The Oracle games had GBA releases? Wow, that’s news to me.
Only ever played OOoT, MM, and WW. Just ordered an Analogue Pocket. Suggest an order.
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
They don’t. These are reproduction cartridges and not official. 6 months ago
I think they trick the GBA into thinking it’s a GB cartridge (it has a built-in GBC “emulator”). 6 months ago
So admittedly I bought all of these off eBay having done zero research. They’re all bootleg? If so, the physical quality is very good, but it could explain why Link’s Awakening won’t keep a save. 6 months ago
Heh feeling a bit wheeling for hitting the gas on a GBA Zelda lot on eBay when the Analogue can play GBC games natively. Did zero research.
The experience is arguably worse since there’s a fixed border around the GBC while Analogue can play GBC natively. Oh well. 6 months ago
MM is hard to top; it’s peak early LoZ (in an old man’s opinion). It took a familiar engine, added two new major mechanics, and told the first really dark story.
Awakening is the one to play first, it’ll set you up for later games nicely, and it was originally a Gameboy (not GBC game). It took the Zelda formula from the earlier NES iterations, and made a content-rich world.
I’d say save ages and seasons for last (when you get your carts!). They’re amazing games that really show how far the GBC could be pushed, and are very much taking the awakening engine and doing wonderful things. The fact there is linked content between the two means you should also keep a pen and paper handy! 6 months ago
I only ask this question because I can see that you’re a franchise veteran and my entry into the franchise was very different. I’ve heard that most old school zelda players really dislike botw and I don’t understand why since the two switch titles are among my favorites of all time and I’ve played a decent amount of games. Is that the case with you as well? 6 months ago
I’ve been playing the Zelda series since the original NES game in the 80s. BOTW and TOTK are some of my favorites. 6 months ago
The only Zeldas I haven’t played to completion are Zelda 1, 2, Minish Cap, and Twilight Hourglass, and Link Between Worlds. My favorites are Majora’s Mask, Breath of the Wild, and Twilight Princess.
People that disliked the Switch titles prefer the intricate puzzle-based dungeons and a tighter story. The whole game is a linear puzzlebox. It really looks like the series is turning away from this, with even Echoes of Wisdom showcasing a sandbox approach.
Personally, having played SO many Zelda titles that rigidly adhered to this, it’s good they’re mixing it up. There was a lot of ideas they had rehashed. And the indie space has rushed to fill the void, so Zelda enjoyers of all kinds are eating good. 6 months ago
No, I really enjoyed BotW for the same reason I enjoyed OoT! Both innovated and both were very different games exploring different concepts. BotW will forever be my go-to for “open world done right”, and OoT set up a solid action game with strong puzzle elements; that said, fuck the water temple.
Games that break genuinely new ground are rare, in the case of both the old and new Zelda’s there are good and bad (the nds era was a bit of a stagnation), the really groundbreaking titles push the hardware through skilled coding and amazing game loop design.
Also, no spoilers for tears please, it’s on my list once I get a few weeks vacation! 6 months ago
I’ve played almost every Zelda except 1+2 (I swear I’ll get to it…someday) and the CD-i ones. BotW + TotK was some of my favourite times with the franchise, it really took me back to experiencing OoT + MM back-to-back.
I think a lot of the “People hate BotW/TotK/x Zelda” is partially an online circlejerk, tbh. No matter what the vocal Zelda fans may tout as “popular” opinion, there’s actually a lot of variance in and outside of the Zelda community. I remember when Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were touted as the black sheep of the franchise, and look at them now.
(Except Wand of Gamalon. That might be the one universally hated Zelda game in my experience, lol.) 6 months ago
keep a pen and paper handy!
Nah, just snap a pick with your phone. 6 months ago
I’d say play them in release order. I hope you didn’t pay much for that set… 6 months ago
Hold up. What are the oracle GBA editions? are they actually enhanced? 6 months ago
Nah. They’re bootleg apparently. Returning them.
The only one I tried was AwakeningDX. It plays with a thick border, and saves don’t persist when you remove the cart. So sending the lot back. 6 months ago
A link to the past (four swords is multiplayer, not sure how that would work), link’s awakening, oracle of ages/seasons (they are connected, either order works), minish cap. 6 months ago
Just throwing these links in here: 6 months ago
Yeah. Analogue has a “hack” that lets you play ROMs off SD.
Just thought I’d try to do it “legit.” 6 months ago
Y 6 months ago
I say play Awakening first. 6 months ago
Ok so the Analogue comes in 2 days. Dusted off my DSLite to get started on Awakening and saves don’t persist after I remove the cart. Cart battery reads 3.3V. Any ideas?
Super high battery internal resistance? Haven’t tried to replace it yet. 6 months ago
Unhelpful idea: practice as-is until you’re good enough to beat it in one sitting 6 months ago
There’s a proper way using a soldering iron, and a hacky way using tape. YouTube has tons of tutorials. 6 months ago
Super Mario 2: 6 Golden Coins is incredible.
Tetris is great but I prefer the Rosy Retrospection hack. Maybe wait and see if Modretro releases the officially licensed Chromatic Tetris down the road. Chromatic Tetris is already being used in competitions and it looks incredible.
Dr. Mario 6 months ago
Play order for portable Zeldas: Link’s Awakening (DX is the same game with an additional dungeon), then both Oracles games (Seasons and Ages, there’s content you can only see if you play both), then Minish Cap, then Four Swords. 6 months ago
Swap the positions of Minish Cap and Link to the Past, then play them from the bottom up.
I’m not sure if that’s the actual release order, but it feels like the right “progression” to me. 6 months ago
Order? Order real GBC cartridges. 6 months ago
maybe if real cartridges weren’t $20-80 each 6 months ago
not sure i get why? they’ve already got these carts, and presumably have a gba to play them with. it’s not like nintendo gets a cut either way, since you’re only gonna find used copies. 6 months ago
I wrote this after they made the decision, as an “order” joke. Personally, I wouldn’t mind playing pirated copies from an SD multicart or a PC emulator but there are people who care about that.