’s accessible or internationalized for non-English speakers?
- Comment on What's the biggest change you would like to see in computing/tech? 1 year ago:
Well sure, it depends on the context. If it’s a shitpost on /c/programmer_humor, whatever, meaningless banter.
If it’s a serious question, (maybe for a beginner) asking how to do something in their language, and the response is “It would be a lot easier in y language” - I don’t think it’s particularly helpful
- Comment on What's the biggest change you would like to see in computing/tech? 1 year ago:
What alternative would you propose? FOSS is barely getting any donations / sponsors - So how are developers supposed to make a living?
- Comment on What's the biggest change you would like to see in computing/tech? 1 year ago:
Probably less elitism. “Oh you build it in x language? Well that’s a shit language. You should use y language instead. We should be converting everything to y language because y language is the most superior language!”
(If this feels like a personal attack, Rust programmers, yes. But other languages as well)
- Comment on Welcome to the wonderful world of code obfuscation 1 year ago:
Not using
for basically everything - Comment on Hi, I want to start programming but dunno where to start and which language to learn 1 year ago:
The question is a bit too vague to answer, there’s not really any right answer.
Just - find what you like to do with it, and go for it. Want to make a game? Maybe play around with Godot or unreal engine or something.
Do you have any repetitive task that you’re doing a lot that you could maybe automate? - try doing that.
You can read some books or watch some tutorials or something, but the best way to actually learn is to actually program.
- Comment on I accidentally removed the WHERE clause from my SQL query in a personal tool. Every row is now the same. I lost everything, have no backup, and I'm stupid. 1 year ago:
–i-am-a-dummy 😂
I didn’t mean this as IDE thing
Well, the link you’ve posted is specifically for MySQL CLI Client - Maybe I should have I said “Client” instead of “IDE” - but if he uses a different IDE/Client besides MySQL-CLI it’s probably a different setting
- Comment on I accidentally removed the WHERE clause from my SQL query in a personal tool. Every row is now the same. I lost everything, have no backup, and I'm stupid. 1 year ago:
for postgres and Ms SQLserver
It’s not really a SQL Language feature, more an IDE feature. So to tell you where the settings are, we’d have to know which IDE you’re using.
For example, in DataGrip (which I think you can use both for postgres and MSSQL), there’s “Show warning before running potentially unsafe queries”
If you forgot to put the WHERE clause in DELETE and UPDATE statements, DataGrip displays a notification to remind you about that. If you omitted the WHERE clause intentionally, you can execute current statements as you planned.
- Comment on Godfather of AI tells '60 Minutes' he fears the technology could one day take over humanity 1 year ago:
What we have is machine learning, just an algorithm that takes input and gives you output. It can’t act on its own.
Isn’t that basically what “real learning” is as well? Basically you’re born as a baby, and you take input, and eventually you can replicate it, and eventually you can “talk” for example?
But in the training data something was off, suddenly your AI is racist and gives every black person a lesser amount.
Same here, how is that different from “real learning”? You’re born into a racist family, in a racist village where everyone is racist. What is the end-result; you’re probably somewhat racist due to racist input - until you might unlearn that, if you’re exposed to other data that proves your racist ideas were wrong
If a human brain is basically a big learning computer, why wouldn’t AI eventually reach singularity and emulate a brain and beyond? All the examples you mentioned of what it can’t do, is just stuff it can’t do yet