- Comment on An information dark age is upon us. I’m logging off 1 month ago:
You do know it is absurdist humor, yes?
- Comment on Elon Musk makes 23 posts urging King Charles III to overthrow UK government 2 months ago:
I mean this is ludicrous, but he’s not suggesting overthrowing the government. He’s suggesting Charles does what he has the power to do which is dissolve Parliament. To do so would cause a constitutional crisis in the UK and likely the revocation of that power. But it’s clearly nothing more than stupid provocative hyperbole. Musk is a fucking clown but this is something pretty intense spin.
- Comment on Schools in England send police to homes of absent pupils with threats to jail their parents 9 months ago:
It’s also been UK law for a long time.
- Comment on Pulsar, the best code editor 1 year ago:
Well, it’s not modal by default. It is if you want it to be.
- Comment on Sometimes I want to call malloc, just as a treat 1 year ago:
Though as a non-embedded dev who has interviewed embedded candidates I like to ask them to talk about the issues around C vs C++ for embedded and the first point 8 out of 10 of them make is C++ is bad because dynamic allocation is bad. And while they could expand to almost sort of make their point make sense, they generally can’t and stumble when I point out it’s just as optional in each.
- Comment on You can have anything you wan... 1 year ago:
I’m used to non-software managers thinking knowing a language is knowing how to make software systems, but other programmers? It’s like saying if you know every language now you’re a novelist. Knowing the language is just a basic necessary fundamental from which you can start to learn how to design and create software.
- Comment on What is your favourite font for code ? 1 year ago:
Ubuntu Mono
since it was in beta and I heard the designer from Dalton Maag — the typeface design studio commissioned to design it — give a talk about how excited he was to be able to create a comprehensive, carefully thought out, and truly free/libre font.I’ve never seen another one that I prefer the look of, and now it’s imprinted in my brain. People love to crap on Shuttleworth / Canonical / Ubuntu, but there are a lot of great things they’ve contributed over the years.
- Comment on We did this to ourselves 1 year ago:
Yes, that’s why we use typing, to get better working code more easily. That’s why I use type annotation and enforced checkers in Python. It makes it so much easier and quicker to create good systems of any significance.
- Comment on What open source solutions do you use or want to use? 1 year ago:
Still climbing that learning curve after decades now, and the payoffs keep building.
It’s a real programmers’ environment. One you code to grow and mold to your needs.
- Comment on Google Maps partners with TfL to prioritize safer cycling routes in London 1 year ago:
Yeah, it’s close to useless in my city, in stark contrast to the quality of its driving directions. It loves to ignore quiet roads too send me to chaotic large busy intersections without bike lanes.
- Comment on What non-IDE tekst editor do you use? 1 year ago:
The biggest irony is it’s often told by vim fanboys, who apparently don’t realize a very comprehensive emulator of vim it is one of the editors Emacs offers. But mostly it seems to be told by people who don’t even know what Emacs is, they just know they’re meant to disapprove of it.
- Comment on What non-IDE tekst editor do you use? 1 year ago:
If call that an IDE, but also one that makes using a non-IDE EDITOR SUPERVISOR.
- Comment on What's your most obscure binding? 1 year ago:
Yep. The primary advantage of keyboard control. It stops being something you engage your conscious brain for.
- Comment on Which software do you mostly use for programming, and why? 1 year ago:
Emacs includes vim though. So what would it need to include to have a good text editor of vim isn’t it?
- Comment on Which programming language is hard to understand? 1 year ago:
I am just regurgitating one of my favorite Perl jokes for a laugh. Though for me the joke contains some truth. Most of the Perl code I’ve ever seen is pretty impenetrable for non-Perl programmers. I quite literally have returned to my own Perl efforts after just a couple of weeks and had some trouble working out what the code is doing (in ways I do not experience with other languages).
When Python was trying to unseat Perl, that in my view was reason alone to prefer it: I didn’t know Python but I could read Python. Though at that point Perl had the benefit of loads of libraries and ubiquity, and Python hadn’t got there yet. But it was enough to have me cheering for Python’s success at the expense of Perl. I get that Perl has many virtues, but they’re nullified by the ugliness and relative inaccessibility of its code in my eyes.
I really hate the magic side-effect variables where you do a pattern match or something various obtusely named variables now have meaningful values with relation to the last match. To me that’s just flat out bad coding, and it’s built into the language.
The above was my second-favorite Perl joke. My favorite being:
Perl is the vise-grips* of programming languages. It’s a tool that can do most jobs, and it’s the wrong tool for all of them.
*BrEng: mole-grips
- Comment on What is your favorite programming language? 1 year ago:
Yes, as long as you just type annotation and checker-clean code.
Asyncio programming is a delight, context-based constructs can make sophisticated code safe, robust, and clear. Anything mildly popular you want to interface with probably had a library… There are major advantages to swimming in the mainstream.
Yes it may have grubby and suboptimal corners, but the real world making things happen problems are easy to avoid usually.
- Comment on Which programming language is hard to understand? 1 year ago:
Perl is a write-only language.
- Comment on Chris Kaba: MoD offers military support after armed Met officers turn in weapons 1 year ago:
their oath to serve and protect the public
Their what now?
- Comment on 8 Months and Counting: The (harsh) reality of building a product from scratch. 1 year ago:
I blame the easy-to-use guis
All the people I’ve worked with seem to use the command line. They just don’t know much beyond “commit everything” and basic push/pull/branch/merge.
Conversely I learned most of what they don’t know direct from the magit GUI. So I often don’t know the specific command arguments. Not a good thing, but only a problem communicating what to do to others.
- Comment on 8 Months and Counting: The (harsh) reality of building a product from scratch. 1 year ago:
Isn’t there a magit-alike putting for vscode. I have found it so frustrating working with devs who don’t use magit, because most seem to find slightly more advanced git like squash and fixup and cherry picking to be impossibly hard.
- Comment on Judge in US v. Google trial didn’t know if Firefox is a browser or search engine 1 year ago:
Kids often don’t know the difference between “wifi” and the Internet. It’s not an age thing these days.