- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 1 week ago:
I had heated floors in a Chicago apartment. I would lay tomorrow’s clothes on the floor at night and they were toasty warm when I put them on in the morning. Then, I’d put my blanket on the floor when I left for work and it would be nice and warm when I was ready to jump into bed at night.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 4 months ago:
Pig and and, and and whistle.
- Comment on Wow! Doom really can run on anything! 4 months ago:
Let’s just fuck em all up then, right?
- Comment on Wow! Doom really can run on anything! 4 months ago:
The plants still take 6 to 7 years to mature. If you think broadcasting that you can fuck up nopales because they produce paddles annually, you’re not promoting an environment that’s sustainable for the nopales.
You do you… but I think it’s not cool to fuck with them.
- Comment on Wow! Doom really can run on anything! 4 months ago:
Don’t fuck with cacti. They live in an inhospitable place and take years to grow. Prickly pear cacti are more sustainable than other varieties, but still take years to mature. Enjoy them for what they are and leave them alone.
- Comment on Rap Video rule 4 months ago:
… is what we’re livin’ in……
- Comment on Mark Cuban: "The Mainstream Media Truly Leans Right" 5 months ago:
What the hell is with this article? This source doesn’t seem like a legitimate publication house.
- Comment on There are now more electric cars than gas cars on Norway's roads 5 months ago:
I’ve been traveling all across the US in an EV and haven’t had any issues with range in the winter. Colorado mountains during ski season, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana in the spring. The built in navigation routes you to chargers based on current conditions and I’ve seen minimal range drop.
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
Progressive taxes are not the same as ‘progressive’ in terms of social politics.
Progressive taxes are how our tax brackets work. The more you make, the more you pay. This is them saying private companies will use progressive taxation as their model for pricing goods.
- Comment on Only ever played OOoT, MM, and WW. Just ordered an Analogue Pocket. Suggest an order. 6 months ago:
I’ve been playing the Zelda series since the original NES game in the 80s. BOTW and TOTK are some of my favorites.
- Comment on Check mate, creationists 9 months ago:
- Comment on Mercedes becomes the first automaker to sell autonomous cars in the U.S. that don't come with a requirement that drivers watch the road 10 months ago:
Time for snoo-snoo?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. They have a large waitlist and are early in iteration on this product.
I’d bet they have hardware recalls for the next 18 months that taper off as they ramp up. The amount of new engineering that went in the cybertruck is insane compared to any other vehicle in their lineup.
This is why you see all of the legacy automakers having problems making EVs, having tons of recalls, and pulling back. New technology is hard to mass produce until you work out all the kinks in the design and workflow.
I wouldn’t by a CT because I don’t like the aesthetics; but, if I did, I wouldn’t buy one for at least 3 years from now. Same reason I won’t buy a Rivian R1S. They aren’t at the point the recalls are down to manageable. Rivian may be good in another year or 2. The ford EV line… seems like them pulling back means they won’t have a decent EV track record for at least a decade, if they’re still around then.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
This is not an unreasonable statement. I’ve had a Tesla for 7 years and tell people that don’t have a way to charge at home that it will be the only drawback to owning one. Especially if it’s a commuter and you don’t travel.
When I had a charger at home, it saved me about 1800$ a year on gas alone compared to electricity increase. Plus, you don’t have to leave 15 minutes early for work to stop and fill up on your way in and the incidental breakfast taco or Red Bull purchase while you fill up stopped, as well.
I work remotely now and travel all over the country. There are plenty of superchargers on major roads and destination chargers at hotels, but I have had 2 instances where I had to plan specific routes to visit remote national parks or I wouldn’t have enough charge to get back. I was able to plan them and see the parks, but it took a bit of forethought to make sure.
If you have a way to charge at home, it’s a no-brainer. My gas savings alone would have covered the cost of the car in the life of the vehicle if I kept the same driving habits. If you drive a ton in super remote areas, you have to pay attention to where the 2100 superchargers are. The car does that for you, but on the occasional remote trip, there are pockets of road uncovered by charging stations.
As for superchargers eating batteries, I’ve lost around 5% of my total range in 8 years and can get around 317 miles on a full charge (335 from factory). I hardly ever drive more than 250 miles before I stop for a break, so it hasn’t affected me at all yet.
- Comment on Solar is beginning to sunset natural gas use in Texas 10 months ago:
- Comment on Sperm whales drop 'bubble of poo' off WA to prevent orca attack in rarely recorded encounter 11 months ago:
That’s a lot of boo boo.
- Comment on Human brains found at archaeological sites are surprisingly well-preserved 11 months ago:
That’s a walnut, homey.
- Comment on Finland detects more GPS jammers as drivers increasingly try to hide their tracks | Yle News | Yle 11 months ago:
If they’re company owned cars, the company would be the one determining whether or not to opt in.
- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago:
Tax tire sales. Heavy cars have more expensive tire s or tires that need to be replaced more often. Scales adequately for road maintenance because heavy vehicles cause more wear on roads.
- Comment on Can you manage your house with a local, no-cloud voice assistant? Mostly, yes. 1 year ago:
I loved being able to control the dimmer level or color of the lights using voices controls.
I set up a few IFTTT recipes to create lighting and music scenes for things like reading, conversation, movie watching, date night, party time, and a few others and triggered them with a voice command.
It was always a hit with whoever I brought over, but mostly it just did 4 or 5 things with one voice command.
- Comment on ‘Boycott Tesla’ ads to air during Super Bowl — “Tesla dances away from liability in Autopilot crashes by pointing to a note buried deep in the owner’s manual, that says Autopilot is only safe on fr... 1 year ago:
That’s the case in the US, too. The car automatically shuts off autopilot after 3 warnings of not keeping your hands on the steering wheel. It produces a loud audible alert after a few seconds if it senses the driver isn’t keeping their hands on the wheel. After the 3rd time, it continues the audible alert until the driver takes back control.
There are also several warnings about keeping your hands on the wheel and staying alert when engaging autopilot.
The people saying otherwise are either ignorant or disingenuous.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I wonder if they saw a large enough down tick is user traffic to realize that endlessly badgering people with 5 ads to watch a 30 second clip is driving away their user base.
I know my YouTube consumption has decreased by a factor of 10. I used to use it for almost all of my streaming entertainment. With the password sharing crackdown, I am spending more time reading and going outside than I have in the past decade. That’s a trend these providers don’t want catching on.
- Comment on AI Companies Lose $190 Billion After Dismal Financial Reports 1 year ago:
The current state of AI development is going to cost a ton of money until its maturity. Any company that is in “AI” right now is either intentionally spending billions of dollars to solve AGI, which will ultimately open up trillions in marketplace solutions, or is using the press to market fledgling AI “solutions” or “integrations” with fancier versions of narrow AI.
AGI is in its infancy and is progressing on an exponential curve. The first time anyone heard of ChatGPT was 14 months ago and , with proper prompting, it’s already easy to use to write college level essays and is passing higher education tests like SAT, GRE, medical exams, CPA certifications, and the bar. Think of what will. Happen when it hits its toddler stage, let alone adolescence or maturity.
Any way you look at it, the days of hearing about AI are just starting and it will dominate the press in the next decade.
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
If google stops strip mining my data when I pay for their service, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I’m not going to pay to be someone’s product.
- Comment on These aren't "feel good" stories, they're "we live in hell" stories. 1 year ago:
Maybe run a quick google search before asking an educator if they know words…
- Comment on Tesla is recalling 1.62 million vehicles in China over autopilot safety controls 1 year ago:
The issue comes in that historically recalls require you to take your car in for service… hence the name. With OTA updates, the issues are often fixed before the consumer even knows there is an issue and the “recall” effectively just becomes communication that there was a problem.
These communications definitely need to continue happening and should remain mandatory by law, but calling them the same thing that requires a trip to the mechanic or dealership to replace parts specifically being broadcast to discredit the technology.
People that aren’t informaed about the difference end up believing these issues will prevent their car from working or reduce reliability when they are simple software patches that happen without the need for additional resources.
- Comment on The 'Effective Accelerationism' movement doesn't care if humans are replaced by AI as long as they're there to make money from it 1 year ago:
The answer to this problem is taxation and UBI. Give tax breaks for businesses with ‘fully employed’ jobs (including benefits packages) and hit businesses that automate jobs away even harder.
Tax the things that make society worse and incentivize the things that make it better.
- Comment on Nvidia CEO Foresees AI Competing with Human Intelligence in Five Years 1 year ago:
Tax the business at a high enough rate it hurts, then give tax breaks to incentivize “fully employed workers with benefits meeting ‘X’ minimums”….
Use automation if it is the correct answer for productivity or solving a given problem but you still have to kick in for the society you want to live in. Businesses shouldn’t get to harvest all of the value out of a society without contributing. Providing jobs was the old mechanism… now it’s evolving.
If they offshore hq to dodge taxation, tax the local product or service at a commensurate rate. If you want access to our marketplace, you chip in, too. That should go for every country on the planet.
- Comment on Reddit Falls Short of Ad Growth Targets Ahead of Likely 2024 IPO 1 year ago:
I’m ok with the platform having open speech, so long as I can find communities within the platform that have basic rules of decorum. If I can’t filter out people, like the assholes I have to interact with at my workplace, to actually engage in intellectual discourse without it revolving into this racial slur or that political opinion, I’ll just find somewhere else to spend my time.
- Comment on NASA has some explaining to do 1 year ago:
(3) …Christianity or basic foundational education…