The recent stopkillinggames campaign has been my first exposure to UK petitions.
Instead of “if sold on the understanding that they will remain playable indefinitely” should be switched to say unless they are sold with an understanding that they will not be playable indefinitely.
Game companies should be explicitly stating whether a game will have a limited lifespan based on things like server availability. Especially for single player games with online verification. 9 months ago
Classic petition response. “We will do nothing extra here, there are already rules in place even if they are shitty ones you don’t like, suck it up.” 9 months ago
This is why I never saw the point in the UK petition. Fuck all chance the tories would give a fuck and it was a waste of time signing it. I very much doubt there’s even 100 mps from all parties that have any real understanding of video games or give a fuck about them. 9 months ago
Kinda why I still think it would have been a good idea for it to refer to software in general. 9 months ago
About what I was expecting.
Kinda hoping for it to reach the debate milestone, but its growth seems to have slowed. Still plenty of time for that to change though. It’s still in the first month I believe. 9 months ago
You are probably better off for asking that same question in 6 months, maybe less. 9 months ago
I guess the petition committee only has the significant power to request information for their response. 9 months ago
The petition isn’t over with this response, it’ll run for 6 months and if it breaks 100,000 signatures it is required to be debated in Parliament.