- Comment on When people look back on the dawn of the computer age a few centuries from now computers, the internet and AI will all be a part of the same innovation 2 weeks ago:
This is called Kondratiev‘s waves and indeed we‘re at the end of the IT cycle. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Kondratiev
The new infrastructure cycle for next 40 years is something like renewable energy/ reusable materials, I assume
- Comment on Is there an implemented system of automated trucks anywhere that is fully operational? 2 weeks ago:
Hambourg harbor has a fully automated area where autonomous trucks/ platforms carry ship containers. Huge vessels and full electric.
- Comment on In almost 100% of scenarios that I can think of, the underdog is always the "good guy" 3 weeks ago:
Don‘t you call a „bad“ underdog in other words? Just like gangster, criminal, activist, terrorist, …
- Comment on Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% 1 month ago:
In general an electric car is cheaper than a combustion car. Being it the petrol vs electricity or purchase price. Today, western car companies produce high end electric cars only. That’s why the costs are high. Wait for the Chinese low end cars.
- Comment on Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% 1 month ago:
That was until 2023. In 2024 the regulations were changed and kow it can’t be stopped. Neither stopped by your landlord, by the city, nor the local power company. Just buy it for around 400€ and install it (no Deye inverter though). You’ll get 2 or 4 solar panels, an inverter and a cable with schuko plug to connect inverter to your flats power network.
You plug it into your power plug and as soon as the sun glares, your little power net in your flat gets cheap power. If you adapt your behavior accordingly - start laundry, dryer, ironing at noon - you can save some bucks.
I have no quick start guide in englisch. May be you google around a bit. If you live in an older building, you should read about old power cables as well and start with low wattage- 600w inverter. It’s really that easy now 😋
- Comment on German Power Slips Below Zero as Negative-Price Phenomenon Grows 1 month ago:
Changed it. Thx
- Comment on Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% 1 month ago:
In other news, Germany imports quite some percentage of its electricity from other countries, like nuclear-produced electricity from France. So, in a sense and to a degree, it outsources the emissions to other countries.
That is simply not true. You might get an update of the actual state of energy production AND imports va exports here: pv-magazine.com/…/germany-hits-62-7-renewables-in…
My memory fails me, so it may have been different gas and different purpose than electricity. Anyway, it came as a very poor taste.
Even this is not true or just blabla at least. It’s Biogas, gas made out of animals poo, plants and other degradable things.
I strongly suggest that you either check sources before posting a comment. Or just stay quite instead „there was something I heard somewhere…“
- Comment on Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% 1 month ago:
In Germany, from 1st of January each local power provider has to offer a flexible contract that gives through the market price. But I think it’s too early right know as it has some peaks. Otherwise choose Tibber, Voltego or others. Once you can load your car at night, it’s worth to take a flex tariff
- Comment on Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% 1 month ago:
Buy a Balkonkraftwerk. It’s cheap right now in Wintertime. If you take one without battery, it has a return of invest of 1-2 years. Just 2-4 solar panels for your balcony or somewhere else and you plug it into your power plug (schuko stecker). It‘s worth, easy to install and allowed without applying the landlord in Germany.
- Comment on German Power Slips Below Zero as Negative-Price Phenomenon Grows 1 month ago:
Oh sorry. Didn‘t get your point. For what I‘ve read, the driver of PV this year were mid-sized companies to get cheaper power. And small PV‘s for house owners. Yes, investors and big PV farms rather look for battery storages.
- Comment on German Power Slips Below Zero as Negative-Price Phenomenon Grows 1 month ago:
The dips occur more often in last two years. We build more renewables. There’s definitely a need to build energy storages. Please don’t forget that the price dips increases the funding need for the small pv-owners. They‘ll get the EEG (fixed governmental subsidies ) price for each Watt they produce. Only bigger pv‘s get nothing/ cut off the grid for that time. So, negative power prices costs much governmental tax money - the difference of market price and the EEG fixed price.
- Comment on Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% 1 month ago:
Btw French Nuclear Power Company went bankrupt last years. Because of this cheap Nuclear. It’s owned by the Government now. In South Corea the Nuclear company is due 150 Billion dollars. Bankrupt very soon. Sellafield the British nuclear dump expects costs of 136 Billion pounds until 2050. Already owned by the Government.
It’s so fucking cheap this nuclear.
- Comment on Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% 1 month ago:
Not that was France labeling Nuclear as Renewable. Because, because it doesn’t emit CO2, I guess. Don’t know what „Re-New“ translates into French and I‘d be surprised if it is „Split Atoms“.
- Comment on German Power Slips Below Zero as Negative-Price Phenomenon Grows 1 month ago:
And there are 180GW battery storages planned to store this energy for the next. But guess who has to confirm the plans? The 4 almighty German power companies. And guess why it‘s just in planning phase? And who is loosing money if energy prices don’t fluctuate that intense? And who tried to slow down the renewables last decade? Same shit as petrol and gas heads did.
- Comment on Is there an extensive guide on how to protect kids on the internet? 2 months ago:
I issue with subscriptions and pay later schemes is, that you loose sight of what you have paid, will pay next weeks/ months and what amount of money you still have left.
Taking inflation into account for anything that is below 100k and over more than 5 years, is just ridiculous, to day it in plain words, sry.
In short you live day to day with your money without any planning if you let your cash flow out by itself (subscriptions, loans)
- Comment on Is there an extensive guide on how to protect kids on the internet? 2 months ago:
- Learn to recognize pishing mail and sms
- Do not share nude pics of yourself (even not to your boy/girlfriend)
- Learn to recognize and ignore social media trolls
- Learn netiquette writing style in social media
- Do not write bad things about colleagues and boss in emails at work
- Recognize dark shopping patterns such as time counter, discounts, voucher height
- Recognize fake shops
- Recognize no returns (Chinese) shops
- Recognize gambling patterns in games such as loot boxes, rewards and more for real money
Sorry for this long list. It’s just a terrible place for kids
- Comment on Peter Todd Was ‘Unmasked’ As Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Now He’s In Hiding 4 months ago:
That entire article reads like a mind fuck. Wtf who cares.
- Comment on Is it normal to feel tired of technological progress? 4 months ago:
Good points. Im not sure if social progress is bound to technological progress but think it’s interlinked somehow. Our social progress is worth the overall progress, to be honest.
I’m entering the 50 soon - grown up with C64 - and thinking a lot about my kids and my childhood. It’s so much better for kids nowadays.
All the brutality and all the loneliness has gone. Thanks to Me-Too. Still so many kids at my age have been beaten, so many young girls abused in my generation. I’m talking with my friends about this nowadays. The generation of my parents are even worse. Still trying to talk with them about their childhood. Remember this was the generation grown up by facists&racists after the WW2.
- Comment on What websites still feel like the old internet? 4 months ago:
Your way back search engine wiby.me It even comes a surprise me button
- Comment on Pagers and walkie-talkies over cellphones – a security expert explains why Hezbollah went low-tech for communications. 5 months ago:
Holy shit I had a Note 7 - and loved it.
- Comment on Discussions are like a game of telephone; you're converting idea into language and expecting the recipient to flawlessly translate it back into an idea. 5 months ago:
That is a bit how humans always explained human experiences - by explaining it through how modern technology works.
Years ago it were mechanical mechanisms that explained how we think. Before that it was a pinhole camera. Today it is information technology.
But that‘s not how humans think, interact, and live in the world. You’re model doesn’t explain why some people are boring and some are meszmerising. Some spoken words can resonate with your body and emotion (think of songs) some not. Some people such as Italians speak with hands and gestures as well and need it to understand the other.
That‘s why for me web calls are okay for just some information sharing but when it comes to even more intense and effective exchange, humans have to be in one room - to be in wave.
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 6 months ago:
Real world applications is what comes to light at the „Slope of Enlightment“ If QC has some, the tech is at this point.
- Comment on Elite - No Nostalgia Retro Gaming Week 53 6 months ago:
One of my first games. I stared at those moving lines for a long time.
- Comment on Ad industry initiative abruptly shuts down after lawsuit filed by Elon Musk’s X 6 months ago:
Note to myself: Whenever I do contracts or somehow being responsible, I‘ll put a proxy company in between. If things go bad, I just shut down that responsible proxy and am out of duty.
Just an interesting observation about business behavior.
- Comment on Your future air conditioner might act like a battery 6 months ago:
If you have a PV upon your house, the most effective power storage option will be a general power storage, not storing power within the aircon. Doing so, it‘s just accessible by one single device. Instead of all electric devices in the house.
I assume this aircon is targeting apartments in a residential block. But even here, I assume it makes more sense to run a small battery storage such as a camping storage for your apartment and offer power for all your devices, not just a single one.
- Comment on Your future air conditioner might act like a battery 6 months ago:
Oh, that‘s it. I remember my good old tile stove.
- Comment on Your future air conditioner might act like a battery 6 months ago:
Call me naive but I thought that one needs cooling when its hot and the sun burns outside. At that time there‘s plenty of PV energy available. No need for storage, just take it directly.