Is he OK?
I know he isn’t, but this feels like a ketamine fueled tweetfest.
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Is he OK?
I know he isn’t, but this feels like a ketamine fueled tweetfest.
Definitely clinically psychotic, just like Trump, but who the fuck is gonna do anything about that?
Coke is one hell of a drug…
I think he’s more a K man.
He bought himself a president already - looking to add a king to his collection now?
You jest, but…
*joust ftfy
Now picture this happening in the 90s/00s: Musk sets up his own british TV channel and starts airing programmes of himself commenting on UK politics from Sillicon Valley. Wouldn’t this in itself seem absurd? Wouldn’t it spark a political debate on whether the channel should be allowed/regulated?
glances at Rupert Murdoch
Ok, I’ll admit I wasn’t around in the 90s
I hope this is “incitement” or something and he gets got.
There’s no way they’d ever pin a billionaire with something, they’re above the law by design.
Any serious government would have slipped some polonium into his tea a long time ago.
Bruh he needs to fuck off he isn’t a politician neither does he have anything to do with British politics, he can have an opinion of course but when he is donating a shit ton of money to reform party and then trying to persuade the king to overthrow the government and call for a new election that’s a different story it’s obvious what he’s trying to do here.
He’s not even trying to hide it. I’m just waiting to see how long before the govt’s patience runs out.
Patience with people trying to overthrow governments is not advised.
Ironically, An American
Exactly he’s not even hiding his intentions. And if he is he’s doing a shit job at it
Where are you, James Bond, now that we need you?
We regret to inform you that MI5 and MI6 will now be designated MI1 and MI2 due to budget constraints
I mean this is ludicrous, but he’s not suggesting overthrowing the government. He’s suggesting Charles does what he has the power to do which is dissolve Parliament. To do so would cause a constitutional crisis in the UK and likely the revocation of that power. But it’s clearly nothing more than stupid provocative hyperbole. Musk is a fucking clown but this is something pretty intense spin.
What he has the power to do.
Technically he only has the power to authorise. The PM has the power to request.
When the reformation happened. After beheading the last ruling king. It became a little more complex then the king passing soverignty to parliment. As the king did not have soverinty after the covil war.
Post reformation when parliment is xlosed. The king is authorising the government (IE pm) to gain sovereignty from parliment. But parliment must actually pass it.
So power never actually resodes in the king under the post reformation constitution. But is passed between parliment and the PM. Hence why the Government \PM is innpower during an election cycle.
The only way the ki g could force parliment to disband. Would be to try and retake power using the loyalty of paliment or the military (who rechnically still swear to obay him).
But technically he dose not have the power to force it legally.
It would cause the dissolution of the monarchy.
So not necessarily A Bad Thing.
The fact that he continues to have any sort of power is quite possibly the single most damning indictment of the concept of meritocracy.
Musk may be more meritocratic than one would imagine. The term meritocracy was coined as a parody of the British class-based education system where children of the rich and powerful always just happens to have the most merit.
Ah, so this is one of those “ironic saying got inverted into being unironic” scenarios like with the Bootstraps or Bad Apples sayings.
Deeply unserious man.
What if UK for example bans xitter in the UK? What will he say then?
The UK (and other countries) should instead heavily tax companies that advertise on sites proven to spread disinformation. Couple of hefty fines for a few big advertising users and Twitter starts to lose (even more) money since it isn’t worth the risk of advertising there.
Direct action against Musk or Twitter isn’t going to work. We need to be sneaky ☺️.
Issue with that ia the cost of fighting.
You fine someone like Musk. He will take ot to court and has the fiscal clout to make the fight to expensice for the government.
Heck even the US IRS has difficulty taxing billionaires due to this.
Act of war. See revised terms and conditions
Given he is now part of the preparing US government. And has openly asked that government to overthrow the UK.
The US government can def be seen as having threatened war against a NATO member.
The US embassy should def be called to explain. And closed as a hostile nation if is fails.
Actually I can agree with this. They’ve been crap since the turn of the century.
The irony of asking a king named Charles of over-throwing the Government isn’t lost through. 🤣😂
Noob. Charles’s don’t have a great track record against Parliament. You need Guy Fawkes for this matchup. 2 months ago
God I wish he’d fuck off 2 months ago
Which one? 2 months ago
Why not both? 2 months ago
Space Karen 2 months ago