Personally I find quantum computers really impressive, and they havent been given its righteous hype.
I know they won’t be something everyone has in their house but I will improve some services.
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Personally I find quantum computers really impressive, and they havent been given its righteous hype.
I know they won’t be something everyone has in their house but I will improve some services.
Pretty sure QC is down at 0,0 right now. They haven’t gotten it to work in the way it’s been envisioned yet. The theory is there, but until something is quantifiably working, there’s basically no hype behind it.
I’d say very slightly past that. Quantum computers do work right now, but it’s the same way the Wright brothers’ first plane worked: as proof of concept and research, but not better than existing tech for solving any problems.
And it’s not that they fail to meet expectations of the designers, as far as I know they do exactly what they are built to do as well as predicted with the tech we have. Just the press is expecting more.
The users of quantum computing is also such that if it does work, the 3 letter agencies will want to keep it to themselves and decrypt as much as possible before admitting it even exists.
They work, but it’s expensive and POC stage. They’re mostly just not scaled to the level that we think we can take them to.
I personally think we’re on the slope of enlightenment - quantum computing no longer attracts as much hype as it used to, but in the background, there’s a lot of interesting developments that genuinely might be very important.
I’d agree, but that slope will be a long and hard one. And the hype cycle may have many more peaks and troughs of disillusionment, from new breakthroughs, but the researchers will still make steady progress.
If true then when did QC have its “ChatGPT” moment?
Quantum computers have no place in typical consumer technology, its practical applications are super high level STEM research and cryptography. Beyond being cool to conceptualize why would there be hype around quantum computers from the perspective of a average person who can barel figure out how to post on social media or send an email?
People thought the same of binary computers in their development phase.
Yeah, why would a farmer need a fancy calculator the size of a room? 🙄
…and cryptography.
I think I’m a typical consumer, and if I’m not mistaken we use cryptography constantly (https and banking, off the top of my head). If quantum computers are important for cryptography, it’s hard to imagine “regular people” having no use.
Imagine quantum PCs get usable and we don’t update users cryptography 😂 you could as well communicate in plain text in that case
Cryptography is most of the hype I’ve heard. It’s usually something along the lines of imagine all encryption/certificates being breakable instantly
Specifically breaking prime number based cryptography.
Your use of Cryptography is probably roughly on the level of “Having a strong password.”
The application of quantum computers will largely in in BREAKING security. You’re not going to have a quantum-security module in your phone or home computer.
The answer for that exists as a superposition of multiple possibilities but as soon as somebody manages to read it it will decohere into just the one.
Quantum Computing is still climbing the slope from TT to the Peak of Inflated Expectations. There is still little to no major hype, as its still in “R&D/testing” it is slow, it is expensive (Very) limited due to all the surrounding tech required to make it work like cooling, containment etc…
Compare this to AI.
AI is at and heading down from the Peak towards the Trough of Disillusionment. It was easy (relatively) to implement, easy to evolve as how nVidia did, simply throw more silicon at it. The Hype was easy to generate because even while totally misinformed, media and other people out there thought they could easily sell it. Even though most of what they claimed was turd, it sounded amazing and a game changer even in the early stages, and businesses lapped it up. Now they are feeling the pain, and seeing that there are still major hurdles to get passed.
considering that no one who isn’t involved in the creation of them is talking about quantum computing in regards to quarterly profits or posting about it on LinkedIn trying to score a lead, it may be as far left on the chart as possible.
AI is way different. It’s more like a series of hills where dystopias is pushing the boulder up to the peak, only to see another higher peak as the boulder rolls down the slope of disillusionment.
The thing is that quite a few things initially called AI have climbed that hype curve, rolled down into disillusionment, and quite a few have plateaued as increased productivity. Each time we realize that’s either not AI or only a step toward AI. We’ve gotten a lot of useful functionality but the actual progress seems to be mainly clarifying what intelligence is or is not
The kind of LLM that caused this hype with GPT3 is in R&D since the 60’s. I belive we’re in the 70’s of Quantum Coputing. When It’ll be measured, it’d be just as easy and relatively cheep to produce and advance as AI today
QC is likely to remain the domain of liquid nitrogen-cooled machines for a long time to come, possibly forever. I can run a basic LLM on a Raspberry Pi–and I have–but it’s highly unlikely QC will ever be that easy.
Amazing computational speedups if you regularly use any of these incredibly specific algorithms. Otherwise useless.
Quantum as a service may exist as a business.
Uh… one of those algorithms in your list is literally for speeding up linear algebra. Do you think just because it sounds technical it’s “businessy”? All modern technology is technical, that’s what technology is. It would be like someone saying, “GPUs would be useless to regular people because all they mainly do is speed up matrix multiplication. Who cares about that except for businesses?” Many of these algorithms here offer potential speedup for linear algebra operations. That is the basis of both graphics and AI.
literally for speeding up linear algebra
For a sparse matrix where you don’t need the values of the solution vector.
I.e. a very specific use case.
Quantum computers will be called from libraries that apply very specific subroutines for very specific problems.
Consumers may occasionally call a quantum subroutine in a cloud environment. I very much doubt we will have a quantum chip in our phone.
Pretty much on the blue line. They cost a lot of money for being barely functional, and it’s not clear whether they’ll ever be anything more
Btw: What a quantum computer can reliably do these days, is tell you 21 is 3 x 7. And it takes hours and quite some traditional computing to do that.
We've progressed a bit further than that. But for anyone interested in actual applications for quantum computers... They'll have to wait. It's research at this point. We're making progress one step at a time. But so far no one has even demostrated we're able to scale those computers to a useful size.
So I'd say we're somewhere close to the origin of the axes. Or on a different graph for research that's still science fiction. Together with nuclear fusion power plants, thorium cars, space ships and hypothetical battery chemistry that'll make our electric cars go 5000 miles and not degrade over time.
What exactly is holding QC back right now? Does it require near room-temp superconductivity to become viable or is it just in research phase right now?
I remember that AI/ML was held back mainly because of compute power to price ratio.
There are a few different physical systems that people are trying to build quantum computers with. Superconducting loops are one of the most promising ones, because of a halfway decent decoherence rate. And yeah, superconducts needing near 0K temperature to operate is a problem. It’s just hard to scale up while everything needs to be so cold. Room-temp superconductivity would be a huge advantage.
But even then, the decoherence rates are still too high for any long quantum computation. Last I heard, the best qubits are maybe barely getting to good enough errors rates that quantum error correction would be possible - which is great, but ‘possible’ and ‘practical’ still have a significant gap between them.
So in short, basically everything about the hardware needs to be better; and its just very very hard. Probably too hard to ever achieve the dream of having arbitrary quantum computation. (But there is always the possibility of some big new idea that makes everything work better.)
That’s not entirely true. There are companies right now with prototypes solving real world problems.
If you have a concrete example I’d love to hear it
Does these “companies” includes the one that were outed for just doing computation on plain old processors and claiming they had made huge breakthrough in quantum computing?
We’re in the “grifters collecting donations” phase for the foreseeable future.
I think this graph doesn’t have to move left to right, it can also move right to left. On several occasions it started to move up the “tech trigger” slope, but without any functional applications for the current technology the point slid back down to the left again.
I think the graph needs at least one more demarcated region. After “tech trigger” there needs to be “real world applications”. Without real world applications you can never progress past the tech trigger phase.
Real world applications is what comes to light at the „Slope of Enlightment“ If QC has some, the tech is at this point.
Either somewhere on the far left, and we’ll see some actual breakthrough with major impact in the future which actually gets hyped, or on the far right and it already happened, it was just too niche for anyone other than a specific small group to notice.
I think the big breakthrough was in cryptography, and yeah, most people don’t care. All of your passwords will be useless against brute force attacks in 10-15 years from it tho!
But we already have quantum proof passwords nowadays.
Approaching the point of disillusionment.
They started to work, but hardly anyone cares. They are still far from being good, or affordable.
Schrödinger’s tech. It’s both real and flimflam at the same time.
Trough of disillusionment
You think we’ve made it that far?
You’ve been able to buy a quantum computer for years, so I guess trough of disillusionment.
although DARPA has them, so traveling up from the nadir of the trough of disillusionment.…
You’re not going to hear a lot about them, but there are and have been many companies consistently working on improving the accuracy and power of quantum computers and still are.
regular computers were around for 40 years before being successfully developed into personal machines with commercial utility, quantum computers are kind of in that zone roght mow, big room sized things that have a couple cubits.
but they are real and available, and the field is constantly in development
It’s debatable if D-Wave is actually a quantum computer at least in the sense most people use the term. There’s a lot of unanswered questions still on exactly how to use and design a quantum computer and we’re not likely to get those answers until we can reliably produce and run systems with at least 8 qubits. Maybe DARPA and the military/CIA has such systems, but I don’t think anyone else does.
Quantum computers are still mostly theoretical. We have some of the building blocks of one, but there’s still a few critical pieces missing. Quantum computers are in about the same place as fusion reactors are. Theoretically possible but not currently producible in a form that’s useful without a few more technological breakthroughs.
If the computers are using functional qubits as processing power, then they’re a quantum computer.
I think IBM’s chip has a thousand cubits hang on-
IBMs quantum computer has 1121 cubits in their heron chip now in the quantum computer, they’re producing now and are working toward 100,000 qubits per processor in the next decade.
All points on that curve, at the same time just now, for undefined values of now.
I think we’re still headed up the peak of inflated expectations. Quantum computing may be better at a category of problems that do a significant amount of math on a small amount of data. Traditional computing is likely to stay better at anything that requires a large amount of input data, or a large amount of output data, or only uses a small amount of math to transform the inputs to the outputs.
Anything you do with SQL, spreadsheets, images, music and video, and basically anything involved in rendering is pretty much untouchable. On the other hand, a limited number of use cases (cryptography, cryptocurrencies, maybe even AI/ML) might be much cheaper and fasrer with a quantum computer. There are possible military applications, so countries with big militaries are spending until they know whether that’s a weakness or not. If it turns out they can’t do any of the things that looked possible from the expectation peak, the whole industry will fizzle.
As for my opinion, comparing QC to early silicon computers is very misleading, because early computers improved by becoming way smaller. QC is far closer to the minimum possible size already, so there won’t be a comparable, “then grow the circuit size by a factor of ten million” step. I think they probably can’t do anything world shaking.
As for my opinion, comparing QC to early silicon computers is very misleading, because early computers improved by becoming way smaller. QC is far closer to the minimum possible size already, so there won’t be a comparable
Thanks for saying this. I see a lot of people who assume all technology always gets better all the time. Truth is, things do have limits, and sometimes things hit a dead end and never get better than they are. Those things tend to get stuck in the lab and you never hear about them.
sometimes things hit a dead end and never get better
Ah, that’s when it’s time to start charging a monthly subscription fee of course!
Inflated Expectations. Most people who are aware of them will still talk about how they’re going to destroy crypto. We are very, very far off from the size of QC that could possibly do that. It may not even be feasible to do the quantum juggling act necessary to handle that many qbits. Plus, we already have post-quantum crypto making its way into TLS and other cryptographic suites.
And don’t get me started on the morons who think the NSA already has some super secret breakthrough QC that can already break all crypto. Often from the same sorts of people who throw Russell’s Teapot at creationists.
Meanwhile, there are far more interesting possibilities that don’t need so many qbits. Things like improving logistics or molecular simulation.
I think AI is falling into disillusionment and Quantum Computers feel at least 10 years behind.
AI is falling into disillusionment for like the 10th time now. We just keep redefining what AI is to mean “whatever is slightly out of reach for modern computers”.
Hahaha, I kept saying this to myself while going through this thread. I mean there is a whole wiki page on the concept of AI winters because it’s such a common occurrence -
Quantum computers are now were neural nets were in the 1980s.
One problem with QC is that besting classical computers has been a moving target, improving exponentially for many years while QC was being researched. It’s going to be a long, slow climb up the slope of enlightenment as it reveals its potential.
Well, yes and no.
Quantum computers will likely never beat classical computing on classical algorithms, for exactly the reasons you stated, classical just has too much of a head start.
But there are certain problems with quantum algorithms that are exponentially faster than the classical algorithms. Quantum computers will be better on those problems very quickly, but we are still working on building reliable QCs. Also, we currently don’t know very many quantum algorithms with that degree of speedup, so as others have said there isn’t many use cases for QCs yet.
Kind of like cpus and gpus perform radically different depending on what’s fed into it.
Somewhere around 0,0 or 1,1
There are amazing possibilities in the theoretical space, but there hasn’t been enough of a breakthrough on how to practically make stable qubits on a scale to create widespread hype
Quantum computers don’t lie: it’s not like thawed can run generative ai 5 months ago
I dunno if anyone except scientists and security people think about quantum computing at the moment.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
I’d say it’s still at the beginning of the curve. 5 months ago
Yeah as we have seen with LLMs, unless there is practical use for the average person, nobody cares.