- Comment on Kill your Feeds - Stop letting algorithms dictate how you think (mastodon mentioned) 20 hours ago:
An undervalued post.
- Comment on Is it a pattern for right-wing people to attack films, series and animations with protagonists from minority groups? Or is this an exaggeration? 21 hours ago:
Nah. Those are not my words. It’s a quotation. You may not have experienced those in your long life.
Did you actually read the list of contradictory statements you’ve written.
- Comment on Is it a pattern for right-wing people to attack films, series and animations with protagonists from minority groups? Or is this an exaggeration? 1 day ago:
"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” – G. Michael Hopf
- Comment on One in 15 Americans has witnessed a mass shooting – study 1 day ago:
This isn’t news. Since the second amendment’s Inception, it has never been used for its intended purpose.
There was an invasion of Government buildings in recent years and no-one took guns. Had they believed in the second amendment, that wouldn’t have been true.
I make no judgement as to whether that invasion was right or wrong.
Biden served out his term as expected as a person deep in dementia; a lesson about America to the whole world. That second amendment is just for school kids to shoot each other in school corridors, because someone cut you up in traffic or so one drug dealer to steal drugs from another drug dealer.
I write as a Brit being fucked over by an authoritarian Marxist government. Somehow we got infected by Woke from America (anyone else getting the irony there?) and all sides of our legislative bodies caught it.
But the icing on the cake is finding out that, as the world watched Russia invade Ukraine, Trump is a Russian asset.
Where is your second amendment now?
- Comment on What is the minimum number of words needed to communicate 3 days ago:
Presupposes that you’ve used my other five words.
Reserves an Honourable mention, though.
- Comment on BlackBerry may have the perfect opportunity to produce a Canadian made cellphone to compet with Apple and other America brands. 3 days ago:
They had the whole market and fucked it up by ignoring all of us beta testers who were telling them the firmware was crap (because it has been ignored for years).
- Comment on What is the minimum number of words needed to communicate 4 days ago:
- Beer
- Taxi
- Restaurant/Food
- Train/Airport
- Hello
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
Flip a coin. Not because it’s anything to do with the coin, but because, by the time it lands, you will either be trying to rationalise the way it landed or be happy that it landed that way.
In other words, you’ll have already made up your mind what to do by the time it lands.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
Old fart here. Loyalty doesn’t figure in business anymore. That’s not a cynical position, it’s a true position, especially in relation to staff.
Loyalty actually stops you doing what’s best for the company because you will be disinclined to present momentum which might undermine (accidentally or otherwise) someone to whom you are loyal.
- Comment on Why build for tomorrow when it's someone else's tomorrow? 1 week ago:
Yes, pretty sure no-one is going to (be able to) look back on Gen Z and remember their achievements, except maybe in a negative way.
- Comment on UK's Lammy: It's time to seize Russian assets, not just freeze them 1 week ago:
[ Suddenly the whole of London’s property market crashes as someone tries to sell it all just after it is announced. ]
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
Tbh. It’s the same in the UK. Our governments, of both sides, are killing any perception of privacy we had and no-one is doing anything.
Having said that people are mostly dealing with the terrorist inspired killings here that the are allied to the immigration issue.
The people have had enough, the governments of the last twenty years have been obvious or more likely not looking (at the disquiet).
There isn’t enough room to think of the loss of privacy/security yet. We are in a hell of a mess.
- Comment on Why have an adversarial legal system? 2 weeks ago:
You’ve got concepts confused.
Having the judge make the inquisition has nothing to do with adversarial.
The judges in the UK and US are independent of the inquisition etc. The prosecution is responsible for obtaining evidence.
In Europe, I know a little more about France, the judges are trained to be inquisitorial. I should shut up at this point and let someone who actually knows what they are talking about continue for me.
As for adversarial, still waiting for the day that criminals, for the most part, exclaim like the very old British movies and Scooby Doo cartoons that “It’s a fair cop, guv!” and then explain why and how they did it.
- Comment on Lessons for Britain from Milton Keynes 2 weeks ago:
Upvoted to the heavens. Well, one anyways.
Cf. Governments for the last twenty plus years failing to understand that taxation receipts are not inelastic wrt to tax levels (excuse triple negative). “Increasing taxation far beyond the average individual’s ability to sustain is never going to affect receipts.”.
Never occurs to them that maybe why Gen Z sees no interest in working. Not sure I don’t agree.
- Comment on Lessons for Britain from Milton Keynes 2 weeks ago:
Agree. All low cost parking zones now marked as premium, just to make sure that there’s no sign of life.
RIP physical shops.
- Comment on What does the 3-2-1 rule look like for you? 2 weeks ago:
Sometimes: a laughing hyena.
If you don’t have tested backups, you don’t have a backup.
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 2 weeks ago:
Farts are funny. Will always be funny.
Don’t stop laughing at stupid shit. The world gets very serious very quickly all on its own when you’re looking and when you’re not. If you can retain some ability to laugh, you’ll be much better off.
Am old fart: early Gen X.
- Comment on Special Forces blocked 2,000 credible asylum claims from Afghan commandos, Ministry of Defence confirms. 2 weeks ago:
The obvious answer is for you pro BBC guys to move to Afghanistan to help them keep the peace and prevent them being targeted.
- Comment on is it a good thing if someone says my nose looks like his? 2 weeks ago:
Compared to the alternative. Danniella Westbrook etc.
- Comment on How often do you run backups on your system? 2 weeks ago:
If you haven’t tested your backups, you ain’t got a backup.
- Comment on It's impossible to defend any amount of alcohol consumption without sounding like an alcoholic. 2 weeks ago:
You need different friends.
- Comment on It's impossible to defend any amount of alcohol consumption without sounding like an alcoholic. 2 weeks ago:
I don’t have a drink problem. I drink. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem.
- Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 3 weeks ago:
It’s not really about warm or cold, it’s about how you get the bottle lid off. Especially now they have those lids-attached set-ups.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
I was hoping that the content would be id linked to a user id so that moving an account would remain linked to the content if moved between instances.
It’s not an inconceivable expectation for when instances close down or people find that the instance doesn’t suit them.
Is that the case?
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
If Facebook and Apple have eroded people’s brains to the point where such a simple question cannot be answered without freaking out, then we’re in trouble.
Yes. Thinking ability is gone. That’s of last century.
Maybe I’ve just written my/our answer. Fuck that’s depressing. Happily I’m old - I’ll be dead soon. This will be your problem.
- Comment on What is your favorite app for Lemmy? Include Platform 3 weeks ago:
You had me going there! I thought Tesseract was something to do with OCR.
- Comment on What is your favorite app for Lemmy? Include Platform 3 weeks ago:
Haven’t looked around for a while, but I’ve settled on Voyager.
I have the reference application, Jeroba, installed but I don’t really like it and haven’t seen it updated for a while.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Have you ever been on Facebook? Ever read the illiterate moronic uneducated garbage that people post as fact? It’s called ‘my truth’; maybe because it’s only true in their sphere (of one).
There are going to be a seriously large number of people totally flummoxed by that question.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Facebook has servers all over the world; there’s not just one Facebook server although it appears to users like that. What would be the effect of asking (potential) Facebook users which server they would like to join?
In a somewhat related question, does anyone know how the extra-instance account transfer request is going? Not sure where to look to find out.
- Comment on Online Safety Act - Feddit UK 3 weeks ago:
Thank-you brother. It’s getting ridiculous. That’s a great ‘planet’ blog with a wide interest range.