- Comment on Any recomendations for a to-do list app with homescreen widget? 2 months ago:
TickTick is good and has a nice customizable widget
- Comment on UK petition of "Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state" just got thrown back to the Government 9 months ago:
Complain that other people aren’t doing anything, apparently
- Comment on Google’s expanded Find My Device network might arrive in a few days 11 months ago:
IMO Tile is fine because usually you forget where something is because you left it there, and so your phone will tell you where you left it, you really only need a network if the thing moves after you left it somewhere.
- Comment on OpenAI collapses media reality with Sora AI video generator | If trusting video from anonymous sources on social media was a bad idea before, it's an even worse idea now 1 year ago:
Honestly I think we’ve been there for a while. The only difference now is that it’s very easy for anyone to fake something, which might actually force us to face it? Or not who knows.
- Comment on How I reduced the size of my very first published docker image by 40% - A lesson in dockerizing shell scripts 1 year ago:
Yeah in a PR I would probably reject this for being too clever. Before clicking I expected the image to start at 100mb or more, but it’s already under 50, who cares at this point?
- Comment on Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024 1 year ago:
www.inoreader.com used it for years it’s great!
- Comment on NASA, Lockheed Martin Reveal X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft 1 year ago:
You can use sailboats if you want, no one is stopping you
- Comment on Why Linux is Best for Most People 1 year ago:
Yeah I agree, when old people have trouble using an iPhone which is one of the simplest OSs to use, there’s no way that they can use Linux, yes it’s good but it’s not as simple to use as an iPhone. And they can get help with their iPhone from anyone, or at the Apple store, there’s no Linux store they can get help from.
- Comment on Why docker 1 year ago:
1 is just not true sorry. There’s loads of stuff that only work as root and people use them.
- Comment on Why docker 1 year ago:
About the trust issue. There’s no more or less trust than running on bare metal. Sure you could compile everything from source but you probably won’t, and you might trust your distro package manager, but that still has a similar problem.
- Comment on AirTag 2 not expected until 2025 as Apple sits on backlog of first-gen inventory 1 year ago:
Air tag pro, in our newly invented color “basically black”
- Comment on Eurogamer readers' top 50 games of 2023 1 year ago:
- Comment on Midtown Madness 2 on Windows 10 1 year ago:
It was never released for Windows
- Comment on Should I use Restic, Borg, or Kopia for container backups? 1 year ago:
I use a k8s Cron job to execute backups with Kopia. The manifest is here
- Comment on What site can I use to find if games will run on my computer? 1 year ago:
I just, uh, borrow them from a friend to see how they work on my rig, nothing else will give you a better representation, everything else will just be a guess.
- Comment on China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent. 1 year ago:
Hi Tim
- Comment on Windows 10 end of life could prompt torrent of e-waste as 240 million devices set for scrapheap 1 year ago:
Yeah, no one actually cares. Just look at phones, people don’t actually stop using them when they aren’t supported and don’t care as long as it keeps working.
- Comment on Let's remember some Star Trek games 1 year ago:
So many hours, 1 and 2. Plus loads of mods.
- Comment on Star Trek Resurgence Giveaway 1 year ago:
Man what games didn’t I play as a kid.
- ST Armada 1 and 2 (FleetOps)
- Birth of the Federation
- ST Borg
- Elite force 1 and 2
- The DS9 FPS which I forget the name
- Bridge commander
- ST Dominion War
- Starfleet command 3
There’s probably some I’m forgetting. I’d have to say Armada 2, man I played so many hours of that game. Played around with mods as a kid too.
- Comment on GitHub Desktop or Git CLI? 1 year ago:
I only use it to clone projects via the Open in GitHub desktop link.
- Comment on GitHub Desktop or Git CLI? 1 year ago:
This is the way
- Comment on GitHub Desktop or Git CLI? 1 year ago:
Been using it for years it’s great
- Comment on It's been a stressful week in Engineering 1 year ago:
Why is Rikers badge on the wrong side
- Comment on Pluralistic: "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing" (08 Dec 2023) 1 year ago:
I agree love being able to just download games.
But with those old games, I’ll bet most of them you could play again via an emulator or something similar.
- Comment on isEven API 1 year ago:
Oh you’re right, I’m not sure what I was Ln thinking
- Comment on isEven API 1 year ago:
The errors are great api.isevenapi.xyz/api/iseven/1.5
Sadly it’s not always accurate api.isevenapi.xyz/api/iseven/0
- Comment on Diplomacy win 1 year ago:
I see Stargate, I up vote
- Comment on Can I host my own Lemmy instance on localhost? 1 year ago:
Each instance is available on someone’s localhost.
- Comment on How does Anthropic compare to OpenAI? 1 year ago:
You can run ollama on a regular laptop
- Comment on DSC Season 5, LD Season 5, SNW Season 3.... GIVE IT TO ME NOW 1 year ago:
I was like this when Stargate was in it’s hay day