- Comment on Social media is becoming infested with climate change denial and misinformation 5 months ago:
Well apparently you don’t understand it either. My point is that there are opposing weather patterns that occur over larger periods you are unaware of.
It’s only you grasping to at insults to have your cringe whinge because someone doesn’t believe in your opinion.
Get bent.
- Comment on Social media is becoming infested with climate change denial and misinformation 5 months ago:
You are also sharing disinformation as well. You say climate change, but you do not define it.
Many people are aware of El Nino / La Nina and that they cycle roughly 7 years. What most people don’t know, is that there are cycles that occur every 25 years, and more that are even longer than that.
Now consider when those cycles happen to coincide, there is an increased change until those cycles move back out of sync.
Yes there is climate change, but a large majority of it is out of yours or anyone else’s control.
- Comment on Brazilian court orders suspension of Elon Musk’s X after it missed deadline 5 months ago:
To be fair, X didn’t “miss the deadline”.
They never gave a shit in the first place.
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 6 months ago:
Quantum Computing is still climbing the slope from TT to the Peak of Inflated Expectations. There is still little to no major hype, as its still in “R&D/testing” it is slow, it is expensive (Very) limited due to all the surrounding tech required to make it work like cooling, containment etc…
Compare this to AI.
AI is at and heading down from the Peak towards the Trough of Disillusionment. It was easy (relatively) to implement, easy to evolve as how nVidia did, simply throw more silicon at it. The Hype was easy to generate because even while totally misinformed, media and other people out there thought they could easily sell it. Even though most of what they claimed was turd, it sounded amazing and a game changer even in the early stages, and businesses lapped it up. Now they are feeling the pain, and seeing that there are still major hurdles to get passed.
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
Software as a Suspension.
- Comment on Microsoft begins cracking down on people dodging Windows 11's system requirements 6 months ago:
If you must use Windows, download it legitimately from MS website. Use RUFUS to burn the ISO image to a USB. Remove the restrictions you hate.
Dual boot a Linux variant, and move over apps at your leisure, until you are no longer Win OS dependent.
- Comment on Susan Wojcicki, Former Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56 6 months ago:
May her shitshow of a legacy, that is the fucked up YT of today, riddled with ads and no downvotes, die next.
Cancer sucks, not wishing that on anyone, well except warmongering cunts and a few others ruining our lives and cultures.
- Comment on Logitech has ‘no plans’ for a subscription mouse 6 months ago:
And there you have it.
- Comment on Fork of HomeBox released (v0.11.0) 8 months ago:
31 branches? uh… okay.
- Comment on Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’ 9 months ago:
I get lags too. Interestingly (and not relevant to the topic) I can access reddit okay (but it has huge pause on initial load) on Windows with Chrome (or Opera), but reddit fails to load correctly when I am using Linux with Chromium. Tried other browsers too, reddit seems to not like Linux at all (well my install of Linux anyway). I can’t even log in successfully.
- Comment on Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’ 9 months ago:
It did that initially for me as well, I had to clear the cache and cookies for reddit. Goto new.reddit and login again.
- Comment on Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’ 9 months ago:
I’ll have to believe you, I don’t know what DIGG is! I’ll presume its just another media online outlet.
- Comment on Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’ 9 months ago:
Have you seen the abomination that is the layout for reddit now?
Thankfully you can still access the old “new” layout at , and of course still exists too.
I only go there for a few communities that don’t exist here, but that is where we are at, at this point.
- Comment on Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone 10 months ago:
Sucks to be american. Sucks to live in america.
Why would anyone?
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
I found Big Clive is posting here. I’m sold, he is the only reason I use YT, so now I can cut that fucking shit off at the neck.
And I am going to check out peertube as well.
- Comment on Biden expected to sign the TikTok ban on Wed. 10 months ago:
The kids don’t care, they will just use CoCo Fun (most are using both apps anyway).
The only difference is that with Coco Fun, its America spying on your kids.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
yes, but did you enable an adblocker? I’m just saying it will work browsing via DDG.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
If you are looking for a specific video, use DDG search, then click videos. No ad’s!
Obviously not useful if you’re just randomly browsing content.
- Comment on the Apple curl security incident 12604 | 11 months ago:
Anyone still using LibreSSL and not OpenSSL, has only themselves to blame. Or their company or whoever is forcing it on them.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
The only people that will really suffer from this is businesses. They will have to buy W11, and they will need to get supported hardware. However, businesses usually have rolling upgrades in place in the IT and have probably rolled out many already.
As for home users, with each newer generation, they become more tech savy. I can tell you now, this won’t affect as many people as you imagine.
1: W11 is free to download from M$. You can choose whether or not to buy a licence. W11 cracks already exist, M$ is still using key management services, so something like KMSpico still work. There are also tons of activator scripts on github (lol, since M$ owns this!). 2: Grab a copy of RUFUS. Use it to take the W11 image and remove all restrictions, and dumb it to USB. 3: ??? 4: Profit.
- Comment on The man who owes Nintendo $14m: Gary Bowser and gaming’s most infamous piracy case 1 year ago:
He’s dead dude.
- Comment on More Police Are Using Your Cameras for Video Evidence 1 year ago:
For “commercial but free” There is AxxonOne (was AxxonNext) But free only allows 4 cameras. However this is best out of all FOSS in terms of what it can do.
For FOSS there is: Frigate Shinobi Zoneminder iSpy Viseron Moonfire NVR motionEyeOS
Lots of options but you will need some baremetal or a decently powered server and hypervisor to run in a VM.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
At the time of this article’s publication, Star Citizen had raised $658,161,596 from more than five million accounts.
The game has not even officially been released!!
- Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
I found it, just to put it to bed. It is a National rule, but it is interpreted differently between states.
I wished that the link was more from our government, however I followed up the National laws this posts states, and they are indeed correct. Australian Road Rule 118 says it is required (in any circumstance) but only if practical. And that seems to stem from Vic and other states with larger 3 or 4 lane roundabouts (which would suck).
The post also comments:
A casual search of internet forums reveals many confused drivers believing that this is optional, or is not a road rule, or is, indeed, a silly thing to do. From personal experience, the vast majority of drivers do not indicate left when leaving roundabouts. The law, however, is clear that a left change of direction signal must be given when leaving a roundabout, ‘if practicable’.
So I’m happy to indicate left on leaving the roundabout, it doesnt bother me anyhow. But it would be a total headache for Tesla drivers, and my indicators are on my wheel and not in the right location at the time, would not constitute as “impractical” as far at the process. The car might be impractical, the the process should not have been,
- Comment on Followup on the vehicle "kill switch" mandated by the Infrastructure Bill 1 year ago:
You might not, but you can bet enough of your brethren will be competent enough, and make available to everyone.
- Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
I think that is what I said.
But on exiting we will have to indicate left. so if I’m taking the 3rd exit, I am indicating right, until just before I get to it, where I then change to left indicate to say I’m exiting. Even if you are going straight (so not indicating) you are still require to indicate left when about to exit.
Its less meaningful on a 3 or 4 road roundabout, but when the roundabout has 5 or more roads, or maybe even a double roundabout (There is one here, and its an accident hotspot!!) then indicating your leaving is very important.
Pretty sure that this road rule in a national rule, not per state. But I know that some places do not enforce the exit indication.
- Comment on Followup on the vehicle "kill switch" mandated by the Infrastructure Bill 1 year ago:
Well as far as this fact check, it makes sense. Why wouldn’t you want to stop impaired drivers. Also, the bill apparently says nothing about dring driving (although since drinking does impair you, it will probably flag).…/11066287002/
According to that, there is no mention of giving control of your car to government/police etc. “the bill in question directs a federal agency to require technology that would detect driver impairment and disable the vehicle in that scenario”
The system “passively monitors the performance of a driver,” identifies whether they may be impaired and prevents or limits motor vehicle operation “if an impairment is detected.”
So its not phoning home or anything, it is sound self-sufficient, so it would probably be pretty easy to disable.
- Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
The comment about roundabouts is the same for Australia. You wait a roundabout entrance, with your indicator telling people what you intend to do on the roundabout, and that indication stays until you are ready to leave the roundabout, which you are then required to indicate left (unless you were already indicating left!).
Having moving buttons on the steering wheel is an absolutely absurd idea. Not just for indicating, anything important (I dont mean volume control for the radio, or phone answer button) should never be on a rotating object, where it can be inaccessible or “not where it should be” in a time of need (or required).
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
Nah, curating is pretty easy!
- Comment on What's your favorite note-taking application? 1 year ago:
I find Joplin perfect for my needs. Markdown, embedding images, links etc. I sync to my selfhosted nextcloud.
I like tags, I would like them to add a “directory tree” type of view to help sort “folders” (the thing they call “notebooks”) but only because I am more used to just filesystem type structured filing. But the notebooks and tagging idea works for me too.
I strictly use it for notes/note keeping, in particular “HOWTO’s” and specific topic notes. So I dont even do a great deal of markdown in my notes, but I love the ability to add screen captures etc to them for clarity.
And being on nextcloud, I can access those notes anywhere on any device, PC, Android, Raspberry Pi!! Joplin has an app for all of them