- Comment on Should you trust that doctor? 4 months ago:
Nonsense! Zoidberg’s a fine physician. For Aliens. Your mistake is being human!
- Comment on Problem? 4 months ago:
I disagree there - peer review as a system isn’t designed to catch fraud at all, it’s designed to ensure that studies that get published meet a minimum standard for competence. Reviewers aren’t asked to look for fake data, and in most cases aren’t trained to spot it either.
Whether we need to create a new system that is designed to catch fraud prior to publication is a whole different question.
- Comment on Debtors' Club, a narrative driven, roguelite-style, city tax department management game, with a nice hand-drawn art style, released on Steam 5 months ago:
I feel like you can do both these days, can’t you? Hades was one of the first to break this ground.
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 6 months ago:
Well, yes and no.
Quantum computers will likely never beat classical computing on classical algorithms, for exactly the reasons you stated, classical just has too much of a head start.
But there are certain problems with quantum algorithms that are exponentially faster than the classical algorithms. Quantum computers will be better on those problems very quickly, but we are still working on building reliable QCs. Also, we currently don’t know very many quantum algorithms with that degree of speedup, so as others have said there isn’t many use cases for QCs yet.
- Comment on Air Force is “growing concerned” about the pace of Vulcan rocket launches 9 months ago:
ULA is already a private company. I don’t think the US government has done any of their own work to get to space since the shuttle.
- Comment on Hades II is now available in Steam Early Access! 9 months ago:
How long did you play BoI for if getting burned out on Hades after 40hrs was fairly quick?
- Comment on Matrix multiplication breakthrough could lead to faster, more efficient AI models 11 months ago:
If this actually did lead to faster matrix multiplication, then essentially anything that can be done on a GPU would benefit. That definitely could include games, and physics models, along with a bunch of other applications (and yes, also AI stuff).
I’m sure the papers authors know all of that, but somehow along the line the article just became"faster and better AI"
- Comment on The temptation is always there 1 year ago:
Why is that weirder? The people writing scientific software are, by and large, less good at writing software than people who only specialize in software development. I’d expect there to tons of terrible engineering practices in an old code base like that
- Comment on How do I get informed on Joe Rogan without watching his videos. 1 year ago:
I agree with many of the other commenters that OP debating their husband might not be the best idea.
But if that’s what they want, “Decoding the gurus” did at least one Rogan specific episode, and I think they do a better job covering and dismantling Rogan’s rhetorical approach than the podcasts above.
- Comment on Hydrogen-powered planes almost ready for takeoff 1 year ago:
Yes, but notably you can design to reduce the risk of leaking hydrogen. If the areas around the tanks are designed to allow any leakage to vent before it reaches dangerous levels, you can reduce the risk. Yes hydrogen is flammable, so tanks of it are dangerous. Jet fuel is also quite flammable, and we’ve used that for a long time.
This is all in contrast to the design of the Hindenburg, which was specifically trying to hold onto a bunch of hydrogen in the flammable regime
- Comment on Hydrogen-powered planes almost ready for takeoff 1 year ago:
I’m guessing that they are (falsely) equating it to the hindenburg, when IMO it wouldn’t be much different safety-wise than current fossil fuel powered planes.
It’s not like they would be filling the wings and luggage compartment with free-floating hydrogen, it stays in it’s tank
- Comment on Hollow Knight - 6 Years Later. [Ceave Perspective] [1h31m08s] 1 year ago:
It’s optional for beating the games story, but required if you are trying for full (112%) completion.